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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. The only one confused here is you. An above average tax rate is nothing short of criminal and will have far reaching repercussions that will be felt at the bottom of the food chain more than the top. Read a history book, liberals. Your Utopia is never going to happen.
  2. Literally the dumbest thing ever posted on this website. Only coordinator EVER carried off the field by his players after a Super Bowl. About 23:20 into the video: Then fast forward to about 27:55 when Ditka talks about going into the defensive room to tell Buddy what to do and then <gasp> "a couple of punches may have been thrown." Yeah, fights in football never happen. ESPN on the "46". Yeah. You're wrong. As hell.
  3. Maybe. Maybe not. Sometimes guns stop people from "bowing up". Sometimes the give people courage they normally wouldn't have. Every situation isn't the same. Since it's the JETS' locker room, it wouldn't surprise me at all if there were firearms present.
  4. I think the league should have suspended Brady for the season for not having the nuts to admit he was in on it. He's guilty as hell, period and anyone who really thinks otherwise is a fool and a Pats' fan.
  5. I remember one interview early on where he kinda smirked but he wasn't going to outright admit it. He's a good coach and a smart dude. He knew what he did was over the top but he wasn't losing his job over it and I think the Steelers would have canned him if he had.
  6. This is an excellent point that seems to be lost on so many people. Almost every team fight issue I've ever seen has festered. The ones that actually touch off are usually because it's perceived that one of them needs to be put in their place.
  7. So now we're debating the end result of said punch? No thanks. There have been some pretty significant melees that have involved guys swinging their helmets at each other. Football players fight sometimes. It's usually over something stupid that develops over time. This time a backup defensive player knocked out an unpopular and underperforming QB. There's plenty of nuance to the story but at the end of the day it's nowhere near the big deal people are making it out to be and the only reason it's even news is because Smith apparently has a glass chin. I would venture to guess that there have been MANY locker room skirmishes over the years in the NFL that are artfully covered up because "what happens in the room stays in the room". But when your starting QB loses a quarter of the season for a broken jaw, it's pretty tough to keep what happened under wraps. You should ask Bowles your question because I don't really care. I suspect his response will be the typical "culture change" that every new coach will spew when taking over a losing team that's been having off field issues. If I was betting my money on it, I'd definitely bet the vast majority of the Jets' players wouldn't give a crap about what happened and probably think Geno got what he deserved. Fred Jackson said the message the BILLS got from the signing was that Rex has player's backs. Take from that whatever you want but that's very telling. Being correct doesn't happen often for you. I'd say I can understand it but obviously that's not the case.
  8. There are training camp fights every single year. Every single team. And he didn't "punch a cop" in the traditional sense of the phrase. He punched an uncover cop who was essentially being a bouncer. But don't let that get in the way of how it gets spun. And I never said he wasn't a dumbass. He's a football player. That's almost expected. Did you know Ryan Fitzpatrick went to Harvard?
  9. No, they shouldn't. Just as Special Operations forces aren't treated the same as Admin troops. There's a reason why the collective responses from ACTUAL NFL FOOTBALL PLAYERS are the polar opposite of the responses on this board from people who've never been elite at anything. And if you think Buddy Ryan is best known for trying to smack Kevin Gilbride, then you should read more about football history because your perspective is at best uneducated.
  10. Tomlin was watching the return on the Jumbotron. He knew what he was doing.
  11. If you think any sport's team is the same as your office, then you don't live in the real world. All things aren't the same, nor should they be.
  12. I haven't read much about it but it sounds like a young drunk who made a really bad decision. Instant @$$hole, just add alcohol. Let he who is without teenage sin cast the first stone.
  13. That's your comparison? Have you ever been on a sports team? He punched a guy in the face. The only reason anyone heard anything about it is because it did serious damage and cost the starting QB time. It happens all the time.
  14. Uh, Dave Wannestadt called. He said your revisionist history is as flawed as his tenure as DC.
  15. Because none of what is going on is his fault. Getting Hurley in the first place was a miracle and it was a matter of when, not if Hurley was going to leave. You're not seriously trying to blame an AD for grown ass men breaking the law, right?
  16. I think NFL offenses are far too complex for most young player's mental skill sets and it affects their physical play. I remember watching Rothlishamberger his first season. The Steelers gave him one read on each passing play and if it wasn't there, he was to throw the ball away. They didn't try and install 100% of the offense out of the gate and overwhelm the guy. Manuel has always been inaccurate. Adding complexity to the game might not have as large an effect on him but there's no doubt that his play regressed last season despite being in the same system with the same coaches. To me that's a very large indictment on Marrone and company. More QBs have been ruined by coaches than have been made.
  17. Taking someone to a restaurant and observing their behavior is a great way to figure out what kind of person they really are.
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