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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. During Crosby's era, the QMJHL was a "small guy skating league". The reason you don't recognize most of the players he played with is because of the 3 Major Junior leagues, the "Q" during that era produced the fewest NHL players. I haven't followed major junior as closely over the last few years as I used to but the Q was by far the bastard stepchild of the WHL and OHL back then. There are just so many factors to consider when comparing players across leagues and eras but McDavid is head and shoulders above pretty much everyone in the world in his age group and there are literally zero questions about whether he's going to be an impact NHL player. That's as rare as it gets.
  2. You can't squeeze money out of the drug makers as long as they're funding the FDA. That's the dirty little secret about evil corporations - without them, you can't have the bureaucratic behemoth that is the United States government.
  3. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/11/09/fema-asking-disabled-elderly-residents-to-repay-aid-from-superstorm-sandy/?intcmp=latestnews
  4. Agree. The Chefs are one big play from being right back in it.
  5. Fred didn't miss the pickup. He was keying on 90 because Woods was responsible for Poe.
  6. Is that really an issue? Are churches being forced to conduct gay marriages? To me, there's a large difference between the government being forced to apply laws equally and churches being forced to adapt their religions to modern conventions (within reason, of course - you're not going to be allowed to sacrifice virgins, for example).
  7. Let me reiterate: You're basing your opinion based on one article. For all anyone really knows, the dude could have had an upset stomach or needed to replace a shoelace. The only thing I got out of the original piece was that the "reporter" wasn't good enough to ask even simple follow up questions to clarify exactly what the player was saying. http://www.cleveland...guard_dion.html
  8. I doubt it. The Steelers were a more balanced team and were able to cover the Oilers WRs with just their corners, allowing 9 other defenders to concentrate on EC. He had one 100 yard game in his career against Pittsburgh (109 on 33 carries). His career numbers against Pittsburgh are 245-760-3.01 with 6 TDs. They were his kryptonite. The Steelers were just better and the games were played in Pittsburgh because of that fact. We called it "Smear the Queer". Not really sure why - don't think anyone even knew what queer meant back then.
  9. Typical liberal. Government doesn't live up to the promises they make so the solution is to give them more power. Keep wondering why everyone thinks you're a !@#$ing moron.
  10. I completely agree. I was in the kitchen when it started and when I heard the first notes I was floored and raced back to the television to see it. It's spectacular.
  11. I haven't seen many episodes of that but the couple I've seen are funny as hell.
  12. Excellent. Vic Mackey is just a tremendous character. Michael Chiklis really brought it to that role. Sons of Anarchy had a couple of very good seasons but it jumped the shark a loooooooooooooong time ago. It's the !@#$ing A-Team now.
  13. More proof that idiocy isn't limited to certain occupations.
  14. I really and truly don't know what channels Fox, CNN, and MSNBC are so I had to search them out last night to see the differences in election coverage. I couldn't turn away from MSNBC. Their coverage was unbelievable. It was like watching the skits on SNL that aren't about politics.
  15. Could a medical examiner's "interpretation" be biased? Certainly, though not very likely given the sheer number of people who will get a crack at it. Is the pastor's opinion biased against white people in favor of black people? Absolutely. I'll believe any of these race mongers are genuine the minute they demand justice for children like Antonio Smith, Knijah Bibband, and McKenzie Elliot. Until that day, they can take their ridiculous pandering and shove it up their collective asses. I empathize with the lower income people who have to deal with both the scumbags in their neighborhoods and the police who are tired of dealing with the whole situation. It's a microcosm of the whole liberal ideal. Welcome to getting what you wish for.
  16. If the government was living within a budget and the priorities were clearly infrastructure related, you might have a point.
  17. I've honestly been saying that every week. The highs and lows of a bubble team, probably.
  18. Who didn't love downtown B-Lo when the streets rolled up at dark?
  19. There's a good chance that if you don't give him a better contract then he walks BEFORE next season.
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