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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/nov/27/white-teen-gilbert-collar-killed-by-black-cop-trev/?page=all#pagebreak
  2. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio just called. They said you might want to rethink the future.
  3. Fact: Michael Brown had just committed an aggressive, strong armed robbery where he used his size to get what he wanted. Fact: Wilson isn't small. He's 6'4" tall and 220 pounds. Fact: Wilson was seated in a vehicle with limited range of motion which is a submissive position - unable to use his body's strongest muscle group with any effectiveness. Fact: Brown was in the dominant and leveraged position, standing outside the vehicle with no limitation to his ability to move and the only limitation on his ability to project power was the size of the SUV's window. If you're a wrestler or have been involved in any grappling sport of any kind, you'll understand that even a minor weight advantage in a dominant position is a huge advantage. Fact: Brown is 25% heavier than Wilson, which significantly adds to the advantage he held in the dominant position. Fact: There was one police officer and TWO subjects to be dealt with. One of which had just committed an aggressive strong-armed robbery, which the officer knew. I don't care that Wilson was "disrespectful" to 2 idiots who don't have the sense not to walk down the middle of the !@#$ing street after committing a strong armed robbery. Poor them. Apparently in your world that's the rationale for the confrontation. Mean words "supposedly" spoken by a police officer versus the video of a strong armed robbery that had happened within the past hour. Yeah, that's logical. I won't even get into the debate that Dorian Johnson is a proven liar (his testimony more than shows that). Just about anything he says can be discounted - he's not the least bit credible. Fact: the physical evidence doesn't at all support Dorian Johnson's (or any "Pro-Brown") version of the event. It does, however, support Officer Wilson's version of the event. Fact: There were THREE autopsies performed. None of them support Dorian Johnson's ( or any "Pro-Brown") version of the event. Have we heard "All the facts"? You know something no one else knows or are you holding out for the magic bullet because you desperately need it to fit the choices you've previously made? We've know pretty much what we're going to know and have to make a determination based on it. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. You'll always have the "scared little man afraid of Hulk Hogan" thing and "It's reasonable to believe that Michael Brown was afraid of a cop who used mean language to get him out of the middle of the road so he engaged in a physical confrontation that didn't go well" to help make your politics seem less stupid. By all means, keep trying. Concentrate on the "Hulk Hogan" comment as if it has any kind of merit. "If the gloves don't fit, you must acquit!" AMIRIGHT?
  4. You didn't need to change your original post. My "narrative" is always the same: don't listen to the media and wait for the facts. If that makes me an "experienced" "tough guy" then I can live with that. I don't generally join the mob for any reason because large groups of people are rarely right about anything. Enjoy the fruits if you liberal labors. Ferguson is the shining example of what your politics brings. It has nothing to do with jurisdiction in McCaskill's case and everything to do with statements that each made in the immediate aftermath and decisions that the bumpkin governor made. All of these mistakes (and the decisions to "catch and release" protesters the first time around) have emboldened the protesters for this round and made it more dangerous for the citizens to live and work in the area.
  5. Imagine the posts if the Administration was from the other side of the aisle.
  6. Let me tell you as someone who has had to deal with a very large, hopped up person - you wouldn't be so cavalier if you'd ever faced the same thing. Brown was on drugs and very likely on a dopamine high from his earlier shenanigans. A guy that big in that state is capable of plenty of mayhem that you couldn't imagine if you'd never seen it. But keep up the narrative because it fits your politics and most likely the choice you made when you first heard all the for profit media "reporting."
  7. http://www.army.mil/article/10426/Missouri_National_Guard_conducts_riot_control_training/ This is a regular occurrence by National Guard units all over the country. It's what they do. We can argue semantics about roles but that's another topic all together. In this instance, in a city the size of St Louis with the number of protesters, the resources should have been allocated and little tolerance should have been shown.
  8. They are trained. And arresting people is pretty easy. Processing them is another story. And if it had led to similar protests in other places I'd do the same thing there. At some point people will learn the difference between protesting and criminal behavior. I've seen this behavior by mobs in a couple of different countries. The only time it was ever stopped was by equal force. In South Korea, the riot police made the Rodney King beating look like a birthday party. End of protest. I'm not saying it needs to get to that level because generally Americans don't require that large an escalation but...
  9. Bull. They should have had every National Guard troop in Missouri on those streets with an adequate supply of flexi-cuffs and the ROE to use them. They should have started stacking those !@#$ers up like cord wood and sending the message that the second you step over the line, you're going into custody and getting a record. None of this "catch and release" **** they did before. Put them in the tombs for a few days and let them feel what it's really like. The message should have been sent loudly and clearly that what happened in August wasn't happening again, under any circumstances. The "Hug-a-Thug" tactics opened them up to this mess and were started by the "leadership" of idiots like Jay Nixon and Claire McCaskill. They cut the police off at the knees and essentially declared open season on the citizenry of a town.
  10. McCullogh (a Democrat) has been the prosecutor in St Louis since 1991. I seriously doubt he has aspirations for a higher office or he'd have left already, instead of getting re-elected by wide margins or running unopposed over and over again. The reason the media started throwing him under the bus early in this process is to pay him back for backing the successful primary campaign of Steve Stenger in his race against the ever-corrupt Charlie Dooley They announced it at night because they wanted to let all the children get home from school and parents get home from work. They didn't want this to happen while there were millions of people who needed to commute. Get a clue you !@#$ing shrew.
  11. It's related. This "story" is as much a creation of the media and their willingness to manipulate the news as anything. The Martin "story" isn't much different.
  12. The best answer to fixing all the environmental problems is carbon credits...
  13. Don't know. Don't really care either. Don't read or watch FoxNews. Saw the standard partisan crap being posted, went over to the website and copied and pasted a link to the story on the front page.
  14. Don't forget the "we don't want to teach our youths about consequence because it might damage their delicate self esteem" mantra of the average "parent."
  15. It's on the front page of Foxnews.com http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/11/22/leading-republican-wants-senate-to-join-house-probe-benghazi-attack/?intcmp=latestnews
  16. "I don't like your cuffs. I don't like your cuffs." "Your majesty, you look like the piss boy!" "And you look like a bucket of schit!"
  17. Not really. Happens in Alaska every year. Snow up here doesn't melt for months because the temps never get above freezing. It just keeps piling up. The snow removal snow gets piled into mountains that last into July.
  18. There's more than enough money being paid to government to handle all the things you're talking about but citizens don't hold elected officials accountable, instead whining about people who're being paid what the market bears. The average American pays over 50% of their salary in one form of tax or another. That's more than enough.
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