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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. A press conference is just about the only way Marrone can be compared to Belichick.
  2. I agree with you. The fire is what separates the great ones from everyone else. Orton simply took more than his share of hits as the season went on and the lack of adjustment from the coaches took a toll (anyone even think about giving Henderson some help with Mack?). If this staff returns next season, we'll be talking about the same things but the QB will have a different name.
  3. There are so many factors that go into an individual player being successful and that is most true about the QB position. Frankly I think EJ has about a 10% chance of ever being "that guy" and only some of it is based on him. He really needs to work on his accuracy and ability to scan the field - both of those things can be improved through hard work. Do I think it will happen? No, because those things have plagued him since he's been a player and he's shown little progress.
  4. Brooks is fine for the number of reps he gets. He's not going to progress much from where he is without playing time. He may be comparable to Duke "Lost" Williams and Searcy, both of whom are light years better with more snaps under their belts. Brooks may just now be getting his confidence back. He's had a bumpy road. And put me in the "hit was just fine" camp. This is football. I get trying to keep the Jack Tatum/Gene Atkinson kits out of the game but that was just a football play. I got a kick out of ol' Solly first agreeing with the call because of "a forearm" and then back peddling once he saw it again. I think the NFL is eventually going to go the college road and start looking at those plays when they're called to make sure the call is correct. They'll screw that up too.
  5. College System QB. At this point I'm starting to think you could pluck an athletic LBer and line him up in Urban's offense.
  6. Kansas City is an awesome place to visit. The last time the BILLS played there (opener a couple of years ago), Saturday night we had dinner in the same restaurant as about 20 of the players. The Chiefs' fans were really nice to us, despite the ass whipping we laid on them. I honestly thought we were going to get rolled going in there.
  7. He was going to call timeout anyway. Why not see if the zebras will gift you one? You are playing Buffalo, after all.
  8. That would have been a TD if Brown had just followed his blocks instead of turning back to the middle of the field.
  9. No kidding. I saw the prep time and expected the recipe to include driving somewhere to order wings.
  10. Based on what? The Jets got the most out of their talent when they actually had some. That team has been run into the ground by the front office, especially on the offensive side of the football. The good skill guys are gone, they have nothing at QB, their best OLinemen are getting on in age and the young guys aren't exactly of pedigree. Not exactly the recipe for success. I'd take Ryan over Marrone in a heartbeat.
  11. They'd only have to attack two to get the average American to crawl under their houses and start quaking.
  12. Profiling is a tool that only liberals are allowed to use...
  13. Unlike the top of the very government that's going to save you from these horrible indiscretions. Right?
  14. I stopped by a big box store a couple of weeks ago to pick up a memory card for my phone. I was wearing my standard business casual when a young kid came up and said "excuse me sir, but are you hiring?" I told him I didn't work at the store but if he wanted a job with me he needed to give me a resume because I'd hire him for a better entry level position just because he was polite. The kid with him was dumbfounded. He started the following Monday. Sometimes it is that simple.
  15. The real trick will be getting oil to sit at $18 a barrel for seven years.
  16. Again, they can't. Try and see a picture larger than politics and what the for profit media is telling you.
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