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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Beckham clearly played with a superior QB and his team clearly gameplanned to both get and keep him involved. Watkins didn't enjoy those luxuries. Everything is a situation. Beckham's situation was clearly better than Watkins' and it showed.
  2. President Obama shows us virtually every day the clear difference between education and intelligence.
  3. Where did Biden graduate from? Obviously college is what makes people smart.
  4. Great day, week, month to be a Buffalo sports fan. Kane is a stud and the change of scenery will help him. Bogo is what Myers isn't - a guy who actually plays to his size and he's got another five years on his deal. I'm almost never sad to see a European player go, especially a young one. Rumor is Claude Jr. wasn't going to sign here, so whatever. Now finish the tank and move the last of the dead weight. Onto the draft and free agency where we move ourselves forward.
  5. The best part is how you're not a hypocrite.
  6. Because no matter how hot a woman is, some dude, somewhere, is tired of her ****.
  7. Does this mean Hillary has a running mate?
  8. http://money.cnn.com/2015/02/04/media/brian-williams-recants-iraq-story/index.html "I think the constant viewing of the video showing us inspecting the impact area -- and the fog of memory over 12 years -- made me conflate the two, and I apologize." You know who "forgets" whether or not an RPG hits a helicopter they're on? A liar.
  9. No ****. Even Barney Frank thinks that post is stupid.
  10. He's pretty much always been a scumbag. The two things aren't mutually exclusive.
  11. Has nothing to do with "resorting". A lot of professional athletes "pay to play" to make sure they don't leave baby mamas everywhere.
  12. Who said "jail" is for rehabilitation? In order for inmates to rehabilitate themselves, they have to be willing to change. It's pretty similar to other liberal ideas where just anyone will work their ass off if given the opportunity. Idealism at its finest. Good luck with that.
  13. Harrison's behavior with the media is likely the biggest reason he's still awaiting induction. Those guys have long memories.
  14. You should because there is NO SUCH THING. Find me a human being who can pull a trigger 13 times per second. Retardicon is citing the cyclic rate of certain AUTOMATIC weapons, which are actually legal but require a bunch of money and a Class III FFL.
  15. 1. You have absolutely zero idea what an assault weapon is, regardless of whether that term is ridiculous or not (it is). 2. Jefferson said a lot of things. If he were alive today he would likely be leading the charge of revolution against our government because it is very much like the one the Founding Fathers went to war against. 3. "Assault weapons" are rarely used to commit crimes. 4. The Girandoni Air Rifle that was invented in the late 1700s could fire over 20 aimed rounds per minute. That's pretty much the same rate that a semi-automatic assault rifle can be aim fired. It was accurate to about 150 yards. But you keep spewing the "it took over a minute to reload" and "accurate to 600 yards" thing as if they're somehow relevant or honest. Let me know the next time someone uses an "assault rifle" to fire 800 rounds in a minute from 600 yards away, will you? Most cars are capable of being driven at double the posted speed limit and kill more people than firearms. Should we start banning them until the numbers are significantly lower? Maybe the maximum speed should be 30MPH so in the event of an accident, the likelihood of someone being significantly injured will decrease exponentially? At this point I'd almost be in favor of returning to the "Assault Weapons Ban" so the dumbasses among us will think something's been accomplished when the reality is (and was) the only thing that changed was the look and prices of the weapons. If liberals had kept their mouths shut about assault weapons, they wouldn't be even close to as prevalent today as they are. There are probably a number of things wrong with me. Let me start: 1. I don't suffer uninformed fools. 2. I'm not afraid of citizens owning firearms - including assault weapons. 3. I don't let the media or politicians "think" for me. 4. I don't think Prohibitive Laws involving "things" will keep criminals from committing crimes but will increase the likelihood, level of violence, and rate at which crimes will be committed. 5. I'm far more concerned about why you're literally 100s of times more likely to die from visiting a hospital and suffering preventable harm that causes your death than being murdered by an "assault rifle". https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/781687-john-james-a-new-evidence-based-estimate-of.html#document/p1/a117333 The list is endless. I'd say feel free to add to it but: 6. I don't care about other people's opinion of me.
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