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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I have tremendous anticipation. I'm like a little kid right now. A little kid doing shots of Jameson's..
  2. It took 81 excruciating games but we can finally exhale. Welcome to Buffalo, whichever of you magnificent !@#$ers we end up with. I almost fell to my knees when that empty netter went in. I can only imagine what it's going to be like when we finally hold up Lord Stanley. BRING ON THE LOTTERY!
  3. Yeah, he's a clown for taking more than twice as much money, moving to a tax friendly state, and at a school with a better climate where it will be MUCH easier to recruit. Do you people hear yourselves? You ought to be thanking the guy for taking what was a joke of a program to an NCAA tournament bid. When Hurley was hired here, he was going to be leaving. You can try to pretend otherwise but you're just lying to yourself
  4. "Who thinks gatorman is a retard? Raise your hand."
  5. What about the Jets when Pettine was the DC? Are you comparing the Browns' personnel and all their issues with what might be the most talented defense in the NFL right now? The guy can coach defense. There are plenty of reasons why teams perform the way they do. It seems to be in vogue to take the easy explanation (in this case, Schwarz is a better coach which seems odd given he's not coaching in the NFL right now and the conventional "wisdom" on this board was hiring him and "The Wide 9" is a mistake) but that doesn't make it reality.
  6. I don't know that it's fair to blame Pettine because I doubt very seriously if he told guys to run to the wrong gap or miss tackles - which were the two biggest problems we had stopping the run. I also don't think it's a coincidence that Kiko was going to be kicked outside because he was increasingly becoming a liability inside and regularly guilty of not having good gap discipline. I also don't underestimate the leadership Spikes' brought to the run defense. One player in the middle of the defense can make a huge difference and I think that's exactly what happened. Pettine took what was a dramatic weakness and made huge strides in one season. He actually made McKelvin into a competent corner! There's no reason to believe that wouldn't have continued, especially considering the steps the team took to address obvious personnel issues.
  7. The defense took a big step when Pettine took over as coordinator and took another step last season. Is that because Pettine left or is it even related? I doubt it. It speaks more to continuity, added experience (especially Dareus, Bradham, and Searcy), some important new pieces (Spikes, Brown, etc), and some good depth. I have no doubt Pettine would have had the BILLS defense at the top of the heap if he'd stayed around another year.
  8. I'll take either of them. With Reinhardt, the rest of our young pieces, and a free agent or two, there's a nice run on the horizon.
  9. "Dead brown people? Who's going to drive me to the airport?"
  10. They had to pass it to find out what was in it. Obviously.
  11. You're right. It was the Senators, not the Bruins. Sometimes I confuse the teams I hate.
  12. Hockey isn't nearly as subjective as football at the top of the draft. Don't let little things like facts get in the way of being contrarian.
  13. Maybe it was a bit much or maybe it wasn't. Being a die hard Sabres' fan who has literally watched two of the worst seasons of all time back-to-back, I was as nervous going into overtime as I was watching the Stanley Cup Finals against Dallas or Game 7 against Carolina. I left the room and didn't come back until it was over. I had trouble going to sleep after the game because I was so amped from the events. So I get why some fans cheered. They've suffered a lot with the Sabres and BILLS over the years and for once it looks like we may actually finish something we started. I could give a flying crap what fans from other cities say or think. Most of them haven't lived virtually their entire lives with mediocre franchises that have never won a championship and too often don't even contend. Our teams always seem to be just good enough to make the playoffs or just bad enough not to. We're not apologizing for being tired of it, especially since so many of us are still watching EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. We see Crosby and Malkin on the Penguins, Toews and Kane on the Blackhawks and know that we could soon be in the same conversation. It's completely different ground for us. Remember, we're the fans who basically threw together a parade when Jim Kelly finally came to town to play and then showed Pro Football how to induct someone into the Hall of Fame. Remember how many people were at the airport to greet Terrell Owens? That doesn't happen many other places. We're !@#$ing awesome and everyone who has worn our colors knows it. I knew when they blew this team up it was going to suck out loud and it's been incredibly painful to sit through it night after night for nearly two years. So forgive us for cheering against the laundry for a short time period because we want a much better tomorrow. I'm going to be amongst the first in line to get a McDavid/Eichel jersey. DARINTEED! To the players who had their feelings hurt: It's not personal. For the most part we haven't booed you because we know you're doing your best. Unfortunately, your best isn't good enough. It is what it is. You only have to deal with it for 8 more games. So do your best but please don't screw this up because we've earned this. We deserve it.
  14. The Browns most severe punishment is being forced to keep Johnny Football on the roster.
  15. America. Getting the politicians it deserves since 1776.
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