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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. bull ****. It doesn't matter where you get your "coverage" from. The vast majority of all media, regardless of source is hard core liberal and anyone who doesn't think that is a fool. The media is choosing winners and losers because the average person is indoctrinated and unable to do any critical thinking on their own. You can't seriously be contending that a shift in how someone gets content has anything to do with bias, right? Because that's absolute nonsense. http://www.mrc.org/m...l-bias-part-one “So many [reporters and editors] share a kind of political and cultural progressivism — for lack of a better term — that this worldview virtually bleeds through the fabric of the Times. As a result, developments like the Occupy movement and gay marriage seem almost to erupt in the Times, overloved and undermanaged, more like causes than news subjects.” — Outgoing public editor Arthur Brisbane in his final New York Times column, August 26, 2012.
  2. No, it isn't. Compare Christie's "Bridge Gate" coverage to whatever the Obama scandal you want. I can only imagine the coverage of Bengazi, the IRS, etc if a Republican was in the White House - and the media would be correct to do it.
  3. The only thing that heals that loss is getting right back on the horse. There's a great dog in a shelter near you that's facing death and would love nothing more than to be your new best friend. Maisy would want that - it's the best tribute you can ever give.
  4. His ratings were sliding significantly before he left. Being the best on MSNBC is like being the best team in the CHL. No one cares.
  5. Most Americans don't understand consequences. They're effectively indoctrinated and can be sold pretty much anything. Anyone with half a clue knew that going into the Middle East meant an enormous and long term commitment that would be expensive both politically and financially. Given our economic situation at the time, it was pure folly to think the benefits of war outweighed the negatives. Thanks, bipartisans!
  6. Why doesn't Congress just ask the NSA for the emails?
  7. Wrong. Wrong. This is just another one of those things that you "indoctrinated" tards don't get. There's a finite amount of resources available and if you choose to pay people a high wage despite the fact that they no longer perform a service for you, it has a significant downstream effect. That's why the market-based world has gone to a defined contribution system. Pensions are simply unsustainable. I doubt the pay scale in North Carolina has much to do with getting/retaining teachers or the quality of education. I suspect that the liberal systems in place that don't punish malaise nor reward competence, the socially liberal "programs," and removal of virtually every disciplinary tool from the educator is far more to blame. Keep doing what you're always doing, you'll keep getting what you're always getting. Yeah, it's a big conspiracy by the conservatives to keep people down. Even though LIBERALS are clearly the ones who benefit most from a larger number of people needing assistance. How !@#$ing stupid are you? I wish you self-avowed "intelligent" liberals were forced to live amongst those you think you're "helping," instead of just waxing poetically about them at the parties where you get together to sniff each others farts. You'd find out what the ramifications of your stupidity really are.
  8. 12th in the nation in Cost of Living. Nothing like cherry picking stats because it fits your liberal ideals. North Carolina is in terrible trouble concerning Public Employee Pension Liabilities - which is the real crisis nationwide that's crushing education: http://www.forbes.co...led-experiment/ This is a continuing theme where unions have bankrupted the taxpayer across the public spectrum. They build our schools at a significantly increased cost and then "negotiate" with the public "servants" they put in office for long term, sweet yet unaffordable deals for the public employees that will run them. Then they help pass laws to keep from having to really disclose what's going on and use their "friends" in the media to blame everyone but themselves. Lather, rinse, repeat. The fact that President Obama is still playing the "Bush Bad" card after over 5 YEARS should be a warning light even for you but you're so !@#$ing indoctrinated that you can't see through the bukkake on your visage. The next time you want to find a patsy for the state of education in this country, go ahead and look right in the mirror. You !@#$ing sheep. Everything in life is about balance - something liberals have no understanding of. Giving a central authority full autonomy to control every facet of the game is a recipe for disaster. Learn from history or die from it.
  9. Hey liberals...How'd the Duke rape case work out? You know, the one where you hung every dude supposedly involved before finding out the real story? Keep making the marginal famous because you think you have a "cause" and then enjoy the fruits of your labors. Morons.
  10. I'm pretty sure this thread is all the proof anyone will ever need on why the judicial system sucks.
  11. Don't worry, liberal "prosperity" is always just around the corner. Really? That's the thing that got your goat? What is it, your time of the month? You just basically defended tin pot dictatorship because the douche bag who did it happens to match up with your ideology. What would be your response if someone from the other party did the same thing? Don't bother responding, you "educated" guy, you.
  12. birddog, proving once again that you can't have an intelligent argument with the "educated."** **Indoctrinated
  13. Don't leave your toothbrush in your hotel room.
  14. Lack of enforcement of U.S. Immigration laws has no negligible effect on society. Sincerely, The 9/11 Terrorists
  15. Doubtful. A fall from 30 feet all but guarantees serious injury.
  16. I don't need to even read the article to know I don't want to live in Indiana. Driving through it a couple of times gave me more than enough information on that subject.
  17. Yeah, because a bunch of third worlders love it everyone else should too. Popularity has never equaled quality and it never will. Kickball is the WalMart of sports.
  18. More laws will keep people from killing each other. Prohibition is always successful. History be damned.
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