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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Stop it Riddler, you're going to crush my delicate psyche.
  2. Nope. But in better news: I'm hoping eventually you'll learn not making anymore stupid (which for you actually means ANY) statements will cause the thread to flame out on it's own. It's just too bad that your understanding of internet message boards is about equal to your ability to analyze statistics.
  3. Yeah, I ought to spend alot more time trying to understand potatohead. You know, so I can give out useful tidbits like "Don't be so worried about what people or the government is doing to you or others...". I wonder why I don't spend any time trying to explain things to people with such views?
  4. Admitting the thread is stupid is the first step toward recovery. As far as crying goes, your assumption of my state is about as accurate as your statistical analysis. Think wry smile.
  5. There's honestly nothing I like better than being called out by someone who has no clue WTF they're talking about. Thanks, man.
  6. Which ignores the fact that is no tax base nor infrastructure to support moving it there. But hey, we could get a few more Canucks and a few less Americans so somehow that's a win. I'm sure the guaranteed eight times a year the facility got used would pay the countless BILLIONS it would take to create a road system to support the 50K+ vehicles and the required amenities to get into and out of the ghetto of downtown.
  7. Enough of that. Everyone knows if we just take more money from the rich the government will start spending it wisely.
  8. Yeah, I love buzzwords too. Especially the ones that are oxymoronic. N'Sync was really popular too. They also sucked. Popularity, especially when it comes to politics, generally is the road to ruin. But you liberals are wicked smart, just ask another liberal. Yeah, that vile boogieman, the right wing media that controls what 10% of the medium? Those evil bastards. Anyone wonder why it's so easy for these two parties to recruit? Steaming toward the bankruptcy that been on track for since its inception. I sure hope you and the rest of the "intellectuals" are still around when it happens, so you can try and figure out who's to blame while continuing to ignore the facts that are so very obvious to anyone who can balance a checkbook. Sell stupid somewhere else. We got more parrots than a South American jungle here already.
  9. You mean like when he was pimping Fleetwood Mac while on the stump?
  10. Stick with the law, man. You know, where you'll actually find people to agree with your particular brand of retardia.
  11. You ain't shutting it down. If you delete it, I'll bring it back but you won't be around to see it. Try figuring the statistical probability of that, pal.
  12. The government is simply reacting to years of alot of its own workers who wouldn't work. So it manages by crisis and goes directly the other way, by hiring nothing but contractors. Eventually, the contracting process will become so tedious(we're pretty much there) that they'll go back to hiring their own and the cycle will begin anew. Welcome to large entities and how they work.
  13. Boy, I'm already glad I reopened this thread.
  14. Bull.
  15. Just when I thought you'd posted the stupidest thing possible, you trump yourself. The Law is a perfect profession for you.
  16. Who won the game?
  17. He works for the Army Corp of Engineers (one of the most incompetent government entities). Though I can't wait for the typical "marbles in his mouth" response. It'll be priceless.
  18. I'll still hate it. Guaranteed.
  19. Just like Sony didn't have a 94% profit loss last quarter because of the battery recall...
  20. Meaningless.
  21. Sorry, I'm not wasting a minute of time trying to explain another thing to you, Riddler. Thanks though, for the typical liberal response. Can't wait until your next post when you laud liberals for being open to different ideas (as long as those ideas are giving the government tons of other people's money).
  22. You mean all research doesn't garner positive results right out of the chute? Time to stop doing any because learning what can we possibly learn from failure? Nothing better than when one of the righty apologists starts parroting. Damn some of you people are fuggin' stupid. Now that I've gotten the necessary insults out of the way, I sincerely hope the federal government keeps up their policy and expands it to include about 1000 other things they shouldn't be funding.
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