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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Never. This morning I went to Lowes and just peaked into the store next door. There were literally 300 people in line - it wrapped all the way around the store. I hope saving that little bit of money buying mostly crap you have no use for was worth it.
  2. You made alot more sense when you were trying to kick Timmy's ass. How come you don't stutter when you type? (Note the proper use of a question mark) But seriously, thanks for proving my point. Not only do you know dick about grammar/punctuation (try explaining how that first sentence should have a question mark at the end), but if I actually have to explain why "your" and "you're" sound the same but are actually different fuggin' words, then you are quite possibly the most moronic new poster of the year. That's quite an accomplishment. Congrats.
  3. 1. He's good. 2. He's good. 3. He's good. 4. He's good. 5. He's good. 6. He's good. 7. He's good. 8. He's good. 9. He's good. 10. He SUCKS!
  4. How come no one is talking about how bad Dallas' OLine sucks now that their non-statuesque QB is throwing TD passes all over the place?
  5. Which view am I pushing, Judas? The idea that all men are created equal? Yeah, I hate that one too. How 'bout "judge not, lest ye be judged?" You clowns think that you're somehow going to beat down homosexuality when you can't keep your indoctrinated, certified and stamped "leadership" from raping little boys? Yet I'm a hypocrite? Freedom is only that when it applies to the minority, not just the heterosexual zealots and the single religion they pander to. You want to call that hypocrisy? That reflects a hell of alot more on you than it does me.
  6. Yeah, I wish I could just regurgitate the stuff they feed at the "pay for a date in heaven". That'd make my uber informed just like you are. The world was once flat, too. Perhaps it's more because people aren't killing/abusing them quite so much. Nah, it's got to be because the zealots need something to cling to. Yeah, it's not that they try to be "normal" because it's a hell of alot easier to go along to get along. Nah, one day they just decide to "change" because they're just not having the success in their sex life that they'd expected. And you and the rest of the zealots wonder why people make fun of you. I guess the queers in the Animal Kingdom just need some unforseen higher power to worship so they can get with the program, too. Perhaps "Mother NARTH" will hook them up.
  7. Right. Like the sight of Jim Johnson walking around wouldn't have Drew laying in the fetal position before the first meeting each day.
  8. Couldn't they have dug up someone who's totally dead to perform? You know, instead of just career dead? John Fogerty? What Peter, Paul, and Mary were on vacation?
  9. Whooooooooooooooooooo HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'M A MORAL LIBERAL! Who created God, zealot? Oh, I know. He's just always been there.
  10. Thanks Coach Mularkey. How'd they fare through the air? The fact of the matter is the press was all over Manning when Tiki stepped up and blamed the coaches for the playcalling. The press pretty much left Manning alone after that. It was a veteran move that did a hell of alot MORE for team unity than any of you naysayers seem to understand.
  11. I'm not rude to everyone. Try and figure out why. If it's one of the great and lauded works of fiction, the answer would be no - and I'd read them all by the time I was your age.
  12. That's funny. I put in "Quixote" and "windmills" and the very first link pretty much told me all you'd have needed to know. You'll just have to forgive me for "teaching a man to fish". It's one of my many "nearly biblical" personality flaws.
  13. Which of us has been banned from this site in the past? Oh, that'd be you. That'd be reason number one to not give others advice on proper message board behavior, methinks...
  14. Right. Uh, one of the key facts of the thread is "people don't use what they learn in school" - which was made ironic by the fact that you regularly either misspell or use poor grammar in your posts. I'm sorry that's a difficult thing for you to deal with. Self introspection is supposed to be a Christian trait. I don't like you because you're an idiot. You could be a Wiccan Cleric with Level 5 Magic User for all I care. I don't have a problem. Quite the contrary.
  15. Yeah. I find it more productive than wasting my time worshipping. I'm sure it's possible. However, it's not all that probable. Uh, thanks? I'd hate like hell for you to have to get all internet tough guy. That'd blow my whole image of the majority of you Jesus freaks being hypocrites. Some guys play golf.
  16. Why is the draft considered the best resource?
  17. Great. Our resident binge drinking, DUI getting, crazy man now has a reason to get sloshed.
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