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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. No, they wouldn't. That's not how intelligence works. It never has been and it never will be. Intelligence entities can't trumpet successes for very obvious reasons.
  2. Good people, regardless of team loyalty, are always welcome here. We even have a Fish fan or two that have been around here for awhile. I was disappointed at the noise level for this game as it was obviously less than "normal". Not sure what the deal was there. Probably a variety of factors (weather, opponent, expectation...).
  3. There's no way, with the Sabres' farm system, that this team should have "more years of mediocrity". One NHL draft choice isn't going to change much in the short term. The last "Connor McDavid" was Crosby and he was joined by plenty of other high round picks (Malkin, MAF, Staal, Whitney, etc) in the same time frame. The real key is hitting on more of the 2nd round + guys then developing and keeping them. I will give you that it's disappointing right now that they're in that mediocre area between "real lottery" team and contending playoff team. But the improvement of the younger guys over the last 3 weeks is very heartening and we may have really found us a goaltender. I'd much rather be in the Sabres' shoes than Edmonton, Carolina, Arizona, Winnipeg...
  4. I think the guard play, even with Urbik, has affected him significantly.
  5. I think Schwartz has done a great job, especially with the linebackers/secondary. At least some of that is just the natural progression of players. Guys like Hughes, Searcy, Robey, and Aaron Williams were due a huge leap because they were in their second full year of playing significant snaps at this level in what is a pretty similar defensive concept. I also think Dareus is a much more consistent force inside and the guys behind the DLine starters are playing their asses off. Losing Kiko sucked but Preston Brown & Bradham have been very good all year at the outside spots. Spikes is both a leader and an angry bastard at the point of attack and what he brings to this team is something that's been sorely missing for a very long time - accountability. Losing McKelvin has been a blessing because while Corey Graham isn't on the same level athletically, he's a very consistent performer who doesn't make the mind blowing mistakes that kill the entire team's confidence that Leodis is so famous for. Finally, let me say that DW deserves credit for seeing the holes, filling them, then not being satisfied and standing pat. No one should ever be comfortable and stagnate, which has been the SOP for this franchise for far too long. Wanny?
  6. Name the best Rams' skill player the last six years. Now name the next best. The Rams have had serious OLine/WR/RB questions and terrible coaching since Bradford's been there. Fisher is the first stable, successful coach they've had. NFL teams aren't successful without all the parts working together. Bradford has a ton of ability but his situation has been garbage and now that it's improving, he can't stay healthy.
  7. Ladies and gents, we've found Hillary's next running mate. Right out of the Joe Biden "School of Extemporaneous Public Speaking." The teleprompter industry should be tossing oodles of campaign cash at the liberals.
  8. There has to be a cop behind it. Somehow. Three times as many black victims as in the Michael Brown case and nary a peep from the protesters carrying the "Black Lives Matter" signs? Black lives apparently only matter when a police officer takes them. Never mind that number being in the neighborhood of 100 or so a year. The 12,000 black lives that are taken annually by other black people are virtually meaningless.
  9. Everyone is trying to follow "Dead Live" because it's been really successful but it's successful because of the interviewer, who doesn't take himself seriously and the audience, who cross virtually every demographic and just live for that show. The first 3 or 4 seasons of Sons was great - on par with "The Shield" for best FX show but it fell off pretty dramatically. I'm not sorry it's gone. As was said earlier - I'll miss "Justified" much more. That show is now solidly number 1 all time for the network. Just a great show all the way through.
  10. I posted something about this very topic when all of this came to light. Big Pharma was the only thing the liberals took off the table in exchange for their silence because that industry would have killed Obamacare all by itself with nothing but the power of its own lobby. The Emperor NEVER had any clothes. Welcome to the government you deserve, liberals on both sides of the aisle.
  11. I just saw Dana Stubblefield's house listed for $1.8m. It's like 3500 SF and no land. Gotta love that, eh Bay Area residents? Nothing like paying 5X what an middle/upper middle class house should cost.
  12. I don't know what planet you live on but the idiots who follow liberals don't care about facts in the least. The Republicans best strategy so far has been to fail at everything they've tried and let the Democrats be in charge for awhile.
  13. I agree with everything you said and I'm guilty of not reading much of what's posted on this board because so many people just regurgitate the crap that's said on WGR (I am at the point now where I can only listen to Jeremy and Howard). I am not a fan of Marrone. He comes across to me as a wishy-washy guy who has no business as a leader of men.
  14. Don't worry, they're going to get a nice boost now that oil prices are dropping. Obama will (falsely) get credit for the economy's turnaround (low interest rates + low energy prices = better economy) and the cycle of stupidity will start anew.
  15. Why? Because the CEO of Blue Cross made $10,000,000.00 last year, that's why! Good god, you are a !@#$ing retard.
  16. I have two of them. I'm also married. I had like 50 episodes of Hell on Wheels that just disappeared one day...
  17. He acknowledged that he thought Democrats had been in pretty good shape until just a few days before the election. “Things went south quickly,” This is funnier than Geno Smith talking about how good a QB he is. Dude went all Gatorman.
  18. The government is going to save money by cutting administration? Yeah, that's sure to happen.
  19. Up next will be a policy that allows us to only recruit tea-totalling assets to gather our intel - a return to the Clinton era policy that sped up the process in the first place.
  20. This is one subject that the NFL could take lessons from the NHL on. The NFL ceremonial tributes barely get any coverage nationally and that sucks out loud.
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