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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Those are all the bandwagoners that jumped on when they won their first Super Bowl. You couldn't hit a Niner fan with a nuclear weapon before that. My favorite part of that play was when Goodwin turned (at about the 20 yard line), realized where the ball was going, and signaled touchdown while the ball was still in the air. That's confidence in your OC, the offense you're running, and the other guys on the field with you.
  2. He should have benched him. Absolutely.
  3. I had 2 fractured ribs in high school. It hurt to breath for like 3 weeks. Laughing was literally the worst thing in the world.
  4. It works in a lot of walks of life. I've worked with some serious operators who I wouldn't want to be my neighbors but if someone's trying to shoot you in the head or you have to break down a door, these are EXACTLY the kind of guys you want with you.
  5. Your percentage is too high. Mario seems to be a guy who expects to fail, which is why a player with that talent is on his third team and his performance dropped off so dramatically. Mario Williams had all the tools to be an elite NFL player - a Hall of Famer. He just didn't have the "want to" and always seemed to take the easy way out. Kinda the anti-Bruce Smith.
  6. The STEELERS defense is a shell of its former self. They don't rush the passer well and they don't have Dick LeBeau. If they don't put up big points, they're not beating anyone.
  7. I honestly think the "too cute" thing is more a function of what Roman asked the OLine to do than anything. I think the OLine spent far too much time having to think about what to do than just put a hat on a dude and drive him. What we're seeing right now is much more good ol' fashion power football with just enough misdirection type stuff to keep defenses honest. For the most part Lynn is just having the team do what they're good at, instead of trying to outsmart the other team all the time. Roman could have done the same thing but simply refused to do it.
  8. I agree with this. It's one of the things that made the Kelly offenses so great. They didn't do a lot of complex things, they just did the things they did very precisely. John Madden said in his book (paraphrased): "You should be able to execute your offense even if the defense knows what's coming." It's one of the things that makes New England so annoying to play against. They beat you doing the same things over and over again but they do them so well that it's like you're seeing it for the first time.
  9. There are some misses on DW's resume but this roster has very small holes in it when compared to most in the NFL. It would be nice to have more talent at WR but not too many teams would be able to overcome the loss of Dareus, Lawson, and Ragland before the first week of the season and still be playing at a high level. This team is two breaks from being undefeated. That's pretty cool.
  10. I doubt it. He was slightly damaged goods when the BILLS made him the OC. Kicking him to the curb after 2 weeks of his second season is VERY damaging to his long term viability.
  11. If your team loses a game because of a play early in the second quarter, then you're not a very good team.
  12. Agreed. His only real weakness was losing on jump balls in the red zone but AW was ridiculously consistent and a vicious tackler.
  13. ALL turnovers are reviewed. The turnover on the kickoff was clearly a fumble. Terrific play by NR-C. Officiating was terrible. That's one thing you can almost bank on in the NFL.
  14. That looks fantastic. Thanks to George Lucas for getting the !@#$ out of the way.
  15. I don't blame them. It's much easier and cheaper to watch a game in Buffalo.
  16. Wrecked my whole !@#$ing day. I was on cloud nine this morning with the return of hockey, then I saw the email come in. !@#$ity !@#$ !@#$.
  17. The final long run (24 yards to the 1) was breathtaking. There probably isn't another back in the league that makes that first guy miss. He may not be what he once was but he's still better than most, especially when there are actual holes to run through.
  18. It's not that at all. Even when the team wins, there are mistakes. The great teams make the least number of them. The Patriots are one of the very best teams at limiting mistakes and getting everything out of late half/late game drives. If you want to beat the best, you have to learn from and limit your mistakes. I do think we wasted a good amount of time in the hurry up. I think Rex and company may be a little gun shy after watching TT barf up a couple of chances last season to win games late.
  19. He is obviously benefiting from the scheme and the attention payed to other players. Kyle Williams is having a terrific season rushing the passer and Jerry Hughes is absolutely relentless - one of the best guys off the edge in the NFL. That being said, Lorax is MONEY. He is going to get even better when Dareus and Shaq come back. Adolphus is also starting to show why we drafted him. This team has some talent.
  20. I still can't believe they passed on Megatron. He's still the greatest college player I've ever seen. No brainer Number 1 overall.
  21. I thought the Pats were going to start a ball throwing machine and still win easily?
  22. I think people who have demons should always talk about them in public the way I want them to so I can look down my nose at them with fake superiority. Sincerly, BILLS' fans
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