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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Nice job, John Fox. Don't play the defense that fits the players you have - force them into what you want to do and then act surprised when it blows up in your face. Good luck on that rebuild.
  2. He's a !@#$ing brain surgeon. I'm quite sure his "understanding" of science is far beyond yours.
  3. And why are health care costs so high? THE GOVERNMENT. The solution you liberals keep tossing around is MORE GOVERNMENT. Then you act all shocked when health care costs spiral up at a rate that is totally unfathomable. Anyone with any intelligence and a basic knowledge of the health care system warned everyone against embracing Obamacare because it did NOTHING to fix the real problems with health care. Instead, the liberals pretended it was all sunshine and puppydogs said "don't worry, we'll fix whatever problems crop up." Here's your big chance.
  4. The Duke lacrosse players called. They said you're a moron. Let your son be the one who is falsely accused. You'll be the first one to spend your money on the best lawyer you can afford. Everything in this world is about balance. In your scenario, prisons would be full of innocent men because hell has no fury...
  5. Settle down, manchowder. You're shooting your load a little early.
  6. If there was a crime committed, it's VERY important that the DA prosecutes. RIch people can't be allowed to buy their way out of jail.
  7. Jesus H. Christ. You're not going to get a call against the Patriots. It doesn't work that way. Grow up.
  8. He really wasn't. He was in the sweet spot between the corner and safety in a cover 2 the Colts were playing to his side of the field. On Harvin's side the safety was cheating up to help on Clay. That's what left Harvin singled and was why Taylor (correctly) chose him. When Taylor started his throwing motion, the safety who was responsible for helping on Watkins took off towards Harvin. Taylor could have fit a ball in to Sammy on the play for a long gain but it would have been the wrong decision and would have required an almost perfect throw. This falls under "nice problem to have."
  9. The officiating crew that did the game is one that is known for letting some physical play go on with the wideouts but calls more holding penalties. They stayed true to form.
  10. Brady's QBR versus the blitz against everyone else is 77 (scale to 100). His normal QBR is 73. Brady's QBR versus the blitz against Rex is 59. So he's significantly worse against Rex's blitzing than he is when there's no blitzing or other team's blitzing.
  11. Which has as much to do with Chip Kelly's offense as anything. Demarco Murray have a good game yesterday? How many of those 7 loss carries were on the RB? How many were on the OLine?
  12. That officiating crew was number 1 in the NFL las season in holding penalties called. It was towards the bottom in pass interference penalties called.
  13. That's the standard Midwesterner in my experience. Good, regular people who hate the Cheats for all the right reasons. NE probably stole 2 rings from Manning/Polian.
  14. Dixon is not a good pass blocker and he's about zero threat in the open field on third down. The fact that you've sunk to asking ridiculous questions about prescience shows how specious your argument is. The BILLS should have kept Jackson for the exact situation they found themselves in yesterday. Its that simple, no matter how much you try to muck it up with your special lahjik and inability to reconcile how quickly football games change.
  15. /irony If youre a BILLS' fan with experience, there's no way you correlate those statements.
  16. Schopp is an incorrigible buffoon on his best day. Such a blowhard. I would be furious because I think the BILLS are better than the Colts everywhere (with the exception of QB), from the owner down, than the Colts. And our advantage is so great that the result we got yesterday is pretty much what I expected.
  17. Then you simply don't know football or the Colts. Luck already has TWELVE fourth quarter comebacks and is 14-2 in one score games. You don't put your team, who is dominating the game, in the hands of a rookie RB in that situation "because he needs the reps."
  18. It was the drive after the Colts scored so the defense was exhausted and the momentum had shifted. That play turns into a score, turnover, or injury to Taylor and everyone is singing a different tune. It was the absolute WORST time in the game to have Williams make his pass blocking debut. You must be new here if you think I think give a crap what you mouth breathers think about anything.
  19. So you're smarter but can't make a simple point without coming off like a retard? Got it. Wrong. Taylor sat his ass on the bench for years and learned the toughest job in sports. FJ was an excellent blocker when got here because of his time in NFLE. Williams is going to be a liability on a team that doesn't have that luxury.
  20. That wasn't a running play. Williams doesn't need pass pro reps when the game is in the balance, especially in what was really a "must win" game.
  21. Probably true and the run covered some pretty terrible clock management for a team that seemed to be playing for a field goal.
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