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Everything posted by Kelso_Helmet

  1. as you can see....i was trying to do something along those lines for my avatar....but can't change the status line under the picture
  2. Season of 7-9 (sing to tune of Bryan Adams "Summer of 69" Going 0 for 6 in the division Cuz Ralphie won't spend a dime I look like the walking dead Another season of 7 and 9 The passing game is pathetic Looks like Ferragamo to Denard No-huddle sucks, Turk-ey got fired Shoulda known, we'd never get far When you look back now These 4 years seem to last for-ever And when Ralph has the chouice He'll head north and say "Au revior" I am the worst coach of all time Another season of 7 and 9....
  3. he would say "well...of course I'd like to be 3,438 and 0......"
  4. "...Coach....you do realize I'm not even on the field, don't you?"
  5. Been reading a lot about former Bills like Kelly, Thurman, Talley....I guess we all like to hope that these guys will somehow rejuvinate this franchise even though their playing years are long past. Maybe it's wishful thinking that compels us to read into a twitter post or an off-hand remark on a radio program and hope that it means these guys will come riding in to save the day and make our team relevant again. But there is something to the way these guys approached the game that we want to see again, perhaps more so than them actually being the ones to turn things around like we hoped Marv would a few years ago with his return. Maybe we caught lightning in a bottle with those guys for that run in the early to mid 90s and the Bills will never see their like again. But even if Jim Kelly isn't the one to come in on his white horse and rescue the Bills...and even if Ralph will obviously never sell this team...what is clear is that this front office and coaching staff are not equipped to put together a product deserving of the fan base it has. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over.....Jauron has made us all lose our minds.
  6. seems like a good balance given Ralph's priorities and what the Bills' need. he's a "character" guy, has some measure of success on his resume (that would be novel), not a huge name, but at least recognizable, would resonate with the fan base... having a guy with a pulse too....that alone would be nice
  7. the Bills have really enabled me to focus on my fantasy squad
  8. no big name is coming to Buffalo. we need to dig in for a few more years of suckitude hire some retread hanging around the old coaches' home, as well as turner gill as an assistant coach and groom him for taking over the position eventually
  9. if you called Terrell out on it at a press conference, he's probably start crying... "that's my slot receiver....sniff...that's my slot receiver..."
  10. unfortunately, the flight attendant's name was Chad
  11. sadly no....when you fly a lot for work, you end up seeing just about every bad movie there is. i really wish i could sleep on planes.
  12. metzelaars was the king of all mermaids. still one of my all time faves, though...
  13. i've said it before...i'll say it again... arguing the merits of JP vs. the merits of Trent is like arguing about who was better in "Gigli," Ben Affleck or Jennifer Lopez.....
  14. Hard to nail down the exact reason...is it more play calling than talent and execution. But here's one thing that is abundantly clear. Jauron is a really bad manager (clock, time outs, challenges), a questionable play caller, and really bad at in-game adjustments. The other issues that are not as readily seen notwithstanding, just given the team's performance over the past few seasons, these reasons are enough for him to be fired.
  15. call me old and crotchedy, but i hate all this tweeting bs
  16. Hope we don't see Another catchless TO Getcha popcorn ready
  17. There were two unknown persons last week at the Bills/Saints matchup. They were later identified as Terrell Owens and Lee Evans.
  18. for some reason, when announcers are spewing this sort of cliche, they feel the need to emphatically use the phrase "in the National Football League" as if it gives it some additional significance - e.g., after throwing an INT, "you can't make plays like that in the National Football League." That really helps as I'm watching an NFL game, because prior to that, I was thinking in the context of the St. Ignateus High School Intramural flag football league, where you can repeatedly throw ugly interceptions and not suffer any reprecussions... thanks for clarifying
  19. He's definitely a throwback player with a linebacker mentality. Not an east-west runner who makes you miss a lot, but definitely a player who gets you the three yards and a cloud of dust. Every team needs a guy like him, he's a great change of pace back. He does a lot of the things that don't show up on the stat sheet. ...that's all the cliche i can dredge up now...
  20. People can take what they want from this game - either optimism for a young team and yet another moral victory to hang on mommy's refrigerator before going to Dairy Queen, or a disappointing performance against a team that did everything they could to put the Bills in a position to win. But you can't fault people for being a little pissy after the game. We've seen glimmers of hope before that never come to a bright fruition, or seem to get offset by coaching decisions that just leave you scratching your head. Being a Bills fan for the three decades that I have gives me a platinum card line of credit for whining, and I'm gonna use it. I've never been a Trent basher, per se, but today was a big step backwards. When your D keeps you in the game against a great offense and you fail on 10 or so straight 3rd down conversions against a subpar Defense, it can't be all coaching, the line or WR drops..although this team collectively sh*t the bed on offense today. A good deal of this has to fall on Trent's shoulders and this is the type of game a progressing QB shouldn't have. A lot of the frustration stems from all of us seeing Jauron on the sidelines. That casts a shadow over everything this team does this year. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. That is what watching Jauron feels like. And just seeing inept game management combined with a lack of huevos is so hard to watch every week. I think this organization and its fans just expect the team to find a way to lose. Even if we have the pieces in place to build a Rolls Royce, we're letting Ted Kennedy drive it.
  21. today brought me back to the days of Mularkey and Fairchild....
  22. Right now I'd take Vince Ferragamo throwing to Preston Denard and Speedy Neal...
  23. It's like Jauron really only wants the moral victory. No balls whatsoever.
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