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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Everything is funny once enough time has passed. Using photos from the most recent storm while the wound is still pretty raw is classless.
  2. I watched about half of the first season but the timing for it wasn't right for my schedule. I keep meaning to go back to it because the casting was very good and it's an interesting subject.
  3. Congratulations on your ability to translate potato head. You !@#$ing potato head.
  4. One of the biggest issues we have on the offensive side of the ball is the lack of experience in the WR corps. Robert Woods is the senior member of the group and he has a grand total of 27 starts. Watkins has 13 and Hogan has 10. That's 50 starts between the three of them. Each of Denver's top three receivers have over 66 NFL games and Welker alone has 164. When you match that up with questionable interior line play, a QB who got no preseason practice time, a pretty inexperienced OC who is guilty of questionable play calling, you don't have an accepted recipe for long term success. It's one of the things that makes what's going on with Mike Williams even more maddening.
  5. Try again. Next time use English. He called. He said he thinks you're an idiot.
  6. Which one actually affects the average American on a daily basis? The President is basically wiping his ass with the Constitution and your response is "meh" because you and the rest of the liberals don't understand consequence. You're also making a strawman argument because I've said nothing about the torture aspect, only the idiot Democrat leaders who just made your world a lot less safe and endangered every military person and first responder's life by at least a factor because all they care about is politics. You are a nearly perfect drone. Once again, you're only for "following the law" when it suits your politics. I'm sure the next step for Democratic leadership is a full DOJ investigation complete with charges/convictions for those who broke the law because that will be a positive step towards keeping this kind of behavior in check. That'll happen, right?
  7. Pretty much the same things can be pointed right back at virtually every liberal policy. It doesn't matter that Charlie Garner got killed because government employees were enforcing ridiculous laws passed because the ever bloated government needs every dollar it can get to curry favor with the "high information" voters. It doesn't matter that "ObamaCare" is a huge lie and that one of the architects is slowly but surely exposing. It doesn't matter that the President is governing by Executive Fiat. I'm sure right now you're championing getting those laws overthrown, right? You're a hypocrite and you've always been one. As I said earlier, it's pretty easy for the government to police itself in this instance without having to put innocent Americans in harm's way. They didn't expose this information for any reason other than the midterm ass-kicking they took. This administration and those in power in the Democratic party have zero interest in transparent government. That much is completely obvious.
  8. She should have just given the standard "What difference does it make?" response. Then you idiot liberals could titter on and on about her and make her a Presidential candidate.
  9. That game was a blowout because Wisconsin is a one dimensional running team. If they get behind, they can't come back. There's no conspiracy, one team has thrown for less than 2000 yards with 13 TDs for the season and has the 119th ranked passing offense in the country. That game was either going to be a close, grinding affair or a one-sided blowout. It turned out to be the latter.
  10. The world is an imperfect place filled with humans. The huge, overbearing government we have is the product of your politics, not mine.
  11. How do we fund infrastructure better? Return to Constitutional government.
  12. They use it as a recruiting tool. It's the equivalent of "hands up, don't shoot". There are ways to stop this within the government without this garbage. The Democrats, as usual, are too stupid to use any of them.
  13. Yeah, 4 government employees enforcing liberal taxation policies by beating/arresting a guy selling loose cigarettes screams conservative/libertarian policy. Jesus Christ, TYTT was trying to take your belt for an entire thread and you swoop in at the last minute with your own referee and keep it. You'll have to forgive me, I must have missed "60 Minutes." If I was going to waste the time trying to pretend I was intellectually superior I would have spelled all the words in my ridiculous insult correctly. Just keep declaring victory, you internet savant you. At least your themes and tactics are as consistent as they are trite. You'll always have that going for you. You'll always be the Riddler to me.
  14. Liberals desire mediocrity for all. Which is why those thriving sources are constantly begging for funding, right? All you "high information" voters.
  15. Overzealous cops are just one of the unintended consequences of decades of liberal policies. It's almost as if politicians aren't going to be happy until everyone has spent a little time in the clink. "Hope and Change", right? Good one. Who knew that word would get through the filters? Though somehow I doubt you're much of a ladies man unless the woman's drink of choice is a Roofie Martini. No. You see, I'm intelligent enough to realize that I'm not changing much of anything in this world. I'm here because sometimes I get bored and have a little time to waste. Thanks for being dumb enough to consistently declare yourself the victor and believing what you're doing is somehow "difference making". You're another one of the parodies that makes the internet a moderately entertaining medium.
  16. I never watched it and I don't care about it. Generally, if the mass media is reporting on it there's almost nothing resembling the truth in it. Let's get everyone spun up because it gets ratings.
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