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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. You mean like when an apostrophe is appropriate or the difference between your and you're?
  2. I just send pictures of all the stuff I've killed that year. Keeps the phone calls to a manageable level.
  3. I prefer Darwin's theory to describe this particular instance but you tell yourself whatever you need to for your own "intellectual revolution." It's amazing to watch you people flounder along as if what you're doing is somehow different from what's been going on in America for the last 60 years.
  4. Don't worry. It won't be long before he won't have to ignore you.
  5. Don't worry. You'll get to feel that emotion too. Rutgers. Back in the top 10 in 2149. Every 143 years whether we like it or not.
  6. It was nice to see the heckler not drop to that level. When people are truly pissed they say the most hurtful things possible. Would Michael Richards have said anything to this guy if the guy wasn't being a dick? Nope.
  7. Ah, so Peerless Price, one of the most selfish athletes I've ever seen doesn't go toward JP and it's somehow "his" fault? Ludicrous.
  8. Except high first rounders are generally on teams that give them almost no help, which is why so many of them never make it. Tim Couch immediately comes to mind. No line, no skill position players. Dude had no chance.
  9. Which are still higher than the rest of society. Lowering the standards is a blanket term, used by people like you to stir up the rest of retardia. It wasn't long ago when the Air Force was so selective you couldn't even have a speeding ticket and get in. You are so full of sh--. I'm sure you'll have an excuse for this line because you talked to someone high up - which'll be another of your typical lies. Gee, really? You mean when you're not just there to get some money for college or do a little traveling but instead have to lay your life on the line, people are a little more selective at signing up? That's a gigantic shocker. I'll bet that's never happened before. Now apply that to virtually every single thing you liberals think the government is going to fix. Iraq is a microcosm of how the government works - the difference is YOUR news stations are actually going after some of the meat of the story because it behooves them to. It's too bad they ignore most of the other stuff or sugar coat it. The military leaders are "A-OK" with the leaders because that's their job. It's called "taking orders." It's not a choice. Yeah, they're going to take over the planet.
  10. No. He's bush_fumbles. You should like him - he's your bizarro lefty twin.
  11. Penn might be the most complete fighter in the United States. The only one over here who beats him is him. He has no holes in his game. I'm curious to see how he handles the drop in weight. He's always been a really soft 170, so it might not be a huge deal for him.
  12. Jesus, someone give that Vanessa girl a sandwich. STAT!
  13. Can you believe Al Gore and John Kerry are even bigger LOSERS than I am?
  14. That doesn't make that part of it right. It's the slippery slope that you liberals, for whatever reason, simply don't understand. "They'll just get it anyway!" Perhaps we could write a pro-establishment song about it and make millions off the punk scene.
  15. If they could just have all of your money, the government would do everything!
  16. I'm not sure that had anything to do with it. History says it's pretty dangerous to marry militarily to other nations because you stop doing what's best for yourself. I didn't say that, nor did I imply it. Regardless, unless we want the American taxpayer to continue footing the bill for policing the world, it's time to seriously rethink what we're doing.
  17. I prefer George Washington's perspective on long term military alliances, which is what I was actually referring to. There are certainly times to use force. The seizing of flagged vessels fits that. I fail to see how the two correlate, unless we're going to continue the lame "forward positioning" argument.
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