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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Why would this topic be any different? If the Emancipation Proclamation freed anyone, the 13th Amendment wouldn't have been necessary.
  2. Fake http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/kansas-city-review-posting-fake-michael-brown-pic-facebook-report-article-1.1909021
  3. Technological breakthroughs are generally built in increments that pick up speed. The Space Program has never been over 1% of the Federal Budget but its impact is literally trillions of dollars. Of all the money the government spends, it's easily the best RoI. http://www.nasa.gov/offices/oct/partnership/economic_impacts.html
  4. I don't get where the 30 jobs comes from. The Alyeska pipeline has over 800 jobs. Why is this one so significantly less? I also don't understand how getting more oil into the global market doesn't affect pricing. I'd be shocked if this pipeline had any real environmental effect. This is America. We're the best in the world at this stuff and we actually pay attention when things go wrong. I'm a hell of a lot more concerned about shipping stuff across the ocean from the Middle East or the Soviet Union.
  5. No, you're missing the point. You can't negotiate such a deal because there isn't that kind of demand for you. Welcome to the real world. I've been able to negotiate a couple of decent deals for myself. Nothing of the "golden parachute" variety but I do OK. If I had the resume that that guy does, I'd do what he did. So would you and anyone else with half a clue. Generally companies that make such offers understand cost/benefit because their profit is in the billions so a few million doesn't have an enormous long term effect on the bottom line.
  6. Which is how most of the really cool technology we enjoy today got here. The space program has always paid for itself - one of the very few programs that does. It's too bad NASA is so bureaucratically corrupt.
  7. The guy NEGOTIATED a sweetheart deal for himself. Six figure plus jobs are never about what you are worth, they're about what you can negotiate. Chances are the guy knew the job goals weren't reasonable based on various factors so he looked out for himself. The fact that the average person can't do that is because they're average. Welcome to the real world.
  8. Yup. Every time I have this discussion this subject comes up. If you're a long time minimum wage earner, you're most likely right where you deserve to be. So?
  9. Which is more rare: People who use their noodle to make their way in this world or kids writing on the back of a car seat? Think carefully before you answer this question, liberal hypocrite.
  10. If you're talking about me, I didn't "struggle mightily in a financial sense". I simply didn't have everything that everyone else had and, most importantly, I didn't have any measurable debt. Mostly because I had (wait for it)...SAVINGS. That's right, I put a little money away and got some life insurance as well to make sure my family would survive if something happened to either (or both) providers. I didn't live in a house paid for by someone else or with a nut I couldn't afford, drive cars I couldn't afford, or waste money on frivolities that the average "poor" person enjoys today. Your "solutions" are the reason so few poor people really participate in the work force today. The fact that you think raising the minimum wage is going to change anything in the long term shows how little you actually understand about economics. Try again, educated drone.
  11. Another example of "seeing what you want because it suites your ridiculous political notions". When I was earning minimum wage, I was doing jobs that literally any able bodied person on the planet could do. I was worth what they paid me because even if I was the very best at what I did (and I was), I could be replaced tomorrow with almost nothing but a blip on the bottom line. The fact that you don't understand the basics of economics or how the world really works is beyond pathetic. Which political party benefits directly from keeping people poor? You're a !@#$ing parody.
  12. I remember my "living wage" when I first joined the military. I was taking home $162 every two weeks. I was making significantly more money before I signed up working 60+ hours a week at a couple of minimum wage jobs. I worked a part time job for pretty much the first decade of my military career because we just couldn't get ahead on what we were bringing home from our 40+ hour military gigs. There were times (especially when we lived in California) where we were eligible for food stamps and/or WIC. I was the network/IT guy who didn't have a PC at home because he couldn't afford one. Didn't go out to eat or to movies because we couldn't afford such luxuries. Didn't have a cell phone until I left the military and my first employer paid for mine every month. Didn't have anything more than basic cable. Drove cheap, dependable cars for at least a decade at a time because that's what we could afford. Literally spent every non-sleeping moment either working or watching my kids so my wife could work full time and go to school to get ahead. You'll forgive me for not giving a flying **** about people who aren't willing to sacrifice to get ahead and want everything handed to them. You can forget debating it because I've been seeing it every single day of my life. The vast majority of "poor" people live lives much better than my parents (or I) did growing up. They don't worry about where they're going to live or whether there's going to be food because that **** is taken care of by Uncle Sugar and there's absolutely no pressure to do anything about their situations, despite the fact that it's easier now than it has ever been. Take your hyperbole and bull **** and try and sell it somewhere else. Those of us who've lived it and work with it every day know better. You should be ashamed of yourselves because you're part of the problem, not part of the solution. Everyone doesn't get a !@#$ing trophy.
  13. Manuel wouldn't even fetch a draft pick at this point. Teams would be willing to wait for him to be released and give him a minimum offer. They watch film too.
  14. All we need is a little more "wealth" to redistribute and everything will be sunshine and puppy dogs. Don't worry about the fact that the poverty levels in this country are within the historic norms even with all the programs we put in place to combat exactly this. Just a little more money will change how humans behave. We promise because...BUSH BAD! Sincerely, Liberals
  15. Most people are homeless because of big government, not in spite of it.
  16. Let's go back to pretending the ACA is just about the 4 tenets liberals actually know about it. Disregard the other 2700 pages. Everyone was so much happier then.
  17. She probably hasn't even read the results yet.
  18. "dude's question" I love pious !@#$s like you. Tell me how unimportant, liberal, and how little money I make, ya !@#$ing retard. I promise I'll give a flying crap.
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