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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Saying illegals are saving California is the equivalent of sticking a finger in the dike. Bad policies are going to sink the state in time, the exact same predicament the fed is facing because the people have figured out they can vote themselves stuff at the expense of some faceless "other."
  2. Nah. Like you, they prefer to concentrate on why the opposite party sucks so much, ignoring the trangressions of the scum they worship.
  3. Care to explain how the two are even remotely the same?
  4. Right Debbie. The Dummycrats were losing elections because of the high road they were taking.
  5. Who are you kidding? Like the "New Deal" is some kind of "Holy Script" that only the Belgian Monks can translate. Newsflash, bush_fumbles: Lots of us went to school. Oh, I understand the need for balance between the needs of the individual and the furthering of community. Which is why I also understand how you and those like you are screwing the next 10 generations with your "Progressive" thinking.
  6. Yeah, they're geniuses. Just ask them and the lemmings who would actually follow them to the abyss.
  7. Yeah, right before he got elected everything was just peachy. Thanks for the being so succinctly ignorant. Oh, because you'd vote for another liberal who pretends to be something he's not close to being, you're not a liberal apologist? Nice. Nah. You're so brainwashed there's actually a laundry handling tag on your medulla oblongata. There's little point in debating with someone who actually uses the term "progressive" to describe the systemic screwing of the American citizen. Thanks for the advice. I'll give it all the thought it deserves considering the source.
  8. Yeah, the Democrats are going to ride to the rescue. As if they didn't perpetuated the way government is during their 40 year reign of fiscal terror. That's rich - and ignorant as hell. Are you kidding? Nah, you're just another partisan lemming whose willingness to turn a blind eye at the transgressions of their party of choice is the real reason this quandry exists in the first place.
  9. I'm sorry, does the Mayor of an average city in America have some bearing on the decision to invade Iraq? When you're running that through that muddled thing atop your shoulders, you'll realize this thread isn't about the federal government - it's about the SYSTEMIC ABUSE that LEADS to larger things. Think "nip it in the bud" - because that's the way to actually turn the tide. I guess there's some reason for you to interject that here. You know, because you haven't covered it 400 other times and I've been an avid Iraq/Bush supporter since the beginning of time. You really showed me. You are such a fuggin' tool sometimes.
  10. I know you aren't saying the city doesn't have the responsibility to the taxpayers to ensure they are getting a return for the hard earned money they pay in taxes. How many other million dollar projects has the city "funded" with no oversight? When was the last time you paid for a service and when it wasn't delivered, you just moved on? The cavalier attitude of this Mayor is pretty much the way all of them work and why we pay more and more each year and get less and less in return for it. The only thing actually growing in America is the size and scope of all levels of government. Well, and our waistlines...
  11. Thanks for concentrating on the smallest part of the subject and bringing absolutely nothing to the discussion. Missing the entire point is the strength of "today's" citizen.
  12. "The City put up the funds for the project. It's my understanding that's the end of our responsibility." Are you kidding me? You spend 865 THOUSAND dollars to move 5 ratty little houses and you don't think you have a responsibility to the people whose money you stole to do that? WHEN ARE THE REST OF YOU PEOPLE GOING TO WAKE UP?
  13. How about all of them? Or are we still pretending one side is different than the other?
  14. So the right sucks at governing but is good at losing and the left sucks at governing and also sucks at winning and losing. Yeah, I learned something new.
  15. Hopefully the irony of your vacation won't be lost on you.
  16. Bull. That goal was as legit as any the Sabres scored. Kalinin rode Williams into the crease. You want to blame anyone for that goal, it's on Biron. He simply needed to reach out and grab it since he was between the passer and the guy crashing the net. Typical softy (along with Rod Brindamonkey's) by Marty that is the reason he's not a starter and we can't actually move him.
  17. The team that sucks less will win. In all seriousness, Houston is one of the teams I know almost nothing about. New coach, new schemes, bunch of new players but thus far the same kind of results. Not unexpected in the first season of a new regime, but do you see any light at the end of the tunnel?
  18. I wish people lived their lives with standards as high as they put on the fuggin' teams they root for. One of the most retarded, out of perspective posts EVER.
  19. The amazing thing is the guys who DIDN'T play. Top defensive pairing of Tallinder and Lydman Max Connelly Miller That's the equivalent of Commodore, Hedican, Staal, Williams, and Ward not suiting up. Yet we roll them in their own building. The best part is them coming back to tie the game but our team not folding the tent and scoring the next THREE goals to shut up all eight hockey fans in the building who weren't wearing some form of Buffalo gear.
  20. He's going to have a hard time hearing you, since he's on vacation.
  21. The lack of talent. Sorry for not being more clear.
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