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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Leino had a decent season with Philly and looked really good in the playoffs, which I think is why Darcy was enamored with him. At that time, he was a product of Detroit scouting and they were the gold standard for finding European players. Obviously it didn't work out but you're absolutely right that it's not an accurate comparison with O'Reilly. Not that it means a lot but O'Reilly would have easily led the Sabres in scoring in each of the last two seasons.
  2. http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Pier-shooting-suspect-had-been-released-from-S-F-6365228.php Seven felonies, deported five times, in custody in SFO yet inexplicably released AGAIN. Somehow able to acquire a handgun in notoriously anti-gun California and murder a law abiding citizen. Yup, laws certainly prevent crime. I know, I know. If we make guns illegal in the entire country this won't happen. Just like making drugs illegal and passing laws to secure the border without any significant physical security measures are "working."
  3. No it isn't - but don't let that get in the way of you regurgitating your stupidity despite enough evidence in this thread alone to disprove your "theory." Now do us all a favor and get another name of someone who had a reaction to a vaccine, as if the insanely low possibility of that happening somehow justifies inviting eradicated diseases back into society.
  4. Agreed. We're going to find out very early in this fight how it's going to go.
  5. Eileen Twain (female) Gilbert Perrault (male) (because without him the Sabres are probably in Vegas and the BILLS are probably on their way to LA)
  6. There really wasn't a reason to doubt otherwise. There's no way any player should leave millions of dollars on the table to stay in college.
  7. Not to mention every goalie facing a contract situation.
  8. Nolan is a dinosaur. You can't "out effort" teams that have systems, which was obvious every single night when the Sabres were outshot, out-possessed, and mostly out-everything-elsed. The young guys spent most of the season looking almost completely lost. If Irbe left because he was attached to Nolan, then good riddance to him and thanks for not screwing up us getting Eichel. His legend is more on paper than in reality anyway.
  9. You mean because there are people working really hard to unring that particular bell? It's either a free country or it isn't. The zealots will still be able to discriminate based on whichever spaghetti monster they genuflect to (as it should be).
  10. There is no loophole. I'm not sure why that's hard to understand.
  11. Who'd have thought an "Ivan Chukarov" would be born in Chicago?
  12. I'm not sure I see a difference between what you did with Marrone and what they're doing now. Losing Marrone was clearly addition by subtraction. We weren't winning because of the head coach.
  13. You're talking to a guy giving someone else's opinion. This just in: NOT ONE PERSON WAS FORCED TO PAY TO WATCH THE SABRES THE LAST 2 SEASONS. If you paid the money, it was a choice. If you didn't know the team was going to suck, that's your own fault. This rebuild was a necessity because of the sins of the past. It looks like it just went on fast forward, especially when you compare it to what Edmonton has been doing for the last half decade plus. Eichel alone makes the last 2 seasons worth it. If you're bitter about that, seek professional help. The BILLS just got a brand new owner. Maybe if people who don't like what's going on just click their heels together 3 times, the next Hall of Fame QB will magically appear. Until that actually happens, building the team by stocking it with great players elsewhere while adding a top notch staff is a sound strategy. If you're pissed because Buffalo's 2 major professional sports teams now have completely competent coaching staffs for the first time, well, ever...then you're a curmudgeon and you're never going to be happy.
  14. What makes no sense is the liberal inability to face history and the volumes of data present that show prohibition doesn't stop criminals from doing what they do.
  15. No one says anyone has to arm themselves but you don't get to live in a world where you pretend evil hasn't always existed. This is actually one of the safest periods in our history and there are more guns on the streets of this country than ever before. I don't think it's a coincidence but I also don't think that guns in the hands of private citizens are the only factor. There are a percentage of human beings on this planet who will do terrible things if given the opportunity and will look for situations that increase their chances of success. You can choose to play that lottery as a pacifist or not but there are plenty of people who want to make a different choice and they should have that right.
  16. There were plenty of times when Spiller had holes to run through and flat out missed them. The All-22 doesn't lie. There's blame enough for both the coaches and the player.
  17. The "horrifically bad" idea in this country is that all evil can be stopped with a phone call to the police department. Chance favors the prepared. It's sad the people go into churches, schools, etc and kill people who are easy targets. Given that the media continues to parade this scummers out to full fame all but ensures we're going to have repeat performances. You can choose to be a victim and a pacifist because it suits you but the lucid believe the the right to defend oneself in the manner of our choosing is as fundamental as any other right we have.
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