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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Bull. Depending on whose statistics you believe, there have been 36 million abortions in the US since it was legalized. I'm smart enough to know that there's no way the government could ever handle over a million kids a year and the number of people who want to adopt will eventually dwindle. That says nothing of the ridiculous amount of infrastructure that'd have to be in place or the money that'd take. Think the school funding suck now? Imagine another 12,000,000 kids added. That's EXACTLY what you're advocating. Save the unborn, zealot. Who cares what the downstream affect is? The number of adoptions in the US has been going steadily down for years. That's not a supply problem. Like I said, there are 130K kids a year between the ages of 2 and 10 that are under government care. But it's because everyone wants a shiny newborn! [/sarcasm] I'll believe you idiots can handle the abortion problem the minute you can keep drugs out of our gradeschools with your fear mongering. Because they are. Look at the edifices they continue to build (especially in poor neighborhoods), while crying poverty with their hands out. The Church (along with every organized religion) is about one thing at its core: MONEY. I've seen enough needy people turned away and read enough story about covering pedophilia to save money, thank you very much. As far as looking like a buffoon goes, there isn't an ounce of my being that gives a flying monkey fuk about your opinion. Thanks for the judgement, religious guy. I'm sure God's smiling at your soldiering.
  2. I'd have thought a little more about that sentence before I hit "Return". FWIW, I'm still not sure Price's feet actually touched the ground until he was out of bounds (I wasn't watching in HD). The back judge was right there, so I'll defer - 'specially since it went in our favor.
  3. No surprise. St Pierre was killing Hughes in their first fight and made one fatal mistake. He didn't do that this time and I couldn't be happier. Hughes is lucky as hell he beat BJ.
  4. Robinson should be an expert in this kind of speech. You know, since the Texans have lost to us two consecutive season with Losman playing every snap.
  5. Are you kidding me? He was all over the place, especially in the second half.
  6. Care to point out the exact comments of the neocons?
  7. Yeah, let's do that. Then our military will be completely incompetent in all phases because no one wants to do the actual right thing. Here's an idea: Cut the damn budget and bring the troops home from all the other continents instead and park them right here, along the southern and nothern borders. Let's go back to defending the good ol' USofA and let everyone else worry about the sh-- in their backyard. Go, go CONSTITUTION. Special thanks to Charlie Rangel, though. Gotta love a guy who'll give the idiots something to chew on so they continue to miss the big picture. I do the same things with my dogs.
  8. I think Michigan deserves another crack more than any other team in the nation and it's not even close. I also think Arkansas is playing better than ND, not that it means a whole lot. ND will definitely move up if they can go to SoCal and win - a tall order for the current defense.
  9. Out like a fat kid in dodge ball.
  10. You sleep through the last 5 years? Debbie's been a troll for at least that long.
  11. Please, please don't judge me harshly. I don't know how I'll go on if someone with the intellectual fortitude to use "Joey Balls" as a screen name doesn't respect me...
  12. You caught me, using the genius of another liberal and the stereotyping you clowns supposedly loathe. Good job, though I'm not surprised you needed someone else to tell you how to think. After all, that is your modus operandi - along with most of the other lemmings who follow the liberal mantra. Uh, because most people actually understand sarcasm.
  13. Uh, thanks hypocrite. Sure, the more of it you liberals can get the better. Right? Government is a necessary evil and that's EXACTLY what it is. Because of that, a very tight leash should be kept on the size and scope of it. I know this is mindboggling for you because you see it as something it isn't and will never be. That's OK, your kind has been ruining societies since the dawn of man while trumpeting their efforts as "progressive." I'm crushed that I won't ever make it into your little circle of intellectuals.
  14. Sorry, anyone who regularly pushes/advertises their beliefs on/at others is a nut. As far as you not thinking you're a nut, Charles Manson thinks he's the sanest guy around. But thanks for praying for everyone. I'm sure that'll help.
  15. I left off the all important "by a factor of ten". That makes it much worse.
  16. Too bad DoD is defending Germany, Japan, Korea, England, etc. Regardless of that fact, we're still probably overspending on defense by a ridiculously large percentage that has cost us even more when the big picture is factored in.
  17. Has anyone else heard that MTV actually stopped playing music?
  18. No. I was raised a hypocrite...errr...Catholic. Please don't think less of me because you're so weak minded that you do. I'd be crushed.
  19. Impossible. It's the leveling water theory. The government has gotten more and more involved in our daily lives and virtually the same percentage of people are poor as were before all this crap started.
  20. Expected response. You libs aren't very good at questioning your core values in the face of fact.
  21. Oh, you've been wrong on far more. But you and everyone who's been here longer than a month already know that. Doesn't matter what the sport, your knowledge of it is at best pedestrian and you're pretty much a bandwagon fan. Thanks. I was kinda hoping for your permission to root for the team my family has been rooting for for at least 3 generations.
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