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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I can understand that. I firmly believe that if you guys had finished that game that you'd have another Lombardi.
  2. I'll leave RJ and Van Miller off because they're so obvious to anyone who grew up with them. Curt Gowdy would be next for me. Not to many guys smoke anymore so they don't have that gravelly voice that Gowdy had. I also love Rick Peckam, who has been doing the Tampa Bay Lightening broadcasts for years. He cut his teeth with the Amerks and was terrific.
  3. What he means is only rich white people are racist and its passed down from generation to generation. The non-white frats, and all other non-white groupings, have absolutely no racism whatsoever and that's not a learned behavior.
  4. More government will solve the problems created by too much government! Brilliant.
  5. Who is going to give up any value for a player with so many questions?
  6. I laughed. How much improvement should be expected from a guy getting pretty much zero snaps with the ones in practice and minimal playing time? You're probably right that he's a "change up" guy who will be brought in for certain situations like short yardage or goal line.
  7. Why should they? Nothing in the recruitment brochure is really equal. There's weather, cost of living, schools, sponsorship possibilities, etc. The last thing the NFL should do is try and get deeper into a rulebook. They mostly succeed in spite of themselves already.
  8. It would solve the lack of experience and leadership at the position that was a glaring issue last season.
  9. We'll see how long the "confidence" they been playing with sticks around. Last night's game was certainly a "find a way to lose" kinda thing. String another couple of those type games together and all the sudden you have a team in a funk with almost no way to climb out of it. The biggest thing against us right now is the schedule. We still have have 2 with Toronto, 2 with Arizona, Columbus, New Jersey, and Carolina on the docket. Getting through last night without a point was good. Edmonton played really well last night against the Blackhawks. I agree with the other people in this thread who say the Sabres are the worst team. Arizona and Edmonton are much better than their records. If either of them had Neuvirth or Enroth for any length of time, this race would be over. I still think back to the streak we had early in the season and wish we'd have just lost 2 or 3 of those games because if we'd pretty much just be hoping we got McDavid because the Eichel guarantee would already be sewn up.
  10. So wait, he hired attractive telegenic people to be on television?
  11. I don't understand the whole Twitter thing and why celebrities call attention to their children using it. No one could pay me enough money to expose my daughter to society the way he did. Before anyone goes all "internet" on me, I get that Schilling probably had no hidden agenda when he posted such an innocuous tweet. It's sad that people have so little class when it comes to other people's children.
  12. The average sysad in the government doesn't speak out about those kind of things because they value their jobs and know that doing it even one time will get you blackballed from any kind of government work. The rules aren't for the ruling class and never have been. That's why ceding so much power to a central authority is retarded.
  13. So? There isn't a single profession on this planet that doesn't contain that behavior. It's called human nature. Some people are entitled. Some people are lazy. Some people are both. Most people aren't. The demands to become a doctor today are ridiculous. That breeds a sense of entitlement and probably a little bit of laziness, since most had to work so hard just to get where they are. It is what it is. I work with some incredibly brilliant and driven people. They didn't get where they are by accident. A few of them are pretty entitled and (gasp) a little bit lazy. They're guilty of resting on their laurels a little. It happens to most successful people. I choose to learn from it rather than emulate it but it's not an indictment of my entire profession.
  14. I don't care. I remember numerous times when he couldn't get off the line of scrimmage or half-assed a route that led to an incompletion or turnover. Its one thing to play hurt to try to help the team and another to play hurt because you're not professional enough to be prepared for a 16 game season. Johnson is the perfect poster boy for why this team has sucked for so long.
  15. Americans don't care if politicians lie. The 90+% reelection rate is all the proof anyone should ever need.
  16. Wrong. Stevie Johnson's mistake has been not being dedicated enough to do the work during the off season to keep himself in top shape which is why he's consistently injured. Million dollar athlete, 10 cent brain.
  17. Flat out wrong, even in your ridiculous ideological world. If the government ever tried to unleash the U.S. military on the streets of this country there would be a coup in the ranks so fast it'd make even your water head spin. I'm not surprised the average liberal keeps repeating this horseshit, since such a small number of you has the balls to sign on the line.
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