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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I was thrilled when they cut Johnson loose, so I'm not sure if there's z point you're trying to make. Johnson was a perfect example of what you don't want in a professional athlete and there's a reason he keeps moving around. I'm not sure where you're going with the Seattle thing but one week isn't a season. I'm not at all comfortable with our primary backup running back being a rookie, especially when our QB is in essentially the same boat. That will be exploited, especially by better teams than the chronically overrated Colts and the overmatched Chuck Pagano.
  2. I would be furious if we lost to the Colts at home.
  3. Then you should have watched the game more closely. Williams missed his assignment on the pass that got batted. Had that gone another way and ended up being a game changing turnover, everyone would be singing a different time. I guarantee Belichick noticed and will send blitz looks whenever Williams is in the game in passing situations. The win covered it but that play illustrates why FJ should still be on the roster.
  4. They gave Davis some safety help and there was at least one go where he was WIDE open for six but Henderson whiffed and the play blew up.
  5. Rex had studs all over that Baltimore defense. Suggs, Scott, Ngata, Reed, Rolle, McAllister, Landry, etc...
  6. I haven't been watching but if Lovie is playing a bunch of his trademark defense, every QB should destroy Tampa. He seems to be the only guy left in the world clinging to the Tampa-2.
  7. That's why NE is so damn dominant. They rarely make those kind of mistakes.
  8. Agree on both points. The Colts' punter came down on both feet. That being said, I'm not sure why we've got a punt block on in that situation.
  9. Agreed. That was a 40 yard call that simply can't happen in a game this important. Did anyone actually see the facemask on the Colts' fumble play?
  10. I was thrilled with K.W. carrying the football because he looks great but I don't know if it's wise to have him in the game on 3rd down passing situations. His inability to figure out his responsibility almost led to a game changing turnover and by far the worst offensive play of the game. That was the play I was thinking about all week when FJ was cut. That would have been brutal. Miller was fine. Henderson was terrible, especially in the first half.
  11. Brown's hit was instinctive and ridiculous. Kiko who? Rex's defense will get burned on occasion but QBs hate playing against it and it's pretty obvious that Luck is not in a happy place. I concur on the 2 minute drive. I know TT got his bell rung a little and that let the clock run but at that point they were truly playing for the figgie. The TD was crazy. Luck scares the hell outta me but he's gonna get smacked some more as this game goes on. Our offense needs to run the ball better in third quarter and bring this thing home. I think we have the wind in the fourth.
  12. No kidding. Henderson is getting his ass handed to him today. That's not a good thing.
  13. Dude was just a vicious rebounder and literally couldn't jump over a phone book. He was one of the hardest working professional athletes I ever saw and the season the Sixers won the title was magical.
  14. Because the officials call penalties when other teams do it. Try holding receivers all over the field or pushing off the way the Pats receivers do. It's be like laundry day for a family of 5.
  15. I don't know what people see when they look at this version of the Patriots. What made them decent on defense last season (secondary play) is a huge hole now. This charade can't continue forever, right? It's too bad the Steelers don't have all their weapons on offense because this would almost be guaranteed to be a "whoever has the ball last" kinda game. But it's probably still coming down to QB play. The Pats probably win because they're at home and the Steelers new defensive coordinator is really up against it but conceding the division to them right now is pure folly.
  16. I wouldn't touch that game. The Rams play the Seahawks tough in St Louis.
  17. This is pretty much par for the course. The average civilian who carries concealed has far more range time with their weapon than the average cop.
  18. Rammstein's "Mein Teil" is about the same thing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcPMjDxTODE
  19. It's just "Denali". I think there are a couple of touristy places here that use the "Mt McKinley" in the name but about 99% of the time it's referred to as "Denali". The national park it resides in is "Denali National Park". Denali is Athabascan for "The Great One." Mr. Obama got one right for a change. It's a small one but it's the right decision, nonetheless.
  20. The same thing it meant when he gave over $300k to the sitting Republican governor of Pennsylvania. I know you live in a world of convenient thinking and subscribe to a failed ideology but try and give at least a modicum of effort.
  21. A billionaire giving $25k to a politician doesn't mean what you think it does.
  22. Keep in mind we're conversing with a Libertarian who voted for 3 of the most liberal Democrats in history. Dude is another braindead lemming who is full of ****.
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