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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. The sloganeering from idiots like you never gets tired. We get it, you need a boogieman to blame for the violence that human beings have wrought on each other throughout history. So the NRA it is. Retard.
  2. That's a great start. Let's get rid of all the incumbents.
  3. You mean reports with absolutely zero details? You might want to see someone who can prescribe you something to counteract the estrogen in your system. Is there a downside to this one?
  4. Shocking. Luckily the school is also an alcohol and drug free zone, so there's no possible way our precious youth have access to either of those things. Maybe we should model ourselves after Mexico. They have extraordinarily strict gun laws. We'll just bury our heads in the sand and ignore the murder rate that's 500% worse than ours and pretend we'd be more like the island nations of England and Australia. !@#$, liberals are stupid.
  5. Yesterday my wife and I went to a restaurant and had to listen to a wailing kid of about 4 scream at his parents. Told his mother he was going to "punch her in the face". Unreal.
  6. I wouldn't take anything of measure away from Wannestadt's "defense". That was the worst coaching I've seen in the NFL. Even Rich Kotite was laughing.
  7. http://www.grabberman.com/CatBrowser.aspx?pkey=sKT%2fW5%2bT14JjDgMJa8D6LZ1dZKMJMbII9k98PNCN8%2fU%3d&pval=oj3Wj32k0KoohYhOpCq8%2fg%3d%3d&pIds=bTt%2fqrDlbuPJAFwFI99Ui1dj%2f8fHfhHQrwBRjpPu54Q%3d I used Deck Master with Trex when I built my deck about 15 years ago. The nicest thing about the Deck Master was that the screws were self-tapping so it went into the composite like a knife through butter. I lightly pressure wash it once a year and it still looks as good as the day I installed it. Before I decked it, I treated the wood with log cabin oil and let it dry for a week. I retreated the visible surfaces a couple of years ago.
  8. The scenes of "Comedians playing poker" are some of the funniest things I've ever seen. Jim Norton kills me.
  9. I get such a kick out of BILLS' fans complaining about how you can't run those patterns in the NFL when the Patriots have been murdering us with them for over a decade. Perry Fewell used to line the CBs up 10 yards off the line and Brady would complete dozens of passes for first down after first down. Watkins is going to be another Percy Harvin. Hopefully he can stay healthy because dude is a witch. And giving up a first rounder is only an issue if you refuse to use the money to get an upper tier FA that season. Hopefully DW is paying attention.
  10. And they'd be morons. There were holes there for big gains and Spiller flat out missed them. There's a reason Fred is consistently more productive.
  11. And they are a model franchise who're regularly held in high regard...
  12. It's a huge moment because there are still a lot of places where gay people are beaten and murdered only because they are gay. His drafting and being honest about who he is has plenty of significance to young people who are gay. The fact that it's polarizing is the reason that it is significant. It's a lot tougher to be a bigot when you have to face it every single day.
  13. I'm not sure what the Steelers did has anything to do with what Whaley would or wouldn't do. I've learned from a lot of successful people during my travels and I don't lead exactly the same as any of them. Many of them refuse to use all the tools in their toolboxes for a variety of reasons.
  14. I won't go through it. If the BILLS leave, I'm done with the NFL. Forever.
  15. Probably the most honest hard rock band ever. Never compromised, never tried to be anything other than what they were. Still incredibly influential.
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