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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. What makes no sense is the liberal ideology that criminals will suddenly start following laws because they've been passed. Drug prohibition working? How about making it illegal to rape kids? How successful was the government at making alcohol completely illegal? Any far reaching consequences to that law being passed? There's a reason criminals keep attacking places like schools and liberal "gun free zones." Use the six working brain cells you have to try and figure it out.
  2. The fact that you don't understand the Constitution and how it came about is YOUR problem. You mean weapons like gasoline and fertilizer? Thomas Jefferson owned 2 Girardoni Air Rifles - he, and the rest of the Founding Fathers actually fought and lived war with their own weapons so they could be free. They understand the issue far better than any "progressive" I've ever heard/read.
  3. There are 100 rounders for the Saiga. Really? How many people died in Oklahoma City? Not even a single shot was fired. Criminals who want to kill people will choose soft targets and find a method to kill them. It's easy to do in a free society. If you want to bury your head in the sand and pretend that the 100s of millions of legally owned firearms in this country are a problem, be thankful that our Founding Fathers were WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY smarter than you are.
  4. Not many things are more comforting when you're on the ground watching them head towards the bad guys.
  5. I'm happy for him. I'm happier that the BILLS front office has found enough quality players that the ones they cut are going on to careers elsewhere in the league. That's a nice change.
  6. Replace it. It'll pay for itself quicker because it'll be exponentially more efficient.
  7. Picasso couldn't paint masterpieces with tools made out of ****. Fitzpatrick has serious physical limitations, which were on display before he got here and have continued at both stops since he left. He is what he is. I don't know if Geno Smith has the mental acuity and drive to be an elite NFL QB. He certainly has the physical skill set but if he doesn't have the "want to", no one will get it out of him.
  8. Dave Wannestadt called. He's willing to give it a shot.
  9. Brady is actually 13-4 all time versus the Colts. I believe I read somewhere that Dungy's record against Belichick was .500 but I'm too lazy to look that up.
  10. That sounds nothing like Obama. The fact that's what you got out of that post is the reason Tom called you an idiot. Which is the real reason he keeps his posts short.
  11. It's nice to see Bill Maher is still a completely senseless dolt.
  12. Nor can we continue to give them more and more money without demanding accountability. The closest thing to immortality is a government program. We were still paying mohair subsidies in 1993 that were put in place so we could make coats for troops in WWII! Politicians count on the fact that they can repeat the "we just don't have enough money" lie enough to actually convince people that it's true. That's why we are trillions and trillions in debt at the federal level and virtually every state has countless billions of unfunded liabilities. Last year the United States Government spent more money than the GDP of all but 10 COUNTRIES. To put it in perspective, we weren't far from spending more than CANADA MADE. We spent almost 30% more than the entire economy of SOUTH KOREA. How much is enough? At some point the house of cards is going to tumble. We saw a couple of minor instances with the banking industry and the housing markets, both brought to you by politicians who don't have even a basic understanding of how markets work or how to look at possible long term consequences. Yet the President is still trying to curry favor with more "free" stuff and pretending the problem is "not enough revenue." The last thing this country needs is another new tax. What it needs is massive reform at all levels of government and way more sensible citizens.
  13. http://www.keepeek.com/Digital-Asset-Management/oecd/economics/economic-policy-reforms-2013/public-investment_growth-2013-graph177-en#page1 U.S. is solidly above average for percentage of GDP for infrastructure spending. U.S spends 3.3% Europe spends 3.1%. Again, there's almost no good argument for raising taxes on anything in this country. The government isn't hurting for money, it's hurting for leadership and priorities.
  14. No, what the "Taxed Enough Already" legislators are saying is the government HAS the money to do what needs to be done and more regressive taxes don't need to be passed because the amount of revenue the federal government takes in is enough to deal with the issues of the land. I'm not sure why you're having such a hard time with such a simple point.
  15. What are we to do? Prioritize. Just like every entity that operates on a budget. The problem with politicians is they refuse to make hard choices, instead they have people like you supporting ridiculous positions like "they just don't have enough money", despite the fact that they touch more money than the GDP of all but a handful of nations even generate. We do less with more money than any nation on earth. It's not by coincidence and the answer is NEVER going to be "give the politicians more money."
  16. The best part is birddog is going to line himself up with baskin and pretend they're "high information" voters.
  17. Of course you don't. You're a !@#$ing drone. When you can't depend on intellect, you can always fall back to a place called "Hope."
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