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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. So despite a world that enacts more and more of the liberal agenda every single day, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer? Who could have predicted that? /rhetorical
  2. Yes, the problem we have in this country is the government can't handle its CONSTITUTIONAL obligations despite touching nearly $.20 of every dollar generated. Good luck blaming Paul Ryan for that.
  3. I have zero doubt the French will eventually retreat from their stance on this matter.
  4. I agree with this. More QBs are ruined by overcoaching than are enhanced by it. The best ones more or less figure it out on their own and are given the freedom to use their talent/skillset to the best of their ability. Imagine Belichick trying to run the read/option with Brady because it's all the rage. EJ needs to not worry about throwing interceptions and just rip that B word in there when it's available. Stop having the guy try and drop the ball into a bucket because he sucks at it.
  5. This is the guy who sets the standard. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/preview09/columns/story?id=4443119 If Ryan is doing less, then he's fighting a battle with one hand tied behind his back. I read another article (that I can't find) that explains how much time Belichick spends on offense and how it's helped him prepare defenses. Yesterday was an example of his genius - he chewed Pagano up and spit him out - on both sides of the ball.
  6. I don't have a problem with the rules. If GB's coaching staff and execution had been better, they'd have won in a route. That game wasn't decided in OT.
  7. We're where we need to be. Look at the Top 4 in scoring right now. All are either the first or second picks in the draft. The problem the Sabres have had for too long is not sucking enough when they suck. Either be the best or be the best at sucking.
  8. Gailey's offense here had to be quick reads because Fitz can't accurately throw the ball outside the hash marks more than 12 yards down the field. The defense wasn't the problem, the execution was. There were so many mistakes by the LBers that the BILLS essentially went out and got an entirely new corp last offseason. Our defense was better because the personnel was better. I have zero doubt we'd have been just as good with Pettine because of the upgrades to the personnel and the experience the young players got that first season.
  9. I didn't say that. My point was more for the losing team. You generally learn more from the ****ty things that happen to you in your life. As an example the losing team learned empathy in a way that will never leave them. I do have a problem with the coach pressing for the entire half and being up by whatever margin. The guy is a douche. I don't have a problem with the school suspending him or her or some other punishment to try and teach better judgement.
  10. You're far more likely to win the Super Bowl with a HC who wasn't a NFL player but has been a position coach at one time or another, especially in this era. All 4 coaches coaching this weekend didn't play in the NFL but were position coaches before they moved onto being a HC. So much for that. The list of NFL Head Coaches who've won the Super Bowl without playing in the league but who held non-head coaching positions includes: Lombardi, Ewbanks, Stram, Walsh, Gibbs, Parcells, Seifert, Holmgren, Shanahan, Billick, Belichick, Gruden, Coughlin, McCarthy, Tomlin, John Harbaugh, and Pete Carroll. Sean Payton played 3 strike games before he because a QB coach or he'd be in that list too. 26 of the last 28 Super Bowls have been won by team coached by a guy who never played in the NFL. This season there were only six teams that were coached by a guy who played in the NFL. The BILLS were one of them. None of the six coaches has ever won a Super Bowl. At the end of the day the best NFL coaches are generally guys who haven't played at the highest level.
  11. Agreed. As a libertarian, to me that is one of the most egregious assaults on liberty and the Constitution in our legal system. I doubt the administration's rationale lines up with mine but its a big move in the right direction.
  12. Bull. Everyone is trying to shield their children from every little thing, the byproduct of which is entitled idiots with zero coping mechanisms when they get to the real world. If the worst thing that happened to you growing up was getting your ass kicked in a !@#$ing sporting event, then your childhood was too easy and life is going to kick your !@#$ing ass. Karma gets people who put themselves on a pedestal. Things generally even out.
  13. Don't wanna lose? Don't suck. Can't handle losing? Buy a skirt, Sally and welcome to the real world where you're always going to be someone's B word.
  14. There are consequences to actions. That's reality. Is it right that people are getting killed by radicals because of cartoons, etc? Nope. Does that mean it's smart to keep poking that particular bear? Nope. One of the things I learned when I was in the military was not to invite the wolf to your door if you're not willing to fight being eaten. Everyone is getting into a tizzy because the Pope said (paraphrased): "Maybe people should use their brains before opening their mouths." Really?
  15. The NCAA is just as culpable as any university in creating the environment. I'm not arguing about what was right and what was wrong. Doesn't change the fact that, in this instance, the NCAA was trying to do something, anything, to move the spotlight off themselves. That's ALL they were doing.
  16. The analytics clearly show who the worst team is. We'll get there.
  17. That "punishment" was simply the NCAA being vindictive for the sake of it. I hate everything about Penn State and even I think that was ridiculous.
  18. I'll bet Paul can back up his claim far easier than your claim that he's "targeting the disabled." You're a !@#$ing retard.
  19. There isn't a set standard for it, much like police shootings. Personally I'd like to see the real stats for shootings involving gangs and drugs. I suspect that the average American who isn't involved in gang or drug culture is just as safe as the average European.
  20. Dustin Keller's 4 years with Jets: 375 targets, 213 receptions, 15 TDs, 2559 yards Vernon Davis 4 years under Roman: 290 targets, 186 receptions, 26 TDs, 2435 yards (his numbers with Alex Smith QBing were better with the exception of the 13 TDs he had in a single season with Kap) Scott Chandler's last 4 years: 271 targets, 181 receptions, 17 TDs, 2112 yards. Keller was first or second in both targets and receptions all four seasons he was healthy.
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