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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Morton's sides are ala carte and will feed 2-4 people each. If you want them to think you've been to a place like that before, coordinate the sides amongst the table. If you're the only one who likes asparagus, you're going to get an Army-sized pile. Make sure you listen to the specials - sometimes they have some that are really great. Personally I start with either the French Onion soup or Beefsteak Tomatoes then medium rare Porterhouse with Horseradish mashed potatoes. On occasion I'll go mixed grill with the filet paired with shrimp and scallops. It's Morton's. You really can't go wrong. Unless you order above medium rare. If you do that everyone will think you're a neanderthal.
  2. I applaud Brady for thinking $8500 is a lot of money. He's not going to be like so many of them and end up broke as hell because of it. But he's still a douche.
  3. In-ground winter (mesh) pool covers are crazy expensive, especially if you have a large, custom shaped pool. Where I live they have to meet municipal code. One of the requirements is being able to support a 250 pound person without shearing or collapsing. Brady is a douche.
  4. Astro, someday I'm going to meet you in person and buy you beverages.
  5. That has a population roughly the size of New Jersey. I'm sure that'll extrapolate well.
  6. DoD's way of getting some climate change cash to offset other budget losses. Zero real significance.
  7. Yet another example of your liberal hypocrisy. Everyone who disagrees with you is obviously undereducated and a lesser human being. You are such a !@#$ing pompous, blowhard, douchebag. Don't worry, I'm sure your ridiculous politics will save us from ourselves. THIS TIME FOR SURE!
  8. The next thing you know, banks are going to start throwing people out of their homes when they don't pay their mortgages! The horror.
  9. When confronted, make sure the majority of the links are from Government Propaganda websites. Sprinkle in links from thing that have almost no positive correlation (especially the evil stock market).
  10. We were paraded around in our underwear at MEPS when we were trying to join the military. Compensation: Precisely none. Those of us who passed all the prerequisites were fortunate enough to swear to give our lives for the country at the whim of those appointed over us. For that I never made even $50k a year. Slavery? STFU. Go smoke your pot while you fingerpaint, you douchebag.
  11. All the talent in the world won't help you if you don't have a nickel's worth of sense. QBs who are cancers don't last in the NFL.
  12. Liberal ideology isn't based on truth. Never has been, never will be. That's why it's "ideology." You should read "Socialism Has No Chance of Success" by All of Recorded History. It's a timeless masterpiece.
  13. They made the rule after !@#$ing Carl Peterson rambled on for what seemed like an HOUR about Derrick Thomas. That was the worst HOF speech ever, even worse than Dan Hampton's blathering on.
  14. The vast majority of voters on both sides of the aisle fall into the "low information" category and socialists are a consistent and shining example. Surely even you aren't dumb enough to dispute that. The fact that you brought ONE person as an example to the contrary is nothing more than your standard folly. The fact that you can't correlate your hypocrisy on elitism is an indictment of who you are, which could be good for you should you be introspective enough to face it. But you aren't, as evidenced by your inability to face the history of your politics. And you're correct: I have serious contempt for "classic" learning and the results over the last couple of decades are all the proof I need that you have nary a clue what you're talking about. Your "classic" learning and inability to adapt gives us the same tired problems and the same failed solutions.
  15. Elitism is a good thing in education. Our resident liberal hypocrite has given us yet another pearl of "wisdom."
  16. Turn off whatever entertainment medium you're paying attention to and GO OUTSIDE. I listen to WGR a couple of times a week in my truck. Other than that, I don't have anything to do with football shows that are about the upcoming season. About the only thing I pay attention to is the history type stuff on NFLN (Addicted to "America's Game" and "A Football Life", for example). The rest of the stuff is pretty much total garbage. The "expert" talking heads are generally anything but. Why waste the time?
  17. Education and intelligence aren't the same thing, dumb ass. But I guess elitism is OK in certain realms, huh? Ya jock sniffing hypocrite.
  18. Like Ross Perot did? Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
  19. The only one spinning anything here is you, FNG. Settle down before I layeth the smacketh. Sanders is a typical liberal idiot democrat who is completely ineffective at anything other than spinning up the lowest information voters. The fact that he's able to gain traction against Hillary Clinton says much more about how terrible a candidate that she truly is than anything positive about Statler. I wouldn't vote for a Democrat in any election. I'd consider voting for a "libertarian Republican" if one actually got a nomination but as a general rule I don't vote for Republicans either.
  20. How the !@#$ did you get the idea that I'm "willing to vote for Sanders" out of anything I've ever posted?
  21. I can't see that continuing much longer. The whole precedent thing is ridiculous and the reason that stands up as some kind of Holy Grail has always been mind boggling. The legal "system" in this country is totally (and probably irrevocably) broken because people keep standing behind "precedent" as the main reason to keep ****ty laws in place. And there's no way a dude looking like Statler is going to be elected President in the era of HD television.
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