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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Do everyone a favor and actually read about what the NRA has done/is doing. You have zero credibility when you simply regurgitate lefty talking points. Saying that 90% of NRA members are for "some reform" and the NRA has fought against "said" reform is ridiculous. If there are specific reforms that 90% of NRA members are for that the organization is against, then offer up the proof. You can't, because that's simply not true. When the NRA opposes legislation, the organization ALWAYS puts out information on why. It is never done summarily, unlike the opposite side of the debate.
  2. Works perfectly in Mexico. They have almost no murders there.
  3. I'm sure most of us thought we'd have the incredible rash of injuries that are as much a reason for this team's struggles as any. This team has suffered more key injuries at inopportune times than any in my memory. It has cost us at least three wins and maybe more.
  4. My wife has been a teacher in large schools for almost 2 decades. I can assure you that only a small percentage of teachers hold themselves to a high standard. We have a conversation every year at contract time because it gets harder to deal with every year. It's the result of the vicious cycle where the government has overstepped its boundry and too many parents have abdicated theirs. It's called consequences.
  5. There isn't anything more substantive than pointing out the standard hypocrisy of the partisans. It's the very road that led us to this place. Your masters actually count on you arguing over stupid **** like abortion and gay marriage so they can continue robbing the store.
  6. McCarthyism is good when the liberals want it for one of their pet causes.
  7. Constitutional rights being taken away by a bureaucrat's pen? I wonder why the NRA and other gun organizations are slow to "compromise."
  8. The "moderator" think he's an idiot too but watching him flail around like a kid throwing a temper tantrum is at least mildly amusing.
  9. One: I didn't say anything about demographics nor did anyone else. Two: I didn't make any comment about crime rates. I was simply pointing out that Alaska and New Hampshire have almost no concealed carry requirements. The vast majority of violent crime in Alaska (like pretty much everywhere else, I'd say), is committed by a tiny percentage of people. The "Native on Native" crime in the state is ridiculous and is at a rate that is exponentially higher than any average measure being used. It's also the most unique state, as there are so many villages that have clustered populations that are essentially left to police themselves because there are no roads, 80% unemployment, and no money for full time police officers. Alcoholism is rampant and that obviously leads to even more violent crime. It's a really weird dynamic because the property crime rate and murder/manslaughter rates are below the national average but the rape rate is off the charts (again, the "Native on Native" rate is a big contributor). http://www.salon.com/2014/02/04/alaskas_alarming_rape_epidemic/ I would say Anchorage is as safe as any city of similar size. There are places to avoid after dark and there is now gang activity, which is a pretty big change from 10 years ago. I think most of that has to do with the sheer amount of money that's in the region. Criminals tend to go where there's a good cash pipeline to tap into. The concealed carry law changed about 15 years ago (removing the permit requirement for concealed carry). I don't think it's affected the gun crime rate much either way because so many households here already owned guns and a high percentage of the population already had permits. That being said, I'd venture to guess there is a higher percentage of people carrying a gun in a grocery store in Anchorage than anywhere in the world.
  10. Alaska and New Hampshire have virtually no requirement for concealed carry. It's essentially: "Be a citizen and don't have a felony." No permit required. I would bet at any given time, in any given place, at least 25% of the people are carrying a gun. Some instances are much higher. At my last job the only person not regularly carrying on the staff was the administrative assistant.
  11. In other words, you're a lot like the original poster. You literally bring nothing to the table except a veiled attempt at condescension.
  12. Is that the same mass media that gives you all your opinions? See any correlation there? Yeah, didn't think so.
  13. Generally doesn't matter. These mass shooting don't occur at police stations for a reason. Doing a good job keeping drugs and illegals out of America with these "defensible borders"? Criminals will always have guns. ALWAYS. This is why I love liberals/partisan lemmings. No comprehension skills, everything solution is panacea.
  14. So who is going to choose? What criteria will they use? If it's so easy, maybe you can shed some light on it. Keep in mind that there are over 20,000 gun laws already on the books to prevent "everyone" from owning a gun.
  15. Because Europe doesn't have the violent gang/drug culture that we enjoy here (though it is starting to spring up). The reality of violent crime in America shows that if you're not involved with drugs or gangs that your chances of being a victim are on par with the average European. But that doesn't make money or curry votes, so we're left with morons like the OP who think prohibition of the most regulated item in the country will make the problem go away, just like it has with drugs.
  16. Dear mass media, Please stop making maniacal idiots famous for their crimes. Thanks in advance, AD
  17. Was it a coincidence that Risto did a really good Nick Lidstrom impression last night?
  18. First really rough game for Ullmark but a good point to get and Kane is finally finishing, which is something we desperately need.
  19. I don't think this team is soft at all. They hit and they stick up for each other at appropriate times. I don't think they should have bothered escalating because the guy who did it got the gate already. The best response in any game is to win. Always has been, always will be.
  20. No one worth anything would ever give up their weapon to a nutbar holding a hostage. That should have been a very simple exchange: "Go ahead and kill her. You'll be dead before the first blood droplet hits the floor." And Darryl is a wuss for not driving straight through those idiots on the bikes.
  21. Hockey's 82 game schedule kind of lends itself to that. Every football game is like a "do or die" event so it's pretty rare for the press conferences to be anything but raw. I will say that Bylsma's a much different cat than Rex because he seems far more adaptable to the way the game changes and how he actually affects the outcomes. I think he's just scratching the surface of what he's going to do here.
  22. Is this protest because of how long it took the police to find the gang banger who killed the 9 year old boy? I remember how up in arms the community was when that horrible story was first reported.
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