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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Then you're an idiot. And a threat from one person is quite different than the situation currently going on in Ferguson, Mo.
  2. bull ****. This isn't the third world. They segregate "at risk" suspects from the general populous when there is a question about their safety. This isn't any different.
  3. The officer currently isn't a suspect, though nothing says he won't be later. At this time there have been numerous death threats made against both the officer, his family, and other members of the police department. Whether they are credible or not is irrelevant because they must be treated as such and precious resources are being spent on them. Names and home addresses have been shared via multiple social media venues and there have been more than a few threats associated with those postings. It's simply prudent not to fan the flames and give the idiots who have essentially shut the town of Ferguson down any more ammunition, including shooting an innocent woman in the head last night. They've had to bring in police from multiple locations around St Louis and the National Guard has been deployed at night. There have been a number of assaults, including one of a reporter who was trying to do a story from the QT that was looted/burned. Little of this is being reported because the truth isn't in the media's best interest.
  4. Predictable response. Ignore your own hypocrisy and instead concentrate on the absolute that I put in the post just to get exactly the response you gave. You, just like everyone else here, know you are full of ****. I'd like any dog that took a dump on your lawn. Here's a fact for you: I don't give a **** about anything you have to say.
  5. Liberals can't face the fact that virtually the same percentage of the population lives in poverty as did before all the federal wealth redistribution apparatus got put in place.
  6. I correlated a few of your political views into a post. The fact that you can't understand how they intersect doesn't make anyone else "stupid." We all get that you don't like wealthy people. You "pecker checker" liberals use jealousy as the backbone to bring in the ignorant in droves. It's pretty much the best recruiting tool you have. "Come join us, we'll all be mediocre together! Let's drag everyone down to our level!" Good for you.
  7. Go ahead and tell the class why it's "stupid." We're all very eager with anticipation...
  8. CJ might have all the athletic talent in the world but he is "contact shy". He also misses some "tractor trailer" sized holes because he doesn't run intuitively. When he was drafted I had visions of Gale Sayers in my head but he's not even a poor man's Percy Harvin. Jackson could very easily be Kevin Faulk and be very effective in a whole bunch of different situations. I don't think he can be counted on to be a workhorse anymore but he could be the guy who is the key to the entire offense because he can get key first downs and be a consistent blocker on third downs that none of the others can be.
  9. I love preseason. It lets us know who has a clue about football and who doesn't.
  10. This is all the insight you need into the liberal "mindset". Corporations, because they are some kind of radical "right wing" profit machines shouldn't have any rights compared to individuals. Unions, because they vote almost totally dummycrat, are better than individuals.
  11. http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2014/07/14/reluctantly-patriot-flees-homeland-to-elude-taxes/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=1 I can only imagine how this article would look if the Senator was from a different political party...
  12. Another of the byproducts of government policy. Bad foreign policy and bad domestic policy have given us the trickle down effect of bad seizure policy. Congrats, partisans. Keep it up!
  13. Perhaps the U.S. should ask itself if its uncompetitive corporate tax rate is the reason for the situation...
  14. You're comparing apples and cinderblocks. I didn't give Brownback any favor - I simply called the original article stupid because it is. If you want to debate the merits of tax cuts versus stimulus spending, let's do it. I'd much rather starve the government than feed it.
  15. I'm pretty sure I called Obama an idiot too. You got a point to make?
  16. Brownback's an idiot. So are you. Big deal. Everyone likes to get caught up in this little game of gotcha. Politicians like to pretend that things as complicated as the economy can be fixed easily, except they can't because of all the dependencies created and the power of special interests. Cutting taxes is rarely a bad thing but there isn't any single thing that can positively change something as complex as a state's economy in the short term. Fixes generally take twice as long as the problems took to fester and require a lot of forethought and planning. Since Democrats and Republicans are involved, we'll get a gigantic dose of neither.
  17. I don't give a **** what you believe. I didn't watch "any" feed during the last election - I watched a hockey game on Center Ice and then went to bed. I generally get my news from the BBC and the only time I ever look at Drudge is if it's linked from this forum. Unlike the rest of you !@#$ing lemmings, I think for myself. I'm able to look at both of these horrible groups and realize that I don't want to identify with either. The fact that you idiots are still concentrating on Dick Cheney and diatribes from Paul Begala says you are pretty much hopeless. Not that that's actually news.
  18. I didn't realize that a politician who had been out of office for five years was still important enough to be the "face of the right." Anything to remove focus from the utter incompetence of the current administration and Congressional "leadership" on the left, eh partisan lemmings?
  19. That's the one whose name I actually remember, mostly because he was just as childish in PMs as he was on the board. There have been others but I don't care enough to remember their names.
  20. Don't worry, Al Sharpton's involved. It can only get better from here.
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