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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. "We just got word: A right-wing casino mogul just wrote a $5,OOO,OOO.OO check to Boehner’s SuperPAC. Now get ready for Boehner to start blasting TVs across the country with more Obama-bashing ads. This comes as a MAJOR blow to our Democratic campaigns who were already getting ambushed by Republican attacks. Frankly, we weren’t prepared for this. Our budget deadline is in just a few hours. And we’re coming up $183,OOO short. If we can’t get to our goal now, we can just throw in the towel. Go home. Give up."
  2. And Vick actually looked worse than the stats show.
  3. I got FORTY emails from DCCC.org yesterday asking for money. FORTY.
  4. Nice comparison, retard. Gatorman called. He said you can have the dunce cap for today. He's done trying to eat it.
  5. More revisionist history to fit your personal hatred of Flutie. BC wasn't a football school before Flutie got there. The coach before Jack Bicknell left for a better opportunity at KENT STATE. Flutie/Bicknell put BC on the map. His "numbers" weren't pretty because the team wasn't very good but they weren't out of step for an era that was more about power football than passing. Only a handful of teams in the early 80s were passing teams with completion percentages over 60% (think Miami, Florida, BYU). For example, in 1982, the Auburn team BC played in their bowl game finished the season with a 51% CPC, less than 1200 yards and 7TDs passing but were ranked 14th in the polls. There are additional statistics on the below link that disprove your hypothesis. Don't let little things like facts get in the way of a good hate. http://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/doug-flutie-1.html
  6. Another compelling point that liberals will never consider because it doesn't fit the "demonize people with money for political gain" that their bankrupt ideology depends on.
  7. Joe Montana HATED signing autographs and interacting with fans. A high percentage of pro athletes do. I had a buddy who used to pitch in the majors. When he was in town we'd hang out and I'd go down to the locker room. When we'd leave the stadium, the fans would all be lined up to get stuff signed. If you didn't keep moving you'd never get out of there. I can tell you, from personal experience, that most of them were VERY rude. I had people thrust things in my face to sign, which I found hysterical. After a couple of times, I started signing everything "Junior Griffey". Idiots. One time we were in the john at a nice restaurant and a woman came in and asked him to sign an autograph while he was at the urinal. Are you !@#$ing kidding me?
  8. Sure glad RJ put in all that work to get better. For !@#$'s sake what a **** piece that is. The best thing RJ did for the BILLS was go somewhere else and suck just as much. Look like Tarzan, play like Jane.
  9. He'd completed that exact play before. So maybe it was the second luckiest pass in the world. Regardless of that fact, that Miami team was loaded and that BC team wasn't. Flutie was the reason that Hail Mary even mattered.
  10. I don't think it would take long for those 3 girls to have a "sense of belonging" once the ISIS clowns got their hands on them. They'd certainly belong to someone.
  11. Holy river of stupid, Batman. Gator going full "him" arguing about the only actual fair tax in the entire arsenal. Make $10 in the market? Tax is 15%. Make $10,000.000.00 in the market? Tax is 15%. Liberals love fairness, as long as they get to define what it is. Predictable.
  12. A number of them have admitted that nothing could change their opinion. Welcome to the next generation of liberal voters.
  13. Please stop giving info to the terminally stupid.
  14. Nice !@#$ing sloganeering. You might qualify as a "scientist" but you know virtually dick about economics or how markets work.
  15. Not to mention that asking them to "leave the vehicle" doesn't make the officer safer. It's actually the opposite.
  16. Which is a huge problem. We went through that a couple of times - it's a bad precedent to set. It got so bad that we ended up closing our California office.
  17. John Murphy seems like a nice guy and very genuine in his call but he's missing that traditional radio voice that Van obviously had. We were very spoiled in WNY having Van and RJ all those years.
  18. That defense was awesome. They used to just physically beat the **** out of people. It wasn't wasted because of Flutie. It was wasted because of a bad offensive line, a pedestrian running game, an offensive coordinator who lacked innovation, and the lack of a first round pick because we'd spent it acquiring Johnson (which could have been Fred Taylor, suddenly making some of the woes seem not so bad). Flutie certainly wasn't a great QB but he was good enough to overcome some of the challenges that were in front of him. Honestly I think the biggest issue at that point was his age. It seemed to me that he was like an older major league pitcher whose arm got tired as the season went on and the first thing that went was his fastball.
  19. Wade Phillips admitted in the documentary that "we'd have won if Flutie had played." I'm no Flutopian but if any QB in the history of the NFL was "figured out", it was Johnson.
  20. I can't tell you anything about a RS for a hybrid. I've had remote starts on all my vehicles for over 15 years, including a couple of stick shifts. The new ones are awesome and have apps so you can start/monitor your car from your phone. For me, that's worth the extra coin. Just make sure (if you're not installing it yourself) that you go to a reputable place for the install. There are a lot of places in that business open for a short period of time and then close, leaving you with no recourse if something goes wrong.
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