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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Good thing Terry Pegula is young and minority so Buffalo can have some resurgence.
  2. Oh, I understand it completely. Once again, a whole buncha people are taking some decent (and better) preseason performances and pretending that real NFL game stuff and preseason practice performances that have happened since Manuel was drafted don't matter. They absolutely do. EJ still has a long way to go but at least with this coaching staff his career isn't doomed, but he's not the best QB on this team right now and that's perfectly clear. The fact that people are waiting for the other shoe to drop with Taylor is more about being BILLS' fans than living in reality.
  3. Except the BILLS aren't in the "long term" business. If a TD drive is TT's "ceiling", then the 4th down throw is EJ's "standard".
  4. Does that mean Aaron Rogers isn't starting for Green Bay on opening day?
  5. Akin beat himself with two words: legitimate rape. Nothing McKaskill did put her in office.
  6. Of course not. You're too stupid/uninformed to be afraid of anything. Go Bernie...because...NAZIS!
  7. Honestly I hate statistical arguments in this country because there are so few standards when it comes to reporting and analysis. That's why most of that stuff is totally worthless. Generally I prefer the "violent crime" statistics because there are so many variables that it's harder (not impossible) to mess with. Case in point: They like to say "children killed by guns" because it "sells". But the vast majority of the "children" are gang bangers involved in drug culture and ridiculous levels of violence. So do we use that to go after honest citizens guns to save "just one child" or do we use it to figure out how the hell to get control of the gang, parenting, education, and inner city jobless environment? I know what the answer should be but it's not what's happening. That's (in a nutshell) why it's so frustrating.
  8. I'm not your buddy and this is PPP. If you can't deal with someone pointing out the flaws of your "lahjik", this might not be the best place for you. Feel free to sell your idol worship elsewhere.
  9. Affects me like what? Showing you what a putz you are? Try again, assclown.
  10. Not really. He benefited from some "right place, right time" stuff but for the most part he's a !@#$ing Kardashian. Do some real research on the guy. He's a clown.
  11. Like Virginia's has? Almost nine million people, lax gun laws, 4th lowest violent crime rate.
  12. We should bail out Greece because...NAZIS! http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-02-09/us-senator-demands-federal-reserve-bailout-greece STFU, knob gobbler. So you take one stance (not taking money) versus me taking TWENTY FIVE YEARS of his record being a liberal socialist hypocrite? Yeah, you're credible.
  13. People tend to be much more polite with one another when there's a likelihood the other person is armed. You don't have to believe it but there's a reason people tend to shoot up places where it's almost guaranteed there will be no weapons present. It's the grade school bully syndrome. In Alaska, you don't even have to have a permit to carry a concealed weapon. You just have to be a resident and not have any felonies on your record. Yet there's very little violence outside of the normal places you'd expect. Take it for what it's worth.
  14. Great, a CEO who couldn't make money in the Casino business. Just what America needs.
  15. More familiar than you are, ya knob gobbler. Another career politician who makes promises he can't keep and has a record he shouldn't be able to hide from but the terminally stupid keep lapping it up and acting like they're for "change." YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. Keep doing the same things over and over again while expecting a different result. If you bump your head enough, eventually you end up numb to the pain.
  16. Don't worry if we ban guns (like drugs and illegal immigrants), criminals won't ever get them and everyone will be safe. Just like laws have eliminated the need to worry about illegal immigration and drugs. Don't we all feel better now?
  17. Dylann Roof's name ring a bell, Chachi? I'm sure you took the FBI's apology and promise to "do it better next time" to heart. More laws please! Let me guess, you think Hillary Clinton is innocent, too?
  18. From all accounts? Is America a completely secured island? Does Australia have organized gangs that have tentacles in every major city in the country? How would Australian gun laws work in a country with 15 times the population that's far more concentrated than the United States? Again, the average American who isn't in a gang or part of the drug culture has about the same likelihood of being a victim of violent crime as the would pretty much anywhere in the world. We like to take incidents like this and pretend they are the norm because the media loves the blood but there's zero reality to it.
  19. I'm still waiting to see the first gun jump up and kill someone. People are to blame. There are a variety of reasons, most of which go back to ****ty parenting. Gigantic load of crap. No lobby "renders laws on the books" ineffective. Learn how things work, tardfest.
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