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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. "ALL of this catastrophizing around Climate Change is just a huge DISTRACTION." No kidding. Now get out there and buy your "brown out" transportation, Kalifornians.
  2. It's called a "Thin Blue Line" for a reason, you morons.
  3. It's amazing that something that's honestly a little pedestrian is considered fantastic. It shows integrity... which it's obviously sorely lacking in today's "journalism".
  4. Somewhere, Fritz Mondale is watching this with glee.
  5. Well, he's dead and gone mentally. So we finally found something ol' Joe wasn't totally wrong about.
  6. There's a reason there wasn't a "Harry Reid" amongst the Founding Fathers. They understood what unchecked power meant and put in plenty of options for the minority to use when things were spiraling. Reid's hubris (the ridiculous belief that Democrats would hold power until the end of time) is EXACTLY why Donald Trump is going to appoint a 3rd "conservative" SCJ. It's just delicious that it's a female Catholic Notre Dame alumnus replacing ol' RBG. Shoulda been more concerned with the other "little clump o' cells," Ruthie.
  7. Most of these things aren't even possible without a Constitutional Convention. But feel free to secede, morons.
  8. There's a reason they only trumpeted the 4(ish) good things about the law...because the other 3k pages were packed with incredibly expensive nonsense.
  9. Constitution, schomnstitution, amirite libs?
  10. Democrats aren't the only ones who love status quo. Conservatives have plenty of their own demons they refuse to face.
  11. The stuff I've read about places that have legalized shows the percentage of "abuse" doesn't change much, so the downstream effects aren't significantly different. I will grant that these studies don't have decades of data, so some scepticism is earned but what we're doing now has all the things you're talking about with a ridiculous amount of senseless violence and more militaristic police. I just don't think we can keep doing this and expect any difference in results.
  12. According to a couple studies, the cost of care for addicts would be significantly less than the costs we currently pay for law enforcement and incarceration. Drugs won the War on Drugs a long time ago.
  13. How much did mini-Mike pay for that poll result?
  14. Can't you just feel the enthusiasm for the Biden campaign? No reason to hide ol' Joe in the basement. He's all there.
  15. Please stop feeding the trolls. They will continue to be stupid no matter how many facts are thrown in their stupid faces.
  16. There's no way they're just hiding him.
  17. Victimology sells. It always has.
  18. Please stop feeding the trolls.
  19. Libs have NEVER cared about facts. There's one party that benefits from keeping black people impoverished and it ain't the Republicans.
  20. Here's to hoping he goes after the MSM et al and they have to pay out big.
  21. 93% peaceful
  22. Cue the liberal outrage for a Presidential candidate disparaging the troops. (eye roll) It's not Joe's fault. He's used to only speaking to the other trained monkeys.
  23. Because almost everyone up there with any kind of power is guilty of something, which is why Hillary Clinton isn't under a jail for all of her bull####.
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