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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. It doesn't matter what he "wants." He has zero ability to actually get anything done. Look at his Congressional record...
  2. The media doesn't have to produce anything and Sanders has about a zero percent chance of accomplishing anything he's actually campaigning on. Much like Bill Clinton, who managed to not pass the BTU tax, Health Care Reform, Freedom to Choose, fixing the VA, cutting 100k bureaucrats or adding 100k cops, "Putting People First", etc, etc etc, Some of you people are just so !@#$ing stupid.
  3. Just like we can always count on you to be a hypocrite.
  4. Why not just admit you have absolutely no idea how the world actually works?
  5. He's your typical "fart sniffing" liberal poofter hypocrite and he knows it better than anyone.
  6. I'm not interested in an honest discussion with someone who doesn't see a correlation between abortion and unwanted kids or the consequences of them? Yeah, I'm the problem. Whatever, blowhard. Your tactics here aren't new or interesting. So feel free to claim the moral high ground. I don't give a flying **** about your opinion on anything because you've shown your true colors over and over again. You're like this board's Charlie Sheen. Winning.
  7. I don't "support" abortion. I simply don't believe that the standard "let's pass a law and move on" is going to go anywhere other than making you and the rest of the zealots feel better about yourselves while you ignore the "fruits" or your politics. Based on historical context, you're wrong as hell. Whatever. You can trumpet your moral superiority all you want. It fits your standard blowhardness quite well. Good for you.
  8. Nah, you'd just rather introduce your morals on the entire society with no thought whatsoever for the long term consequences. Typical emotional zealot behavior. "It's murder." So's masturbation, if you want to keep peeling the onion. Maybe we can pass a law about that too and pretend we're accomplishing something that the flying spaghetti monster will favor. I do like the introduction of the strawman on abandoning all laws. You've got a winning argument there. Stick with it. The real tragedy is the average conservative can't make a correlation between the importance of taking care of the children we already have (this obviously includes you) and how doing so would significantly reduce the need for abortion in future generations while chipping away at the "throwaway culture" they like to harp so constantly about. Nah, we'll just pass a pretty much unenforceable law and build a **** ton more prisons for the inevitable crime wave we're going to end up with. Hey, at least it's a "Made in America" industry and something we can easily keep our world number one ranking, right? Keep making the same stupid mistakes over and over again and expecting a different result.
  9. They do. The fact that you don't see the correlation is quite an indictment. Try solving the actual problems that are in front of you instead of something that's beyond a !@#$ing dream. Good luck passing prohibition laws and getting the result you want. The consequences of your "solution" will be black market abortion clinics and a whole bunch of kids added to a system that already struggles to feed, clothe, and educate the ones that are already here. I can see you parading around in a nice set of super hero spandex. Smartest Anti-abortion guy in the room.
  10. So it was over when the German's bombed Pearl Harbor? Making an offer on a sidewalk is probably the most effective tactic available. How's about adopting all of the 250k+ kids currently sleeping in government beds every night as an act of good faith to further the agenda? Nah. We'll just stand out on the sidewalk with our picket signs and make hollow offers to perfect strangers while judging them and pretend we're furthering the cause.
  11. Once again, you're whining about the system working the way it's supposed to. It doesn't matter if 100% of the country votes for something if it's unconstitutional. That's why we're not a democracy.
  12. You do actually understand how our system of government works, right? The courts have overturned and/or upheld laws BECAUSE THAT'S HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO WORK. Anyone who thinks homosexual couples don't deserve the same legal protections that they enjoy is a moron. You're still free to discriminate against them while genuflecting to whatever flying spaghetti monster you choose but our government can't be allowed the same levity.
  13. Except we're "enjoying" the product of your liberal ideology. Welcome to consequences.
  14. Dude, STFU. There isn't a single person who signs up who doesn't understand the commitment. And no one is delusional enough to think politicians are going to make good decisions regarding the military. We ALL knew/know better.
  15. I don't think there's any question he needs to work on his ground game to stay at the top of the UFC. Someone like Sherk in his prime would take him down and hump him for 5 rounds and probably make it look easy. I really want to see him fight Edgar.
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