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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Drugs are illegal. And tough to get, right? Prohibition doesn't curtail behavior, it just gives the government the ability to incarcerate people.
  2. Yet 200,000,000+ guns in America have never killed a single person. Stop trying to blame objects for the ills of people. You wanna start down the road toward fewer shootings? Stop making these idiots famous.
  3. It has nothing to do with "precious" anything or some weird fetish you have with other men's junk. Try and follow along. And no one here who has half an ounce of sense reads anything you post. You know why, despite your attempts to pretend other people are the problem.
  4. Jesus H. Christ You mean like the 20,000 laws already on the books? It's nice to know you're retarded about every single issue, not just one. There are 300,000,000+ people in this country. At least one of them was willing to load a truck with fertilizer and fuel and blow up a building. 19 were willing to give their lives to kill thousands. Your "solutions" are nothing more than a panacea to help the terminally stupid feel better but YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO STOP PEOPLE WHO WANT TO KILL SOMEONE FROM DOING IT. There's a reason that police only arrest 1% of the criminals in the world while they're committing the actual crime. Try to figure it out, brainiac.
  5. You mean he makes "pie in the sky" promises to pander to people who can't balance their household budgets or save a dollar for themselves. Sanders has a record and it's not a good one. Just another terrible politician who will continue the country's downward spiral.
  6. Statistically, if you're not in the drug/gang business you are in virtually no more danger of being involved in a gun crime than you would be if you lived in any other civilized country in the world, regardless of their gun laws. I guarantee when the profile of this !@#$tard comes out, there will have been numerous "incidents" or observed behaviors that should have been gigantic red flags but people just let them pass.
  7. Or he gets in his car and drives through your kid's parade. Stop trying to stop human beings from committing violence. It's been around since the dawn of man and it's never going to stop.
  8. Hey !@#$. This guy wanted to kill people. If someone is willing to kill people, they don't need anything beyond a kitchen knife and no amount of words written on a piece of paper is going to stop someone like that. And any marginally trained soldier could show you how easy it is to kill a large number of people who don't know how to defend themselves with nothing more than an edged weapon. PERIOD.
  9. Perhaps the mass media should stop making these pieces of human garbage famous after they commit these acts. I don't need to know his !@#$ing name and I sure don't need to see his smiling !@#$ing face. !@#$ you, you piece of ****. Your entire existence should be completely wiped from this !@#$ing planet. /rant
  10. Because it's unsustainable as we already know from how college is paid for now. Getting government deeply involved in higher education has driven up the cost at a rate that's significantly higher than inflation and the product that's being turned out is worse than it was before. Sanders is a typical liberal. He doesn't understand that the policies that he's supported are the reason everything costs so much. His only "solution" is to try to find someone else to pay for it, which is just kicking the can down the road. It's still a model that's far too expensive to maintain and will eventually collapse. The only real question is how much of the rest of the economy does it take with it.
  11. Organized religion and politics are essentially domains of the hypocrites.
  12. I agree. The other day he was spewing his typical garbage and the only thing running through my head was how much he looks like one of the puppet heads in Genesis' "Invisible Touch" video. Put some more makeup on, clown face.
  13. What he said was "We may know..." To me that means they've made their decision but they're not telling anyone for obvious reasons.
  14. I would have liked it more if they'd murdered Marrone and Ryan had risen from the ashes but that was still awesome.
  15. Suh was not "BY HIMSELF". They spent plenty of draft capital putting players around him on that DLine.
  16. It's a good thing Sanders is new to Washington and doesn't have any record to speak of. It's also a good thing the Executive controls military spending and is the only one who can regularly offer reforms that would make DOD more efficient and less costly. Dear Sanders supporters: you're retarded.
  17. It's a job interview for a bubble guy who isn't guaranteed anything.
  18. Injuries happen in contact sports. I seriously doubt there's much additional that can be done. Most of the time it's more bad luck than anything. Go back and look at the first preseason game and find the play where Miller pulls to lead the sweep. He holds up the linebacker and then one of the DBs basically rolls up the back of his leg. Miller went down very awkwardly. Looked very serious, yet he didn't even miss a snap. Injuries are what they are.
  19. He ran six times in a quarter of work. It's not so much that he took "shots" (he did take an awkward hit on the play on the boundry where he stretched for a first down) but the sheer volume of runs. The more a QB runs, the more likely it is that his luck will run out.
  20. If you can youtube, you can do your own basic car maintenance.
  21. I can top that. Way back in about 1993, one of the security hippies at Sea/Tac took my son's rubber knife. The thing could literally be tied into a knot. Good job, Chachi. Make sure you talk about your exploits when you're back at the trailer.
  22. I agree completely with your take. We can't reasonably expect TT to look this way starting off. It's always going to be about his ability to adjust/evolve versus the defense's ability to do the same. He has some skills but if he plays in the regular season the way he played in PSG1, he won't last long physically.
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