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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. America hasn't been able to afford its government for decades. The DoD is just a part of the problem.
  2. Harvin's success has as much to do with defenses having to respect Russell Wilson and Lynch as it does with Harvin's talent. When we have a QB who can keep a defense honest, the other talent will flourish.
  3. Yeah, I'm one of the great unwashed. I so wish I was able to put aside the realities of life and history so I could spend my days smelling my own farts and pretending I'm not an enormous hypocrite. I like how you cherry-picked Benghazi, which is the one example of those I gave that has the least amount of facts presented. So very predictable. You're such a lemming that no amount of evidence will cause you to change your mind. You're all too willing to swallow the MSM narrative and regurgitate it ad nauseum. Pointing out liberal hypocrisy when it comes to investigating corruption isn't "changing the subject." The fact is your partisan following knows no bounds, so it's zero surprise that you think every scandal involving your deities is fake. It doesn't fit your narrow view and isn't an opinion the MSM regularly bombards at you "high information" ( ) voters. Liberals need to be reminded of those things because it exposes you for who you really are. One more thing: Hating people like you and liberals in general doesn't make anyone conservative by default. Try and fit that into that !@#$ing pea in your melon, as if there's any room left.
  4. It's going to take even longer to dig out of the messes the "No Strategy" President is going to leave than it has for "Mission Accomplished." I didn't think that was remotely possible but Mr. Obama and the Dummycrap "Leadership" are even dumber than I gave them credit for.
  5. When one of you partisan hypocrites is exposed for being a huge dumb ass, use selective reading in a vain attempt to defend: This comment is pretty ambiguous, right Birddog? You're such a !@#$ing retard. Regardless of that, it doesn't change the point that you and gaytorman are incredibly huge, douchey hypocrites because you don't demand the same standards of the people who share your ridiculous "everything can be made into a unicorn if there's enough of someone else's money thrown at it" political views as you do anyone who doesn't.
  6. No, you !@#$ing twit. It has nothing to do with "tit for tat". Not one person in this thread has said anything to defend the dude who got convicted. What we'd like is someone the level of the prosecutor in this case to investigate all of the scandals going on in DC because there's an awful lot of smoke and no real effort to look for the fire. You know, instead of Eric Holder - who is just as inept as Mr. "We Don't Have a Strategy Yet" Obama. But you keep right on with your "us against them" mentality because that's what the masters who count on your partisan idiocy depend on.
  7. I can see how you'd get that from a bunch of posts that point out YOUR hypocrisy. You know, because you're a retard. Put a check mark next to "Introspection" on the ever growing list of "Things Liberals !@#$ing Suck At".
  8. We should probably promote the prosecutor in that case to Holder's seat, so we could get an actual investigation and charges on Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS, etc. You know, instead of having an Attorney General whose main focus appears to be looking under every rock and couch cushion trying to find racism where it isn't. Nothing to see there, right partisan tard?
  9. There isn't a GM in the NFL who wouldn't have picked Andrew Luck. The Colts picked Luck WITH a HoF QB on their roster. That's how goddamn obvious that pick was.
  10. While Eddie Robinson pretty much sucked in Buffalo, he had a productive NFL career and was a pretty decent piece on a very good Oilers' team. Kelvin Sheppard never met a gap he could fill and he couldn't cover a blind invalid in the passing game. I'm really surprised he's actually hung on so long in Indy. I suspect the Colts' GM hasn't gaffed him until now because of how one-sided the trade obviously has been. Wasn't great? Wasn't good enough to be considered even mediocre. I used to call him "donut" because he was the gigantic hole in the middle of our defense that was regularly exploited by every team we played. Sheppard has been in the league for a number of years because of his college team, where he was drafted, and because he was traded for. The Colts' GM wasn't going to readily admit how big a mistake that was, just like Buddy/Chan did when they kept parading his sorry butt back out there. Sheppard's play in Buffalo was on the level of Eric Flowers. He was absolutely terrible. I literally spent the last season of his time in WNY concentrating on him every snap. There isn't even a word to describe how unbelievably bad he was.
  11. Keith Ellison could actually cover someone once in awhile.
  12. No, he wasn't. He might be the worst starting linebacker ever to play for this team.
  13. The rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated. Despite various attempts, I have yet to off myself in a manner worthy of a Tosh.0 segment. Thanks for the wishes, folks. And happy birthday to my Grandma and DiB.
  14. I can't see attachments either. TBD discriminates against veterans.
  15. Guess this kid's murder isn't as important as an "unarmed teenager's." http://voices.suntimes.com/news/breaking-news/boy-critically-wounded-in-greater-grand-crossing-shooting/
  16. Special thanks to Jay Nixon for calling out the National Guard to protect police HQ. Don't worry, all you business owners who've watched your shops get looted and burned... More of that awesome Democrat "leadership."
  17. It's most likely shoved up your ass so you can dance better.
  18. Bingo. Welcome to public school education. Create drones who can't care for themselves. Teach them to vote Democrat. Voila!
  19. Yeah, and yet in this day and age there isn't a single cell phone video. Forgive me for my skepticism. The threats are not just against the officer, they are also against all the members of his family. Additionally, there have been threats against other Ferguson officers and their families. People have been using the various avenues available to them to get information on public servants and posting the information on various social media websites. No lynch mob should ever be fed. Got any actual proof of that? I think I've accomplished virtually everything here at PPP. I'm now being accused of "trusting" the government. That's awesome.
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