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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. "We?" Are you taking credit for something that happened over 140 years ago? I like the fact that you think corruption is going to lead to reform. It's that very ideal that feeds the burgeoning beast. I've stated before and I'll say it again here: "EVERY government program starts as a noble idea and eventually morphs into something that bears little resemblence to the original intent. Virtually every "New Deal" program currently fits that mantra, from Farm Subsidies (limosine liberals like Teddy Turner are laughing all the way to the bank with the money they steal from the middle class they supposedly care so much about) to the greatest off the book money grab in governmental history, Social Security. The fact that Democrats went from "Lockbox" to "there's not a single problem with it" in the course of a single two year election cycle should tell anyone with half a clue that something just ain't right. BTW, corruption was absolutely the reason the Roman Empire fell. Every great society in the history of the world has had it, and when those in power perfect it while keeping the ignorant occupied with empty sloganeering, ruin is not far off. But you'll surely let us know when those "Progressives" fix all the things they've been in charge of for over 80% of the last 50 years.
  2. It's not long before $11 adds up to the ridiculous amount of debt that is currently owed by the US taxpayer.
  3. Desperately needed chlorine for the gene pool.
  4. See, that's where you're wrong. There are cause/affects to virtually everything regulated. The Fa(s)t Food industry has a much larger affect on the average American than smoking does and it was actually only a matter of time before the marketplace took care of the smoking issue on its own. But keep parroting the same crap. You know, because you're forced to go to bars and restaurants.
  5. Without the 2nd Amendment, there is no other amendment.
  6. How about cutting the Federal Government 75% and returning a ton of money to the people instead? Your solution won't change a thing because more money passing through the Fed simply means the costs of the entity they're funding will continue to rise at a rate far higher than anyone's paycheck. Don't believe me? Take a look at health care, prescription drugs, and higher education.
  7. It's a good thing no Democrats were around in the crafting of the Leftislation or with the ability to create a bill to fix this problem. It's a good thing they won, you know, so they'll fix all these wrongs that have been around for 50 years (40 of which they were already in charge).
  8. I wish politicians cared as much about the poison coming out of my tap than about adults who engage in legal behaviour outdoors or in private establishments. I can't wait to see all you applauding seals when these idiots finally get to something you care about. By then it'll be too late.
  9. I think they should wear full uniforms, like baseball managers do.
  10. That'd be wicked awesome. They could have Halloween and everyone could dress in Dockers and Penny Loafers. At the end of the day we'd be a hell of alot better off if the Fed got completely out of the education business.
  11. Dude, get real. Schools aren't there to teach everything. You want your kid to learn Dungeons and Dragons or whatever belief system you have, teach it to them yourself. They start teaching creationism, that's going to open the door for Palo Mayombe and whatever the fug other retardia other people worship as their "creationism." Though what is seemingly your "everything I ever learned came from public school" makes alot about you make sense.
  12. I'm in agreement with you on the ending, though not how you arrived there. I don't think it establishes a "National Religion" but I'd prefer the government not reallocating public funds to any religious organization for any reason. I'd rather they'd cut taxes significantly and allow people to freely give to their religion of choice. I'd also like to see the religious "business ventures" being taxed the same way their non-religious competition is. It's BS to give them such a leg up.
  13. Hating the current "campaign as a Libertarian, govern as a Liberal" Republican party doesn't make you left of center. It actually makes you smart.
  14. Has this post been bouncing around cyberspace for a decade? Because that's how long SportsCenter has sucked.
  15. A punter. The Retard Rollercoaster would finally hit the apex we all know it's capable of.
  16. Yeah, we're pretty much ignoring the fact that other facets of the team suck. Sorry man, when something sucks - WE TALK ABOUT CHANGING IT. The uniform sucks. Not as bad as Sluggalo, but it still sucks. It's not a coincidence that the Sabres decided to unveil a uniform that sucks even worse and we don't like that either. Welcome to consistancy.
  17. Ah, so now we're pretending America and the way it runs today is the same as it was 500 years ago (VABills math). Gotcha. I get legal immigration and the necessity. That's not the debate.
  18. The one between the George Lucas that made "The Empire Strikes Back" and the George Lucas who made the successive abortions passed off as part of the same story. It's just too bad the wrong guy won.
  19. A fact only made worse by ESPN Classic and their constant showing of the glory years and the fantastically simple uniforms we had then. Either that or the throwback, but get rid of this garbage skow.
  20. I hate that I actually agree with you on something. It makes me keep looking for a meteor.
  21. Using statistics in place of common sense is the reason we are where we are. I'm just saying...
  22. The irony of a liberal telling someone else to get some new material is pretty awesome.
  23. I'm sure he'll make that deal, but only if your side keeps passing itself off as the "intellectuals."
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