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Everything posted by Kelso_Helmet

  1. i want to see them get back in this game, just cuz i'm curious to see how Jauron and his staff will blow it at the end this time...
  2. 2nd and 26...what are the odds the broncho's convert?
  3. are they even trying? i think OJ put forth more effort than this into finding the "real" killers
  4. and i'm feelin' kinda sunday....sundayyyyyy
  5. and i'm feelin' kinda sunday....sundayyyyyy
  6. and i'm feelin' kinda sunday....sundayyyyyy
  7. and i'm feelin' kinda sunday....sundayyyyyy
  8. and there's banana peels everywhere
  9. the Broncho's Royal is a little better than ours.....
  10. JP was worse....if not for the music sh*tty miracle (and a holding call against the Bills during a missed Titans' FG attempt that gave Del Greco another shot) RJ would have actually won a playoff game. But neither is (should be) a starting QB in the NFL....
  11. I would add the non-challenge by Jauron in the Pats game on the play where Welker (i think) caught the ball out of bounds...changed that whole game
  12. you did do the bowling ball shot, right???? it's not optional.......
  13. Ditto here. A pass play was the last thing I wanted to see JP attempt coming out of the huddle, only slightly edging out JP lining up to kick an 85 yard field goal.
  14. If we had the Egyptian reporter who was in Bagdad today, we probably win. He knows how to get the throw off before getting taken down.
  15. if he tried he would probably throw the punch about two feet over his head
  16. I've found that "playing to win vs. playing not to lose" is one of the most overused turns of phrase used in discussing football...what does that even mean anymore? Looking to stick with "safer" or conventional plays vs. taking chances? I wouldn't characterize the Cleveland game nor today's game as either playing to win or lose. I would characterize them both as simply playing stupid. I would characterize the Cleveland game as the Bills being one-dimensional because TE was playing badly, but I wouldn't call the long kick DJ settled for over trying to move the ball a little closer in the air a higher-percentage play, and as such "playing not to lose." The roll-out by JP today, again, while it bucked the trend of conventional wisdom given the success on the ground and the imperative to run out the clock, was dumb given the circumstances. Maybe if you've got a decent, starting quality QB and some success with having run those type of plays....ok...it's maybe conceivable. But given the personnel on the field, it wasn't "playing to win." It was playing stupid.
  17. Yes, they should demonstrate heart by committing a felonious assault on their teammate... ....way to keep it all in perspective
  18. What in the hell did we all do in a past life to deserve this????
  19. Every time i think i have seen it all...EVERY MOTHER F'ING TIME!!!!!!
  21. beastmode and head came to play today
  22. Like I said.....Dierdork has the long-term memory of a flea.....now Brett is a horrible QB.
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