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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I bought the entire series (BluRay) on Amazon on sale for $20.
  2. The obvious answer is more tax money for schools, right liberals? The downward spiral we see in America directly correlates to the amount of government involvement in our daily lives. Congrats liberals, on reaping what you've sewn.
  3. America, where your life is so good you can always find something to be offended about.
  4. I don't remember too many "two handers" that violent in the playoffs. I hate when guys get run from behind and when guys use their sticks as weapons. There's no reason for it. I hope Subban gets his ass kicked.
  5. There is NOTHING better than the Stanley Cup playoffs.
  6. Whatever you've said...worse has been said by people I actually respect.
  7. Interesting topic today was "What would it take for you to trade the first overall pick?" If we got it that makes Arizona second. I think I would take Eichel, Eckman-Larson, and their next 3 firsts (at least one of which is all but guaranteed to be in the top 5). There aren't many deals that intrigue me but that one would make me seriously think about it.
  8. Raise your hand if you've never said anything to someone in society because you were pissed off. Yeah. Thought so.
  9. I remember watching a few minutes of T.O.'s reality show. He went to a jewelry store and dropped $80k on a set of earrings. I wasn't shocked when he declared.
  10. Mickey Mouse called. He said he wants his ridiculous looking gloves back. So kickball sucks slightly less than basketball? There's a win. Nothing more manly than covering less than 4 miles in 90 minutes plus "my vagina was extra leaky" time. Amirite?
  11. So the penalty for waiting to do your taxes is being forced to watch kickball? Hard to imagine hating something more than the IRS but it is possible.
  12. No way it was me. If I was stuck in Seattle I'd be looking for the first plane to anywhere.
  13. Nolan will never coach in the NHL again, nor should he. He's a throwback who has no place in today's NHL. The Sabres can afford to get any coach they want and most likely will.
  14. I know you're not trying to put words in my mouth. I've only seen a snippet of the coverage of this story and just from that I wouldn't have any issue with the death penalty for this incident.
  15. I think it's difficult to understand how hard it is to be a police officer in America today. I can't imagine going to work, dealing with the gatormans of the world, and not being able to shoot one now and again.
  16. I was sitting in the breakroom at the office the other day and two of the talking heads were arguing over whether this case means a federal takeover of law enforcement is necessary. To me, the bigger story is how much revenue municipalities are getting from traffic violations and how that plays into the relationship between citizens and the police (especially lower income citizens). Missouri is going after it in a big way, contemplating a law that limits traffic related "largess" to 10% of a municipality's revenues. I don't know that it's good policy to put an artificial number on it but I do like the discussion.
  17. It's a big jump but it can be done. Murray has the tools at his disposal. He needs to find a few impact free agents and/or guys who are available because other teams have cap issues. He got done what he wanted to next year but now the excuses aren't going to be accepted. The recipe is pretty easy: 1. If Babcock or McClellan are available, get one of them. 2. If there are guys available like Boychuck and Leddy were this year, be in the mix. 3. Sign an impact free agent or two. 4. Develop what you've already got. 5. Find a goalie (maybe find two?) I have zero doubt this team could be 35-40 points better without much difficulty. McEichel, Reihardt, Pysyk, and Evander Kane will all contribute more next year than whoever they replace. A guy like Ennis will be sick with more talent around him.
  18. I'm sure there's some celebrating going on. What a journey of garbage that was. I feel as drained as I did after Game 5 of the Rangers' series.
  19. No kidding. I think I'm going to try to get him to autograph one to go next to my signed Gilbert Perrault sweater.
  20. He'll do what WNYers do from November until April - stay inside.
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