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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Imagine what it would look like with another 3 games with a real NFL QB at the helm...
  2. I get the Benjamin love, I really do. I was secretly hoping that he'd be there when we picked in the second so we could take him there and set ourselves at WR for the next decade. That being said, I still think he's going to end up having a less productive and shorter career because of how he plays. I could easily be wrong about that but that's the way I see it.
  3. Orton has never had this level of skill position talent around him. He's a very underrated player. Kinda like this generation's Phil Simms.
  4. Here's to the Jets winning four or five games and getting a ****ty draft pick!
  5. Because we need a target. Everything is someone's fault.
  6. Not only that but the unwillingness to spread them out is maddening. Even when the BILLS run multiples, they're putting all 11 guys within 10 yards of the ball, which is exactly what the JETS want them to do. You want to run the ball against the JETS with our offense? Go at least 3 wide and spread them out. Free Mike Williams!
  7. You wouldn't have to do a bye for opening week. Everyone is in the same boat when the season starts, as long as the opening Thursday teams don't play amongst the last preseason games.
  8. I think that ship has sailed. The NFL likes being on Television.
  9. Agreed. I think Watkins is more capable of explosive plays while Benjamin is almost a specialist who is only going to hit "home runs" when the QB can throw him the ball in the endzone (he's not going to gain separation and beat someone to the endzone from 90 yards away).
  10. Multiple games on Thursday or stagger the byes so it works out.
  11. No one said anything "rallying cry" but when you spend a billion dollars plus and the business you inherited hasn't been successful for a very long time, there's no stone you leave unturned.
  12. I don't know. Calvin Johnson seems to miss a lot of time with lingering issues to his legs because he takes so many shots and he's significantly faster than KB. Watkins reminds me a lot of Larry Fitzgerald, who rarely misses time. I think it's going to be interesting to watch over time. The biggest factor in WR injuries seems to be QBs who don't make throws to get guys killed. EJ was doing it to Watkins even in preseason.
  13. I agree and said as much earlier in the thread. Marrone has more than a little Jauron in him.
  14. I'm sure there's some reason behind the logic but for the life of me I don't understand why teams don't play Thursday following their bye week. Playing games with 4 days of rest is contrary to the "we care about player safety" mantra that's hypocritically uttered by the overpaid suits The BILLS could be playing 10 days from now with a second game 10 days after that. Makes a hell of a lot more sense than what's going to happen.
  15. Call me crazy but they don't match up well with us. We should win this game based solely on that.
  16. Benjamin concerns me because he's had some problems off the field and his "talent" is being bigger and stronger than everyone else. Obviously the "bigger and stronger" part isn't going to change much but guys like that don't seem to have a long shelf life (David Boston comes to mind, though he wasn't "natural"). His game is all about dealing with contact, which increases the likelihood he's eventually going to get hurt. I'm not sure I've ever seen a WR get the seperation that Watkins gets on a regular basis. Dude is crazy talented.
  17. I don't think end arounds work against team's like the Jets - they're pretty disciplined when it comes to that.
  18. Run your team based on fan's wishes and you'll end up sitting next to them.
  19. That's a pretty big leap. There are disfunctional organizations that succeed in business despite their management. Making the playoffs for the first time in 15 years isn't a "get out of jail free" card.
  20. I'm going to save my judgement for the All-22 because I saw a bunch of guys running wide open underneath and neither Jet QB was taking what was available. Brady would have murdered us in those same situations.
  21. I am still very concerned at the number of guys running full speed WFO underneath. The JETS QBs are terrible but the elite guys in the game will exploit that over and over and over again.
  22. Against the Jets? Way to know your opponent.
  23. My feeling on all of this is that Dougie "Jauron" Marrone is the biggest part of this issue. The only real problem I have with the offense yesterday is formations. You simply cannot run bunch formations where all 11 of your guys are within 10 yards of the football against a team like the JETS. It exposes you to exotic blitzes, which you've shown over and over again is your greatest weakness. It's enhanced by the fact that the JETS probably have the most physical front four in the NFL and Sheldon Richardson and Wilkerson wrecked us much of the time. Jauron decided the JETS weren't going to beat his team with their offense, so he made sure it was an ultraconservative offensive attack. He was right for a change.
  24. 13 straight wins against the Sharks. At this point it's almost unbelievable.
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