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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Ooh. I'm all tingly with anticipation. You keep chasing those teeny tiny molehills and pretending it's making a difference. The SLPOA did something stupid. It's not even a blip on the radar of what makes governments at all levels overbearing and your points in this thread are on that level.
  2. I'll let you know when I give a **** about your opinion. Hold your breath.
  3. I'm quite sure the team let them know that was the last time that kind of thing should happen. I also believe they're going to try to smooth it over when the heat dials down. After the Leonard Little thing, there's not much tolerance for stuff from the football team.
  4. I do agree with this. Cops have looooooooong memories.
  5. Apparently this point is difficult to comprehend, as is the fact that these organizations didn't come into being because people just love joining things.
  6. I never said it was a good idea. Lets not make strawman points.
  7. The police DEPARTMENT didn't make any demands on anyone or anything. A private entity did. Try and figure out the difference instead of spewing more typed diarrhea in a vain attempt to find some credibility. Furthermore, you questioned the reason why this private entity exists, which is perfectly clear to anyone with even an inkling of a clue to how public entities work. Another epic fail on your part. Putting more words on the screen isn't the key to being correct. So try writing nothing and stf up while you're behind
  8. It's one !@#$ing example. Ask any cop with more than 5 minutes on the job to educate you or STFU.
  9. It's almost as if the President and the Attorney General aren't kangerooing up an investigation right now to charge Officer Wilson with anything to please the mob.
  10. It would have been better for you to type "I don't live in reality or have any experience in this area but I'm going to arrogantly stand by my stupidity because that's the guy that I am."
  11. Can't argue that. Most liberals are completely hypocritical on almost everything.
  12. I don't get the incessant need to go after the children of politicians. Like there aren't bigger issues in the world?
  13. It exists because police officers are subject to the whims of politicians who pander to the mob rule of their constituents. And frankly this is a whole lot of noise over nothing. Welcome to molehill mountain.
  14. Dear everyone: The St Louis Police Officer's Association IS NOT a government entity. Carry on.
  15. That's right, anyone who insults you on the internet is obviously from a lower rung in the societal ladder. Keep wondering why people insult you, retard.
  16. Bet Leonard Little wouldn't support the current players in their"protest" against the STLPD
  17. More to "add" to the Obama "legacy". If adding $4,000,000,000,000.00 to the national debt was "irresponsible", what word will we use for at least doubling that number?
  18. Obviously most people are small picture thinkers, which is why we end up with the political representation we do.
  19. http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/386099/milwaukee-sheriff-david-clarke-eric-holder-needs-apologize-cops-andrew-johnson Couldn't agree more.
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