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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Weber was a blue collar player who got the best out of his talent and never complained. He was a really good guy in the community and he deserves any success that comes his way.
  2. The best fighter? It's WAY too early for that kind of talk. I'll believe he can beat a world class wrestler when he actually does it. Mendes was embarrassing him on the ground until he gassed out. Mendes was in there with a week of camp. Whether it's true or not he appears to be ducking Frankie Edgar. If his ground game is as bad as it was against Mendes, then he's doing it for good reason.
  3. He's big and athletic but the best part of his game is that he gives a **** about his teammates. Guys love playing for goalies like that. That look in his eyes after he went at Johnson was awesome.
  4. Robin Lehner can play on my team as long as he wants.
  5. I knew as soon as it happened. I was devastated and it basically wrecked racing for me. I can't bring myself to watch it. It was such a sharp contrast from when he won the Daytona 500 just a couple of years earlier. I was stuck in Ketchikan, Alaska at the time and had to get up early to watch it. Such a thrill to watch him finally kill that gorilla.
  6. I hate people who won't embrace technology. I think that thing is awesome.
  7. It's going to be interesting to see how the Stamkos situation resolves itself.
  8. Because veteran leadership is important to developing young players. Regardless of their production, both have good presence and are long term productive NHL players for a reason. Not everything in team building is about numbers. This team is very clearly going in the right direction. If we're able to get Stamkos this offseason...WHOA!
  9. He probably attended the Robert Reich school of economics. And rode a golden unicorn to and from class each day.
  10. The new WGN America show "The Outsiders" is off to a promising start.
  11. We'll see how McDavid looks in the post season. There have been plenty of guys who score crazy goals in the regular season and then completely disappear when the real season starts.
  12. NFL head coaches are rarely involved in the scouting process - for good reason. Aaron Maybin, anyone? Sullivan might be the worst NFL writer in the league.
  13. I hate articles like that. Eichel could easily have another 15-20 points if anyone could finish. He's made some ridiculous passes that just haven't been converted, especially early on when he was playing with Kane.
  14. I watched the whole series years ago. It's good.
  15. I met Clint when he was coaching the Idaho Steelheads of the old WCHL. Interviewed him a couple of times. Just a great guy.
  16. They've had a bad run of injuries all across the offense. Every facet of the offense is affected. They don't have a single real NFL running back on the roster and because of that DLinemen don't respect the run - they just pin them back and go. When they had Lewis and Blount, their OLine didn't have to be great. Once those guys got hurt, they lost even the threat of the run, which is all Brady needs to be effective most weeks.
  17. Did the Raiders' beating he took not register? That team was terrible. The Broncos team that lost to the 49ers, the 1985 New England team that got smashed by the Bears, or the Giants team that got trucked by the Ravens are by far the worst. The BILLS' teams aren't even in the conversation. ****, they beat the Cowboys with Todd Collins at QB.
  18. If the Patriots are smart (and they are), they spend some capital on the OLine. Brady is still tremendous when he's given time and weapons. Had Belichick coached a little better down the stretch of that game, the Patriots are in the Super Bowl. Again. This is despite an epic beating from Wade's defense. Their OLine is banged up and Brady isn't mobile, which led to him taking some vicious shots down the stretch of the season. Want to know why Belichick kicked off in OT against the Jets? Because they couldn't block the Jets' DLine. BB was hoping to get a 3-and-out with a short field to win the game because he knew his QB couldn't take much more and they couldn't protect him. They had five completions in the first half of that game. Read that again. FIVE completions. That's pretty much a standard Patriots' scoring drive. I think the saddest thing about yesterday is watching Manning struggle to make throws he's been making in his sleep for almost two decades. Had he made two simple throws, that game never comes down to the final seconds.
  19. The Rams moved up like 25 spots in value with the move. Vanity and greed are together.
  20. So you're saying a defense can't be the product of a favorable schedule? The defense this season was disappointing given the schedule but there are a variety of reasons, not just the coaching/scheme change. The reality of the NFL is that teams adapt to what you do so you have to evolve. Obviously there were injuries to key players (especially Kyle and Aaron Williams) and the loss of Searcy didn't look as bad on paper as it turned out to be on the field (our safety play was terrible). The biggest disappointment this season was Mario Williams because he was consistently singled and wasn't able to beat his man. If he'd played with half the passion of Jerry Hughes our defense would have been light years better.
  21. Because daily means "all day", not in the hour after a large event. Most people don't live in reality, which is why they propose gazillion dollar edifices at taxpayer event that only host 10 events a year. Rome burns...
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