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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Why do people keep saying this? Grimes made a hell is a play, diving and grabbing Sammy's left arm. That pulled his hand off the ball, which is why he didn't hold on to it. It was a great throw, a great adjustment by Watkins to it, and an even better desperation play by Grimes.
  2. Wait, so the weather in Buffalo is worse than it is in South Florida? Who knew?
  3. I love the sentiment but Steve DeBerg never played for the Patriots.
  4. The season opener against the Flaming Thumbtacks the season after the Music City Screwjob was insanely loud. That crowd starting drinking 10 hours before game time and it was really obvious.
  5. Without question. Shula's teams got the same kind of !@#$ed up calls that the Cheaters get now, though apparently they got flagged at the least opportune times last week against the Fish. Maybe that's a start of something new.
  6. There won't be one until he's approved by the NFL owners.
  7. Wait, so politicians care more about politics than doing what is right? Who knew?
  8. Hooooooooooooooooooooogbooooooooooooooooooooy
  9. Mostly because he tripped over the hole he punched in his chest.
  10. There wasn't anything wrong with the first drive. Chandler was wide open for a first down. Manuel threw an inaccurate pass and Chandler didn't make a catch he should have made. The thing to be "learned" from those two "issues" have absolutely zero to do with Hackett's play calling and everything to do with execution. That's been the real issue with the offense. Everyone can keep repeating the "Hackett's play calling sucks" line but its mostly garbage. The offense just needs to execute at a higher level to be successful. Hackett called the read option play that EJ scored on. It worked because EJ kept the damn ball. He could have done exactly the same thing the previous play but he gave ball to Freddie instead. That play was available pretty much all day but Manuel chose to hand the ball off, with one exception. I openly wondered after FJ was stopped at the goal line if they'd run the same play the next down because no one paid EJ any attention because of his overwhelming tendency to put the rock in the RBs gut.
  11. That was a huge whiff. Freddie might have gotten to the goal line on that play if Pears gets even a piece of Peanut. That was a well designed play and it was a great call.
  12. Signing new FA defensive players rarely works out the first season. It normally hurts the team they left more than it helps the team they sign with. I suspect the Saints' pass defense will improve as time goes on but I'm not at all surprised they got shredded today.
  13. He's mine. I can only imagine the reverence he'd get if he actually played with a HoF level QB. That guy is everything a professional athlete is supposed to be.
  14. People of your ilk are the main reason they don't. You spend any capital you have being a partisan retard instead of demanding accountability regardless of political affiliation. Your behavior on this board is absolute proof. You and the rest of the partisan lemmings are the problem. Period.
  15. I didn't murder anyone yesterday, therefore I "gamed" the murder law. Laws apply to everyone equally, heaven forbid those evil "rich" people obey them.
  16. Tight end is absolutely one of the places that has to be upgraded this offseason.
  17. Yeah, I'm sure the coaches didn't stress to McLovin not to let the receivers get behind him. This game is almost always about execution.
  18. These stories aren't missed the Police Officers, which is one reason why they're very wary of "citizens" and quick to violence. It's a vicious circle that has been brought to you by the utter mismanagement at every level of government.
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