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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. It's really a good thing you've never been wrong in your predictions. Final score? Cardinals 3 Mets 1.
  2. It's pretty awesome that a liberal would do say this when the very reason this stuff happens is their overwhelming support of big government in the first place. Liberalism begats government elitism.
  3. No, I'm not telling you they don't. I'm telling you it's the bill of goods they use, and not the actual reason. My reading comprehension is just fine.
  4. I'm not surprised the points eluded you, Ms. Keller.
  5. Of course it doesn't. If we actually held anyone accountable things might actually change. Nothing more than an excuse for the pathetic group you worship.
  6. You do understand the fact that you actually made both my points but called me the moron, right?
  7. Which is meaningless given the lack of quality. UConn, Cincinnati, Illinois, Ohio, South Florida and Howard? Uh, Ed. ND's schedule to this point contains tradition football powers: Michigan, Penn State, UCLA, as well as currently ranked Georgia Tech on the road. They still have the number 4 team in the nation to play. It's a schedule that was considered to be as tough as anyones before the season started. The worst teams on the schedule to this point are Navy and North Carolina, WHO ARE ALSO ON RUTGERS SCHEDULE and are actually higher quality wins than either Howard or Ohio. Rutgers has a single quality win (over Louisville). That's it.
  8. Thank God someone actually wrote something for you to read. Lord knows you're too fuggin' stupid to figure it out on your own.
  9. Do your own research, lemming. You may actually learn something.
  10. Well, now I can die in complete peace. I was just waiting for your validation.
  11. Bull. They could have passed this stuff numerous times over the past 40 years, when they enjoyed majorities in both houses and held the Executive. The simple fact is they won't because it benefits them more to keep people poor.
  12. Gayle Sayers is in and his accomplishments pale in comparison to Davis.
  13. Liberals hate all big business, except the biggest, most corrupt one of them all: the US Government.
  14. Oh, there are people out there who do nice things. I just don't think YOU'RE one of them. Not really. Me+abortion don't work. However, I actually understand the need for it as well as my (and society's) limitations as a person to impart my value set on anyone who doesn't actually live in my house. I'll believe you can stop people from having abortions at the exact same time you can stop people from doing drugs. Guess exactly when that'll be (think: The Rapture). You're right, when abortion was illegal there were no orphanages. In fact, there were so few problems with unwanted children that "Lil' Adopted Annie" was the best attended musical of all time. The government had it so good they didn't have to create agencies at every level to deal with the problem. There are abortions NOW and there are over ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY THOUSAND children each year who aren't adopted. Does that fit into your little "there are no children wandering the streets" theory? Or because YOU, in your life as a poor college kid, don't actually know WTF you're talking about? Yeah, that's it.
  15. I actually meant help more kids get better cable to watch so they stop screwing when they're bored, but your thought works too.
  16. That's not my point. The fast food industry affects everything from commodities to health care. Its success has also had a negative affect on the quality of food you get EVERYWHERE else (especially the grocery store). Bull. That's the parrot speak for the bill of goods the politicians are selling.
  17. That is a great list. I'd have a terrible time narrowing it down (with the exception of Michael Irvin, who can kiss my white Irish ass).
  18. I don't agree that the red ones are the best, but I do agree that their uniforms, along with the Steelers are the best the NFL has to offer. Ours are in the bottom five and that's sad because before we changed we were as good as the previously mentioned two.
  19. Typical liberalspeak. You clowns can always find a peanut in a pile of manure to prove wasting trillions of dollars is a good idea. And why exactly did they have to continue expanding the empire there, Norman Einstein? You gave us examples the end result of systematic corruption and you aren't even smart enough to realize it. Until they morph into the very thing they're supposed be correcting, which historically happens IN EVERY CASE. Don't let that little tidbit get in the way of your torch carrying, though. Gee, can't wait for this pearl of wisdom. You're right, I can't imagine what tidbit of the last wash cycle stuck in the folds of your cerebellum.
  20. Sure you would. Everyone talks a good game. Barbara Streisand and Jessie Jackson are my absolute favorites at that. Adoptions DROP virtually every year. Don't let facts actually get in the way. But hey, let's continue to force your religious beliefs on people in a free country. The Churches got plenty of money. It's just too bad they construct edifices to their own glory instead of doing the right thing. Again, talking a good game. If you zealots were smart, you'd work a hell of alot harder on having the local church organize against the things that actually lead to abortion - but that'd actually be constructive and we all know organized religion ain't the least bit about that. Yeah, I'm sure people would be lining up. Just as I'm sure all the systems (AND MONEY, which you and most of the other zealots don't actually have) required would magically appear if the over 1,000,000 abortions performed annually in this country suddenly came to a stop.
  21. Do we really need to have the "Nature vs Nurture" argument?
  22. If the progressives actually cared about Minimum Wage, they'd simply tie it to the cost of living indexes. Too bad they benefit so much from it remaining crappy, so it looks like they're actually doing something when every decade or so they champion the cause.
  23. How many of the unwanted kids currently without homes are you on the list for? There are about 130,000 between 2 and 10 out there just waiting for one of you caring souls to open your home to them. Oh, that's right. Zealots only rail about the unborn. Screw the ones already here.
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