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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. And last name. Don't forget how important that is. Also, don't be surprised if Monica Lewinsky eventually ends up running the country. Her "successes" are about as impressive as Hillary Clinton's.
  2. Why does it matter? Name the last crime that was committed by someone using 100 round magazine for anything. People who want to kill people have always been able to find a way to do it. Timothy McVeigh used fertilizer and diesel fuel. The VaTech shooter used 2 pistols (a 10 round .22 caliber and a 15 round 9mm) to kill 32 people and wound 17. Changing the size of the magazine probably wouldn't have any real effect. The last time they tried a national magazine size law, the only real change was the price of larger cap mags on the used/reconditioned market. That horse has left the barn. We should be chasing the things that actually matter. The vast majority of gun violence in this country is tied to gang and drug culture. That's where the concentration should be. The gun laws currently on the books should be enforced, swiftly and without mercy on those who use firearms to injure or terrorize others. Until that happens (and it rarely does), there shouldn't be another law passed.
  3. Because I'm tired of people having "opinions" that aren't based on anything even remotely factual and how generally rabid they are about them. Gatorman is the prime example of today's partisan. We've generally run off most of the "died in the wool" partisan Republicans from this board but Gatorman's like an ass boil that just won't heal. Big points from me for being man enough to admit it, though I'm not looking for any kind of win.
  4. Dude, an adult male was RAPING his ELEVEN year old son. ELEVEN. It's not right? Really?
  5. Actually, you do. YOU made the statement that rifles could be separated into 3 piles: Hunting versus non-hunting with a third that apparently have big bird stickers on them to appeal to children (or something suitably ridiculous). I asked you for 3 examples from each group. You asked ME to do the research to prove YOUR hypothesis. Another ignorant "genius" exposed because when asked to provide the basis for opinion, you ran into the closet to search for your blankie. The differences in "rifles" that liberals want to ban and legal hunting rifles are mostly cosmetic. Anyone with even a cursory knowledge of how firearms work understands that distinction. No need to be an expert in this particular case. That being said, the Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting... Obviously not. There is a market element that exists to get people to buy rifles at premium prices because they are the ones the idiot politicians want to ban (and have driven the price up between 300-500% from pre-ban levels). I could show Diane Feinstein or Harvey Waxmen 10 different guns, all with similar across the board characteristics, and they'd want to ban the "scary" looking ones. They're apparently as smart as you are.
  6. My response was pretty clearly about guns, followed by an insult. Though I would say it's generally pretty easy to distinguish whether people are informed on this particular subject. So do it then. After all, it's your hypothesis that we're talking about. Give us three examples from each group. That's nine guns total. Shouldn't be that hard to do, right? You know, since you know what you're talking about and obviously have some data to back up what you're saying. Oh, I'm quite sure by the end of this there won't be anything left to "perceive."
  7. Wrong. But don't let your ignorance on the subject get in the way of your passion. That's what makes so many people today "special."
  8. Another stupid article. Cutting taxes isn't going to show short term positive economic results. People and companies aren't going to start moving to Kansas in droves just because of low taxation. It's not the !@#$ing Gold Rush, you moron. No one can turn a battleship around in a phone booth.
  9. And yet some people still don't understand the reason to limit the power of government...
  10. A liberal asking for tangible evidence? Ladies and germs, we've now seen everything.
  11. You might be the dumbest educated person in history. Your ability to twist yourself into a knot and find the tiniest scraps that you think somehow prove something is breathtaking in its retardedness. Bravo, Corky. Bravo.
  12. http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/215/2512/
  13. Another brilliant response. Your solution to "helping the American people" is changing bumper stickers. And you wonder why we call you a !@#$ing retard.
  14. I read that post and thought EXACTLY the same thing.
  15. Like? Be specific on the things that the party controlling a single house of Congress could be doing to help. Otherwise shut your partisan hole. The President and Democratic Congress rammed through a terrible law and has been back peddling on its implementation ever since.
  16. Maybe the media that brought you Barack Obama and the rest of the lefty drivel... Never mind.
  17. You might have missed the memo. Our first world problems often seem to require third world solutions.
  18. You mean because gangs only use legally gotten guns and if guns were made completely illegal then gangs wouldn't ever be able to get their hands on them? It won't resemble drug war at all, amiright? "Gun humper"?
  19. http://www.cnn.com/2014/07/07/health/new-york-medical-marijuana/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 There's nothing the politicians in this state won't screw up. 20 whole hospitals and the supply coming from seized weed? Genius.
  20. Gun violence in America has been declining "for years". The places with the steepest "declines" are generally the places with the least amount of gun regulation. But those are things the liberal media doesn't like to talk about, instead focusing on the "if it bleeds, it leads" stuff that gets all the mental twerps into a frenzy. Want to stifle the mass shooting "thing"? Stop making these pieces of crap famous. From the BOJ: Firearm-related homicides declined 39%, from 18,253 in 1993 to 11,101 in 2011. Nonfatal firearm crimes declined 69%, from 1.5 million victimizations in 1993 to 467,300 victimizations in 2011 Of the 11,000+ firearm homicides, roughly 8900 of them are gang-related (CDC).
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