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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. So we're supposed to get behind fixing something where people who've committed crimes plead guilty because it's totally for their benefit and then a judge doesn't completely honor the deal they aren't actually part of? Nope, sorry. Are their people who end up pleading guilty to crimes they don't commit? Is that really a huge problem or just the kind that end up being movie subjects? The justice system lacks common sense and compassion. That much is clear. Is it fixable? I doubt it. Most people just don't have much of a supply of either. Which is why we judge prosecutors on their conviction rate and publicly hang people like Richard Jewell. Anytime there's a system, there will be people who will abuse it.
  2. It is well known that federal judges retain final authority over sentencing and that they are under no obligation to accept the plea bargain that's been negotiated between felons and prosecutors. I'm quite sure that was explained ad nauseum to Mr. Fogleman, who should consider himself lucky that there's even a chance he ever sees the outside of a jail again. Ya plays the chomo game, ya takes yer chances. I don't think your solutions would change much of anything for the positive (judges already submit written explanations about why the reject sentence recommendations) and would end up taking up even more resources in a system that's already terribly overburdened.
  3. So what do you propose? You're all up in arms in this instance about a judge adding what amounts to 20ish% to a sentence. That doesn't seem like a huge overreach, especially considering all the evidence that's publicly available in this particular case. Judges should have the ability to over rule the prosecution's deals to protect the public from both under and over sentencing. I can only imagine the boiler room deals that would be done without it. There should also be an appeals process and it should be swift and without political intervention. No one has to explain to me how screwed up the government is and how important it is to avoid the justice system. I'm a libertarian for a reason.
  4. Again, it's called a sentencing recommendation for a reason. If the judge goes completely nuts, there's an appeal process for that as well. The system is far from perfect because there are humans involved with it but the this sentence is hardly a microcosm of the most egregious things that go on.
  5. It's called a sentencing recommendation for a reason.
  6. Definitely agree on the coaches. I though Edmond came off terribly in the TUF show they did. He's definitely no Greg Jackson.
  7. It's a matter of time before the whole house of cards comes tumbling down. Greed will eventually kill the golden goose.
  8. A rabbit punch is a punch to the back of the head. And a 12-6 elbow is much different than other elbows, especially when the victim's head is pinned against the ground and the deliverer is postured up because of physics and gravity. Matt Hume is an idiot and that explanation is total horse crap.
  9. Fair enough. As I said earlier, I don't think Rousey had any fear of getting KO'd in her earlier fights because none of those women had that kind of power. Holm obviously does. That simply isn't true, which is why things like rabbit punches are illegal. There is a huge difference between a pointed elbow strike and a hand strike.
  10. Except they didn't "get it right". Ennis was offsides but the clock read 1:30 when he crossed the line and the whistle should have blown. When they restarted play, it was with 1:23 left on the PP. It's ridiculously hypocritical that they screw up such basic things while trying to get something like offsides right.
  11. There's that. She's also been significantly stronger than her previous opponents and had no fear of them doing damage. She basically powered her way out of Liz Carmouche being on her back with both hooks in and a decent choke. There isn't another woman in UFC that probably gets out of that position the way Rousey did. I don't think I agree with either of those things. Dropping a 12-to-6 elbow from the prone position in someone's face that's against the mat might end in a death. I've seen people break multiple concrete blocks and ice with a pointed elbow. The consequences would be disastrous for the sport. I wouldn't classify Holm as a brawler (Rousey is a brawler). She doesn't want anything to do with brawling. She wants to stay outside and use her reach advantage and length to land shots.
  12. I think you're right on the "styles make fights" deal but Rousey has never faced anyone with one strike knockout power. She has been hit square before but the woman striking her didn't have enough to put her down or really even earn her respect. Rousey has significant holes in her standup game (holds hands too wide/low, leads with her chin, no head movement, slow feet and hands, etc) but no one she's fought has been even close to as good as Holm. I'm curious about who Ronda sparred with coming into this fight - if her handlers were worth anything (and I don't think they are), she should have been training with a male kickboxer of similar stature to HH. The hype surrounding her reminds me of when Gracie was dominating. It was a matter of time before someone showed up with a different game to counteract what he did well - the game always evolves. I remember the hype surrounding his fight with Matt Hughes and kinda shaking my head because anyone who was paying attention in MMA knew Royce was in a world of trouble going into that fight. Holm was essentially the perfect foil for Rousey - just enough moxey to stay out of trouble on the ground with good balance, footwork, angle usage, and accuracy to do damage while standing. I didn't know anything about Holm's MMA career but when I saw her at the weigh-in thought she was exactly the right size/height/skillset to make the fight interesting. I didn't know if she had the power to get it done and it turned out via combination that she did. Women's sports are always like this. USC dominated the **** outta college basketball until Tennessee took over the reigns. Then Stanford and Connecticut built powerhouses. The U.S. dominated soccer for awhile and then teams like Japan and Germany caught up.
  13. There were more teams with good QBs back then. Much different game.
  14. The only elbow that isn't legal in the UFC is a "12-to-6" The rest are legal.
  15. That's really easy to say but Holm did an excellent job of keeping distance and making Rousey pay for engaging. Greg Jackson had an excellent gameplan and Holm executed it to perfection. This was the very first time that Rousey fought someone with a world class skill set and she got exposed. Rousey has been hit squarely a couple of times in other fights and essentially walked right through it. Holm had enough power to get Rousey's respect, which was evident early, especially when she landed that "John Jones elbow". That rocked Rhonda's world and was the beginning of the bully transformation.
  16. It's much more fun to be on this side of Fitz coming up small.
  17. Legwand - 1st Round (2nd) Reinhardt - 1st Round (2nd) Eichel - 1st Round (2nd) Bogo - 1st Round (3rd) Kane - 1st Round (4th) Risto - 1st Round (8th) Zemgus - 1st Round (14th) Colaiacovo - 1st Round (17th) Pysyk - 1st Round (23rd) Ennis - 1st Round (26th) O'Reilly - 2nd round (33rd) McGinn - 2nd Round (36th) McCabe - 2nd Round (44th) Lehner - 2nd Round (46th) Larsson - 2nd Round (56th) Weber - 2nd Round (57th) Franzen - 3rd Round (79th) Deslauriers 3rd Round (84th) Foligno - 4th Round (104th) Johnson - 5th Round (125th) Ullmark - 6th Round (163rd) Moulson - 9th Round (263rd) Schaller - UDFA Gorges - UDFA
  18. Going down 3-0 in the first to a team you consistently lose to tends to have that effect.
  19. That's just a great win. 4th game in six nights and on the road. Big confidence builder.
  20. It's pretty easy to discipline Subway. Just don't go there and eat their terrible "food." I've managed to pull it off for years.
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