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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I agree with pretty much everything you said but with a couple of minor caveats: 1. Mendes was also hurt. The early body shots took something out of him. I refuse to believe that a UFC fighter who is in that kind of shape is showing signs of being gassed midway through the first round. 2. It's pretty obvious CM didn't prepare much to be on his back because he was preparing for Aldo and that fight would have been standing pretty much guaranteed. If he were to fight Mendes again his camp would be filled with wrestlers who would go after him one after another. I doubt he did much takedown defense in preparation for Aldo.
  2. At this point the government is doing far worse things to the population than "corporations."
  3. Eichel looked exhausted but that's pretty much expected given the massive change in his life. He'll be fine.
  4. Charles Manson cited the Beatles "White Album" as one of the reasons he committed his crimes. Guess it's time to outlaw rock and roll. I have no problem with South Carolina taking down the flag but the rest of it is typical liberal pander that ignores how your politics is the very foundation of the continued racial tensions in this country. I do love that the big government you worship has played a large part in the highest profile deaths of the news cycle. They allowed someone who wasn't authorized to buy a gun (more gun laws, right?) and lost control of another weapon allowing a SEVEN TIME FELON WHO HAD BEEN DEPORTED FIVE TIMES to MURDER an innocent American CITIZEN. You suck and your politics suck. Wake up.
  5. Just stop. Seriously. Gay marriage isn't going to change YOUR life one bit. It's not going to have a more biting effect on any religion that the hypocrisy that (insert whatever religion you want here) hasn't already brought upon itself through it's own policies and actions. No one gets to say "Free Country" as long as there are segments of the adult population who don't enjoy the same legal protections afforded to others. "All (men) are created equal." Conservatives should be thrilled. This is a hot button issue that has driven large segments of the voting populous to the other side for decades. Now that it's off the table it's one less "easy win" for the liberals that they clearly never deserved. Within a generation this debate will be forgotten. Within a couple people will wonder why it was even an issue. Get over it.
  6. Fair point, though I meant player face of the franchise.
  7. It was tough not to like the Raiders back then. They were a cast of characters much like the BILLS in our heyday. Phil Villipiano, The Stork, Otis Sistrunk, Old Man Willie Brown, George Atkinson, Jack Tatum, Fred Biletnikoff, Jim Otto, Cliff Branch, Mark Van Eegan, Gene Upshaw, Art Schell, Dave Casper, etc. Stabler was the face of that franchise. I don't think anyone had more fun playing the game. He was a joy to watch and maybe the most clutch player of his era.
  8. Good read if you're a moron. To buy a gun from a federally licensed dealer in the state of Illinois, a person must possess a valid FOID card. In order to get a FOID card, which is issued by the state of Illinois, a person must pass a FBI NICS AND a state mental health check. Try and be smart enough to know when you're being lied to. Like one of the most liberal states in the Union that was also the last to pass a concealed carry law (and only after losing numerous court cases), would allow a gun shop to operate in an illegal manner that's so overt.
  9. You're correct. The best part about kickball is that it ends quickly.
  10. That's not why. You need to stay out because you're ignorant, thin skinned, and your takes are at best childish. But please don't leave because every bat needs a seal.
  11. Zealots have been hypocritical since the dawn of organized religion. Poor them.
  12. He obviously felt "Native". I'm not sure why people get so up in arms about fake stuff. Uh, it's acting. You know...pretend?
  13. Why would you want to keep them around? The obvious upside of the story is he didn't kill someone else. Glass is half full, really.
  14. So is ignorance. "Climate Change" is the "Nuclear Winter" of our time. At some point all of you are going to realize you're being had and stop building your metaphorical atomic bomb shelters. It was bull **** when they unveiled the hockey stick graph and the pile just keeps getting deeper. Don't worry. I'm sure "Carbon Credits" will be the polio vaccine we've been desperately searching for.
  15. No it isn't. The environmental issues facing the world aren't being dealt with because of the money being wasted on climate change. This just in: The earth's climate has always changed.
  16. Someone lit off one of their remaining Black Cats.
  17. 47 people shot in Chicago SINCE FRIDAY http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/06/us/chicago-violent-weekend/index.html Welcome to the capital of liberal Utopia.
  18. Anything any one has ever sent can be retrieved. It'll be available on the device used or by going back to the carrier, as long as there is a legal reason for them to give it up. The only real caveat is time. When enough time passes, the likelihood of it still being around decreases correspondingly.
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