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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Yes, I posted it in all seriousness because it's reality. There is a vast difference between being "qualified by a police department to legally carry a gun so the department won't be held legally responsible for your actions" and being trained to deal with real world shooting scenarios when an assailant or multiple assailants are also armed. There are so many published studies on the subject that even a !@#$ing ignoramus like you could find one via Google. Not that you'll do the work. There was a FBI study released in the mid-2000s or so that showed the average police assailant trained on their weapon TEN TIMES more often than officers did. The best thing about you continuing to post here is how little you've evolved over time. You're still the same blindly retarded dolt you were when you first started coming around. Bravo on that record, mouth breather.
  2. Nothing says Arizona won't go on a little run after they make changes. Most teams do. I have complete confidence the Sabres are bad enough to end up last. Dear Kaner, Sincerely, The Hockey Gods
  3. The best part is how he "believes" the people who don't agree with his political views are the ones who are paranoid.
  4. You'll have to excuse BF4L. He/she/it is stupid.
  5. No one said "carrying guarantees success." The only guarantee in those situations is when you have no way to defend yourself. You're guaranteed to be a victim. Many people choose that avenue based on their beliefs or level of indoctrination. I don't care about police success. The vast majority of police officers in this world lack the necessary training to deal with a real world shooting situation. That's not news. The best guarantee that Police Departments nation-wide can give you is they won't be anywhere around if you're in a victim situation. Statistically that can't be debated. Concealed carry isn't going to get rid of violent crime. As long as there are people in the world willing to commit violent crimes, the rights of the individual to defend themselves in a commensurate manner is fundamental and non-negotiable.
  6. Do those click in the spokes of your dog sled?
  7. Great race, all the way until the last caution. I hate that they don't let them race to the line on the last lap when the caution is behind the lead pack. Junior screwed up royally on the next to last restart and then went on almost an epic run to the front with 10 laps to go.
  8. No way. DBs would be hauling guys down all over the place, especially with the game on the line.
  9. My all time favorite sports moment. It essentially gave birth to the American hockey movement that we enjoy the fruits of today. I still get chills seeing the U.S. goals, Craig flopping around, and that torturous final minute ticking down for what at the time seemed like an hour. Riveting stuff. HBO did a terrific documentary on the team's journey.
  10. Stop feeding the tards. Especially considering his demonstrated lack of understanding on well over 90% of the topics he posts about.
  11. Mostly because the talent of everyone in the game is so much higher now than back then (especially goalies and defensemen). Mario and Gretzky were amazing because literally about 5% of the guys in the league back then could make a roster now. Everything about the game is better now, which is why there are whispers about larger goals and even smaller goalie gear. It's at the point now where it's almost impossible to score unless the goalie is either completely screened or the puck comes from or changes direction within 5 feet of the blue paint. I love watching the old footage where most defensemen were essentially pylons and a good percentage of goalies wouldn't start in a rec league today. I know what you meant with your analogy but I don't want people who aren't die hards thinking Reinhardt isn't a stud - because he's going to be. The biggest problem this organization has had for a long time is not sucking enough. We finally seem to have gotten that part right.
  12. That's not really accurate. Reinhart is going to be a very good player but he's still essentially a kid who just isn't physically ready for the size of the jump. He's a dominant player in Juniors, far more so than anything Manuel ever accomplished in college. The NHL draft is very different and most years the top guys taken won't be NHL stars for 3 years or so. That's what makes the upcoming draft so unique. There's at least 2 guys at the top who are expected to be very, very good NHL players right out of the gate despite the fact that they're going to be 8 or more years from entering their athletic prime. They're also considered to have ceilings at the level of guys like Gretzky, Mario, etc. Reinhart has a pretty high ceiling but it's asking an awful lot of an 18 year old to compete at the highest level of sport with guys 5-10 years older than they are. He's going to be a great player. Columbus is way better than we are - they beat the Penguins last night and have underachieved pretty much all season due to injury. Toronto is flat out terrible. A mentally weak team.
  13. The NBA changed the rules after the Celtics picked Bird. They weren't allowed to pick him because he didn't declare.
  14. Doesn't matter if he stays in college, he's draft eligible so the Sabres can draft him and retain the right to sign him until he graduates. It's not like the NFL, which is good in some ways and bad in others.
  15. Might have been better off trotting out Linda. Too soon?
  16. I thought maybe Adele was big because she ate Palin.
  17. I think they'd trade Hodgson for a water pail with a hole in it.
  18. He might have been once but last night was unbelievably horrible.
  19. Yeah, lets bring in Vick. Then when he doesn't prepare for games and makes the same ridiculous mental mistakes he's been making for his entire career, we can point at you and laugh. Michael Vick. Jesus H. Christ.
  20. The problem isn't the commercial, it's the sheer number of times the damn thing runs. That damn thing is on an incessant loop.
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