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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. FOOTBALL IS NOT HOCKEY, YOU MORON. If the BILLS' homegames weren't on television, the team would be in Los Angeles.
  2. The Riddler strikes again. Comparing things that are clearly incomparable doesn't a cogent argument make. There's a reason Rocky Wirtz undid all those things you and ol' Bill held dear - they were stupid and because of them the team was losing large amounts of money and had lost appeal to nearly a generation of fans. One of them was hiring one of the top Cubs' execs - because he needed to get those fans back.
  3. http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/health/2015/06/17/california-budget-deal-to-make-state-first-in-nation-to-offer-healthcare-to/ I'm sure that will discourage illegal immigration and have few downstream consequences. Good thing the state's budget is in such good shape and the future is so rosy. Nice work, Moonbeam.
  4. Bull. The BILLS have been profitable every year. The Blackhawks couldn't make monthly payroll and were hemorrhaging money. Everything about the franchise was broken. Comparing football and hockey economics is ludicrous and comparing the BILLS and the Blackhawks is even dumber. Business has always been about adapting or dying. Wirtz was a dinosaur who profited as much from his Chicago political connections as his business acumen. He was right that the economics of the game was broken (and it still is) but his unwillingness to see how important television was going to be to growing his fan base and revenue streams was beyond stupid.
  5. Work in: "Ed gives head" "I don't give a Stojan" "Jerky jerks" "Tracy Lee is a horrible parent" At the end just start muttering the names of the horses who've failed to complete the Triple Crown, starting with Smarty Jones.
  6. Because the "fixes" being proposed by liberals aren't fixes and the problem can't even be properly defined because of how it's been sold since the initial Hockey Stick Graph. As I've stated before, every single dollar that's been wasted on this Global Warming horseshit could have been spent actually doing good things in the environment and we'd be well on the way to a better future. Instead, we get the same tired "Sky is Falling" garbage from the same people who've brought you all the other "non-catastrophe's" that have lined their pockets and kept them in power. Good luck selling that pile to anyone with half a brain. We don't trust you because you're not trustworthy.
  7. People who don't agree with your ass backwards politics don't automatically agree with the other side of the aisle. Try and reconcile the difference, ya !@#$ing twit.
  8. He didn't do anything magical. He gave the big minutes to the top 4 and played a little matchup with 5&6. It was coaching 101. The Blackhawks won the Cup because they made the most of their chances and the Lightening didn't. It was a pretty typical series between two pretty equal teams.
  9. I'm not arguing with you about Jordan's greatness - I grew up rooting for the Bulls (before MJ) because their name was close to the BILLS and they had Orlando Woolridge (ND connection). But the situations the two players have been in aren't at all similar. Before the Bulls went on their runs, there were always really good teams in the East to make sure they didn't make the finals (Celtics and then Pistons). They also never faced a team in the finals that should have beaten them. Not once. People can argue that the Blazers had more individual talent but that team was unbelievably weak mentally. What Lebron has done is partially because the East has been weak for a long time and partially because he's such a unique player (bigger, more physical/athletic/fewer holes in his game version of Magic). He's an amazing player who a lot of people don't like because of the few missteps he's taken and how the media covers individuals now. I can't imagine how MJ would be portrayed in this era because his dickishness is very well documented. Every great player of the previous era had at least two other players with them when they were dynastic. Cleveland in the Finals has had precisely none.
  10. I'd rather watch a good team on television every day than a bad team in person even once. Wirtz' team was terrible in every sense of the word - the stars that made the team had nothing to do with them and the guys they developed left as soon as their first deals were up. Missing the playoffs 90% of the time isn't good business, period. And I'm not clueless where the game has been going. I've been complaining about how the NHL is pricing regular people out of the building for 2 decades. It's greed in the purest form. Luckily my team isn't anywhere near where I live so it doesn't much matter to me. I can follow them for about $100 a year. Because the Redwings and Blackhawks have similar talent, right? WRONG. All things being equal, the results likely aren't much different if any of the top 10 NHL coaches changed places.
  11. Not sure how Michael would have done if they'd lost Pippen and Rodman/pick someone else during a run. Jordan's teams lost plenty of series against superior opponents in the post season, it just always happened before the Finals.
  12. Sometimes you're so stupid it defies the word. http://www.chicagomag.com/Chicago-Magazine/November-2008/The-Breakaway/
  13. I wouldn't have gone either. No way I'd have put money in Bill Wirtz' pockets. He was one of the worst owners in the history of American professional sports (Hawks' home games weren't even televised in Chicago until AFTER his death). His son has completely turned that franchise around and deserves the success he's worked so hard for.
  14. I guess you and I are going to go through this yet again because you're obviously a somewhat defensive dude. I didn't respond to any post of YOURS with any accusation of the like. When I'm insulting you directly, you won't have to infer. If you don't understand that already, you're not paying attention.
  15. Let's see: Torture, performed by government employees while being paid by the government in response to a situation brought to you directly based on failed government decisions is absolutely policy. The President of the United States signed an E.O. directly related to how prisoners can be interrogated. So yes, it was government policy. I'm not sure why that's hard to understand. And to be PERFECTLY clear: I do not support "torture" in almost any circumstance. It has long term consequences which should be obvious even to partisan politicos. There are documented techniques that work to get people to talk without creating yet another terrorist recruiting tool. Brought to you by the incompetence of the big government you pine for. Welcome to consequences, hippie.
  16. http://bfy.tw/MQV http://bfy.tw/MQ8 http://bfy.tw/MQb You see hippie, where there is smoke there is fire. Gore is a liberal. Clinton is a liberal. You are an idiot because you can't see them for what they are and continue to blindly worship every single piece of crap they shovel at you. But hey everyone, the Pope is on board! Even though we think religion is a gigantic load we're going to cite him because he agrees with us! Forward!
  17. I was at Game 7 when the Cardinals beat the Rangers. That was like being at the moon landing. Very intense.
  18. Part of his job is talking to the media. Don't let that get in the way of a good rant, though.
  19. Which is why the best answer that liberals can come up with is carbon credits, right? Al Gore and the environmental elite are probably scheduling yet another summit to discuss the Nuclear Winter of our Discontent. Hillary will be there as long as the money is right. Private planes and megamansions for all! STFU, hippie.
  20. I love listening to liberals whine about government policies that don't work, all the while ignoring the well documented fact that their entire political ideology is an abject failure.
  21. Winning has nothing to do with market size. The Blackhawks were terrible for a decade before the salary cap era, making the playoffs ONCE in that time. They caught lightening in a bottle because they were terrible for a decade, missing the playoffs nine out of ten years. They picked in the top seven 4 straight seasons, which netted them Toews and Kane. The rest of the roster was filled out the normal way, with mostly non-first round draft choices that were developed, a few veterans acquired via free agency or trades and a couple of firsts they didn't miss on (Seabrooke, Teravainen). The secret to the whole thing was essentially the tank. The Kings weren't built much differently. The Sabres are following the model because it works. It has nothing to do with market size and everything to do with having your best players be your best players. Toews and Kane are regularly the Blackhawks best players in the post season. Kane's assist on the first goal last night was the dagger in the series. And the Sabres are now as "Big Market" as any team in the NHL because our owner is rich. That's what being a big market generally means - it's about resources and revenue. The Sabres used to be forced to spend less money because the owners couldn't afford to compete. There was one season when the Redwings signed 3 or 4 free agents to deals that when added together were more than the Sabres' entire payroll. That ship has sailed.
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