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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Leave him alone. He thinks this is an era of fiscal conservative policies, including "deregulation." And on the topic of the thread: Gatorman isn't going to be banned based on mob rule. If people are tired of his antics, it's pretty easy to just ignore him. He craves the attention because mental Napoleonic complex and mommy issues. Stop giving it to him and his impact goes away immediately.
  2. Amazon has an original comedy series called "Catastrophe". For the most part it is hilarious.
  3. Brady would've lasted 10 minutes in the 70s or 80s. QBs from this era are completely inflated because EVERYTHING in the game is tailored for them. Mel Blount would've ripped Randy Moss' head off and used it to beat Wes Welker to death. Joe Greene and LC Greenwood would've snacked on Brady's entrails. On the first drive of the game. Agree on Montana. That Niners team was LOADED all over the team and that defense was terrific.
  4. Every place isn't for everyone. That's just reality. Some companies are far more dysfunctional than others. But as others have said, it's rarely smart to leave a job without another one already in place. It's much easier to get an interview and negotiate from a position of strength when your new prospective employer knows you don't "NEED" a job.
  5. 1. I've never said a single thing about "where anyone drank their booze.". 2. I never said a single thing about "how much booze anyone drank." 3. I never said a single thing about the relationship between "where you drink your booze being important than how much booze you drink" My entire point since your first post is that societal norms on drinking and driving have changed dramatically since 1974. For whatever reason, you're having a hard time getting that - which is just as ridiculous as the strawmen you put in the post I'm currently responding to. But you go ahead and be offended by something that happened over 40 years ago, while calling someone else an idiot. Good for you.
  6. Simply put, you're wrong. In the mid 1970s, alcohol was a factor in over 60% of traffic fatalities. Traffic crashes were the leading cause of alcohol-related deaths and two-thirds of traffic deaths among persons aged 16 to 20 involved alcohol. Those numbers are exponentially lower today and are a direct result of MADD and how hard they lobbied Congress to get the drinking age changed and significantly enhance penalties for both first and multiple offenders. There has been a VERY large cultural shift since the early 1970s where drinking and driving is concerned. Tim Horton was doing something that pretty much every social adult was doing. You may have never done it at 110MPH but most cars back then wouldn't have lasted long at those speeds.
  7. Not really. MADD wasn't formed until 1980 and the law that changed the drinking age to 21 wasn't passed until 10 years later. In the 1970s, drinking and driving was the norm, not the exception.
  8. Ottawa has plenty of talent. What they don't have is leadership. I love having conversations with people like you. You like to pretend that there's a "one size fits all" to winning. "Just have more talent". At best it's overly simplistic. There is a recipe to winning and talent is certainly a part of it. But there's a reason teams are constructed with a certain number of role players with very specific skill sets and generally aren't considered "talented." Part of the recipe is learning how to win, which is something the BILLS have struggled with for the last decade and a half.
  9. Yes. Losing is a cancer and once you have it it is very difficult to get rid of it. It's easy to see the transformation already beginning. We're still in the lottery, so having a few more balls in the jar isn't nearly as important as this core moving forward with confidence in each other.
  10. No. This team needs to learn how to win together. Unlike last year, a good percentage of the players on this team are keys to future success.
  11. Scott is literally surrounded by nothing but cornfields - it's literally the perfect site for NGA. North St Louis is an absolute cesspool. Hence the reason why they're so willing to give away the land. I'm sure the employees who work nights are going to be thrilled to have to drive in and out of there.
  12. http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/nga-plans-to-stay-in-st-louis/article_916d75e0-da86-5553-acff-e30d74eb0537.html Don't move them onto a secure military installation where they can easily take advantage of existing infrastructure and would have significantly lower operating costs. Instead put them in the middle of one of the worst areas of one of the most violent cities in the country. Because urban renewal. At least he won't be accused of delivering anything for his own state.
  13. It was really cool seeing David Legwand recognize the situation and immediately get the puck from Fasching's first goal. Eichel's goal was beautiful. He's becoming very sneaky with his quick release, which is instrumental in becoming a big time goal scorer in the NHL. Sam Reinhardt is going to be a special player. He plays VERY smart hockey.
  14. How many/what have you owned? We had a Xterra for 14 years and nearly 200k before we traded it on the Pathfinder we've had for almost 5. Not a single issue with either of them.
  15. Agreed. He always came across as such a great guy. Pure class.
  16. What misery? You lost a GAME. If that has a serious effect on you, the real world is going to kick your ass.
  17. Which is a tremendous gauge, since the NHL is known for how well its ability to consistently handle discipline issues. You must have been a goalie. I didn't think it was a head shot. So am I overreacting? Any time a player intends to injure another player, they should be suspended for a LONG time. Chris Neil should be suspended for a long time.
  18. I started watching "Bosch" on Amazon. It's excellent. Titus Welliver is a very good actor.
  19. What the !@#$ does that even mean? I made a simple, easily proven statement about Chris Neil. Last night's "incident" is pretty much the norm for him throughout his career. Somehow that turns into a "homer" thing because I didn't complain about something some Sabre did at some other time. Are you Chris Neil's bottom? I also didn't like Risto's cross check to Bobby Ryan's ribs. Given that Risto has about 60 PIMS for his career and Chris Neil has 2400+. I'm going to turn a homer eye to it and chalk it up to something the television didn't show me. I'm not going to give Chris Neil the same benefit of the doubt because pretty much his entire game is based on all the **** he's pulled in the past, including almost taking Chris Drury's head off. If the NHL suspended Risto for a game or two because of it, I wouldn't have a problem with it (despite my obvious homerism). Once again the toothless, gutless NHL officiating crew didn't have the stones to even call a penalty on Neil, much less throw him out of the game. The fact that the linesman standing 10 feet away didn't have the balls to call the major that he saw means once again, Neil will continue his behavior and at some point seriously injure another player. The NHL doesn't protect its players in a meaningful way. It's been a problem for pretty much the entire tenure of the Lawn Gnome.
  20. Are you retarded? Are you condoning kneeing a player when he's down? Did anyone say it was Ok to break someone's arms?
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