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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Except, putzenhammer there isn't a LOOPHOLE. Gun dealers still have to do exactly the same paperwork at gunshows that they do in their shops. Straw buying for individuals who aren't legally allowed to buy firearms has been a felony since the late '60s. So once again, you ignorantly espouse that we need to prohibit something to cover for issues that don't actually exist. Keep listening to NPR and the Brady folks, hippie. Typical ignorant hypocrite liberal. He thinks that waving a magic wand will keep guns out of the hands of criminals even though statistics CLEARLY show that only a tiny percentage of guns used in crime are legally purchased at gun shows. It's liberalism at it's apex. Keep thinking it...it'll be so. Sunshine and unicorns will keep those pesky "cons" at bay. Attacking the real problems is far too difficult. That's why we end up with **** like Obamacare and the Department of Education.
  2. Was your "friend's husband" a licensed gun dealer?
  3. Is your "friend's husband" a licensed dealer?
  4. Kinda like your inability to face any of the litany of liberal failures and instead regurgitate the standard liberal talking points like the mynah bird you are? How's about answering the question on the Gun Show Loophole?
  5. Good thing there hasn't been a single liberal Executive since then and that the Republicans have owned Congress the entire time. Maybe if Harry Reid had let a bill get voted on. Never mind. I much prefer when you sound like the old dude from Scooby Doo: "And everything would be perfect if it wasn't for those damn Republicans!" Is there a point in this or are you just trolling for a smack? Using your own words, explain in detail what this means.
  6. You have to understand Debbie is the ultimate example of the liberal hypocrite. She doesn't come around much anymore because we don't play nice with her particular brand of stupid.
  7. You know it's actually funny to watch people grossly and hypocritically attempt to ignore history to suit their needs. But thanks the obfuscation via the wiki link to France's contribution to American independence, as if that's relevant to the discussion. The only thing that makes this thread better is Eric using a link from !@#$ing "Cracked" and calling someone else a dimwit. Utter perfection. If you aren't in the drug trade in America, your chances of being involved in an incident with a firearm in America are roughly on par with those of other developed nations. But let's keep using the aberrations in society to create new, unnecessary rules. No harm could possibly come of that.
  8. Actual photo: http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/2015/06/21/dolphins-fan-daniel-tosh-wears-aaron-hernandez-jersey-for-boston-stand-show/kjSBCMtrjShu7bDeWWih7L/story.html
  9. Unless you're white. Then it's a hate crime that deserves national attention.
  10. You're certainly not contending the a bunch of farmers who had just used their own privately owned weapons to defeat the world's greatest military power in a war would be limiting ownership among the free citizenry, right?
  11. The wealthiest church on the planet who hid money from their victims lecturing others? Please.
  12. Name a similar situation in NBA history.
  13. We already have them. That's why murders have "degrees".
  14. So you have a tiny head on that fat body? Somehow I doubt it. Keep in mind, we have a search feature where you regularly talk about your girth. So now you're "Beatlejuice Riddler"?
  15. And coaches and half the roster which would obviously lead to a significant production drop off. But it's a good story so keep trying to tell it.
  16. Hysterical. You incessently bring up the BILLS in an attempt to prove a point that's only valid in your bulbous head and then back away from it when called on it. That's obviously someone else's problem. Keep in mind you're the one trying to defend an owner who was booed by his teams fans when they were trying to have a moment for him AT THE ARENA. When finished, annoint yourself the winner and pretend other people have issues with socialization. Awesome.
  17. You've been sitting here the entire time talking about how the Bulls were loaded but now all the sudden they weren't?
  18. Yeah, if Stamkos was on a different line he wouldn't have hit the crossbar square in the second period of game 6. That's all Joe Q, baby!.
  19. Anyone else leave that Cavs' team besides Lebron?
  20. Nice job, Riddler. Your finest work.
  21. He's such a great coach that the team couldn't win a game down the stretch but the second Kane comes back and he's able to shorten his bench all of the sudden they're a Cup contender. The Blackhawks are a typical Cup winning team. They make plays when it matters and don't make the series killing mental mistakes. If Stamkos finishes a couple of the litany of chances he had in the series instead of hitting posts/beating them into Crawford's pads, then Tampa is just as likely the Cup winner. It was a good series that could have gone either way, as evidenced by the fact that the first 2 goal lead happened with 5 minutes to go in Game 6. If you need to make it into something it wasn't, then good for you.
  22. That's a circular argument and you're not accounting for the quality of teams that each faced. Jordan didn't win early in his career with terrible teams against much better competition in his conference. That Bucks team you were talking about finished 20 games ahead of the Bulls in the regular season. If the Bulls had won that series it would have been history making. Lebron had better success in a much different situation (similarly weak team in a much weaker conference). Jordan's teams started to win Championships when Pippen finally got over the mental part of the game but the entire rest of the team was populated by interchangeable role players who were willing to put the team first. Any argument to the contrary (including Kukoc) is absurd. Neither Cleveland nor Miami have ever faced a conference opponent that was as good as the Pistons, Celtics or even the Pacers were in the Jordan era. Jordan never faced an opponent as good in the Finals as the Spurs teams that Lebron's teams has lost to. And the idea that Lebron can play all 5 positions defensively is ridiculous. I'd love to see him chasing Chris Paul around for an entire series.
  23. It's not the deal that's an issue. It's whether or not he's guaranteed an NHL roster spot. That is the only issue. If GMTM and CDB tell him he might play some in Rochester, then he's going back to college.
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