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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. "I'm not sure I'd be tossing that name around when you've publicly admitted it takes you an hour to cook this friggin abortion."
  2. What specifically did James say that you consider "crying?"
  3. So far they've done it twice in this series. It's their most successful formula.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIEVqFB4WUo I think "Carrie" charted pretty high.
  5. Yeah, that makes total sense. http://www.smh.com.au/national/young-men-dying-from-heart-disease-linked-to-steroid-use-20140226-33ije.html http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1768197/
  6. I agree. Having been in a similar bar scrap or two back in the day, I didn't give an explanation or an apology either.
  7. Not sure the first two games are a good indicator. Cavs were rusty in game one because of a long layoff. Second game they shut it down because it made little sense to expend the energy once they fell behind so fast in the second half. It was only 8 at halftime. If the Cavs aren't remarkably better in Game 3, I'll be pretty surprised.
  8. Another 'roider dead at an early age? Shocking.
  9. At least we won't have to suffer through the Kimbo/Dada 5000 rematch.
  10. That sucked. San Jose is just too reactionary until they're behind. Pittsburgh went pretty deep into the shell and almost blew it.
  11. The press' entitlement mentality is unreasonable and pathetic. McCoy owes no one anything and would be wise to keep his mouth shut and let this thing die a natural death.
  12. You mean like every half way smart person who thought it was a bad idea? The government doesn't make anything more affordable or accessible. If you want government health care, join the military. You'll see what "free" is all about.
  13. Depends on the agency. In some places, thumbdrives are COMPLETELY verboten. Doesn't matter what you put on them - if you have one and you use it on a government IT system, you're done.
  14. It's easy to pick against the Penguins when you compare the West to the East. The West has the more traditional, rugged playoff teams that tend to win Cups. That's why they've won five of the last six. It's a pick 'em series. Neither team has great goaltending, which makes it tough to pick.
  15. I lived in the Bay for 5 years in the early 90s when the Sharks were just turning into something, so I have a soft spot for them. Thorton is a terrific player and a great guy off the ice. I hope he scores the Cup winning OT goal at The Tank and the roof comes off the joint.
  16. Dogs teach us what it means to be loyal and live every moment with anticipation of something awesome. It's terrible when you lose such a special member of your family but there is another great family member waiting to help you heal - and that dog is facing an unnecessary death right now. Head on down to the shelter and find the next great member of your family. It's the ultimate tribute to Tyler. Good luck, brother.
  17. Really? So he wins the belt from Carwin after the bout with diverticulitis (mostly because Carwin adrenaline dumped), then gets absolutely embarrassed in both fights after people got some tape on him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px4fOMFwros He may have brought name recognition but he was far more of a sideshow freak than an MMA fighter.
  18. Lesnar had elite athletic skills but he was a bully who couldn't deal with getting hit. The heavyweight division is deeper than it's ever been, which probably isn't saying much. Remember when Tim Silvia was the champion. I bet Dana cringes every time that era is mentioned.
  19. I think signing Ryan O'Reilly to a long term deal and getting Moulson to come back after being traded has already shown that. Buffalo already had a good reputation in the hockey community but add in the new owner, credible coach, and new/updated facilities and it's a whole different level now.
  20. It's not just Penn State. Big time college sports is as corrupt as any entity on the planet. What happened at PSU is simply part of a disgusting culture of big money, decadence, and corruption.
  21. Not sure why it pressures anyone. The Cowboys have been the definition of mediocrity since Jimmy Johnson left.
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