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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. What? Please. Iginla was had his knees in a deep bend. You ever throw a hit? If there's any force at all involved and the other guy goes down in the opposite direction the hit comes from, the hitters elbow is going to raise in the aftermath. Torres' hit him with nothing more than a shoulder. Totally clean. He wasn't striding into him. The hit on Williams was beautiful. The biggest problem is Williams' size and the fact that he caught the shoulder in the face. It probably could have been called charging because he took more than two strides but that's an everynight occurance and officials rarely call the damn penalty anymore when the boards aren't involved. The hit on Michalek was late as hell. San Jose should have sent at least two guys out to fight him after that.
  2. Got a source for that or are you just another zealot with an agenda? According to the CDC there were over 36 MILLION abortions performed between 1973 and 2004. There are between 5 and 10 times more abortions performed than adoptions ANNUALLY and the adoption institute reports that their numbers are DECLINING. There are nearly 600,000 children currently in foster care. Oh, because you and the rest of the zealots would be able to put a system in place to move over 1,000,000 kids annually, when you already ignore the fact that our education system, hospitals, and inept government (they can't move body armor, but they'd do great with unwanted kids) can't take care of the wanted kids we have now? No pie in the sky thinking there. Really? No end? Add 1,000,000 a year to that line. I guarantee it'll have an end way sooner than you could comprehend. That says nothing of the fact that the government wouldn't hand over newborns anyway. Mostly because you have no idea WTF you're talking about. Try looking at the big picture. Right now there are at least 130,000 kids between the ages of 2 and 10 waiting for someone to take them home. But save the fuggin' unborn so we can add to the unwanted. Morons.
  3. At which time they'll increase our military commitments even further beyond capacity, spend like drunken sailors, and continue their ever more scandalous behaviour. Go America! Keep voting for losers!
  4. I think all the anti-abortion people should be forced to adopt a minimum of two orphans.
  5. Yeah, our defense has made a ton of plays over the years. That's why we've been in the playoffs and so successful against the upper eschelon teams of the NFL like New England and Pittsburgh. The term paper tiger comes to mind. BTW, we were going to have to draft/find safeties no matter what defense we decided to change to.
  6. That's the spirit. Make sure that majority is either short lasting or tightens further. Go Dummys!
  7. Who cares what the reason is? The only thing that's going to change is air time and hopefully spending will drop a bit because the President will actually figure out how to use the goddamn veto pen. BTW, the tards in the other party voted overwhelmingly in support of military action - regardless of what their story is now.
  8. As opposed to your kind on the other side of the aisle, who appeal to the terminally stupid, while patting themselves on the back for being intellectuals? The difference is what, again?
  9. Yeah, I'd hate for the government to conduct business in a single language. I mean, think of all the money that'd save over the long term. Shoot, we ought to be teaching everyone the code they used in Windtalkers. That'd at least be cool at parties. You liberals are awesome. So very little understanding of the big picture. I think it'd be sweet to have street signs in 337 different languages. You know, so no one would feel slighted.
  10. I hope not. I didn't, nor do I care. I'm proud to say I didn't watch a minute of election coverage. I have no idea but it's going to be ugly. It's just the next step toward the inevitable fall of the Republic.
  11. Nothing more than standard rebellion. I wouldn't say out of touch. More likely ignorant. But in the end we'll be better off - as long as we don't see a clear Democrat majority in both Houses plus the Executive in two years.
  12. Get a clue. Business as usual in Washington, with the clueless (like yourself) in complete lockstep, no matter what the facts are. Your FEDERAL government is spending over $8000 for every man, woman, and child in this country, while taking in about $6000 (this says nothing of what the other levels are stealing from you). Cutting taxes hasn't hurt revenue and raising them will likely have the same long term inverse affect it always does. Meanwhile, the hollow, "impossible to deliver" promises and unabated spending will continue. THESE numbers will NEVER change as long as people like you keep these charlatans in charge. In fact, it's going to get much worse. You think it sucks now? Wait until all the "off the books" costs finally come to fruition and the generation holding the bag is made up of your kids and your retirement is nothing like you imagined.
  13. If this team was 1-12-1, you wouldn't be able to give that flagellate covered piece of crap away. It's simply proof that some people will buy anything to be a part of success.
  14. Please explain how the Democrats are different. Be specific.
  15. Yeah, and the Dummycrats are the party that champions for the little guy. You partisans are absolute idiots - but at least you're funny.
  16. Not much will change. The Republicans will filibuster everything in sight and the Democrats will go back to their incessant whining, while the Market soars!
  17. Whoo hoo! The Democrats finally shut up long enough not to lose a gift election. It only took 8 years. The cool part is, they'll get nothing done and in 2 years it'll likely tighten even further.
  18. Republicans campaign like libertarians, govern like liberals. The best thing for the country is a divided Executive and Legislative. The majority in the Senate is so small they'll be able to pass nothing - which is the best thing that's happened to America since the Republicrats divided the Executive and Legislative in 1994.
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